This beat is based on an old children's toy "The Cup Game". (It's on Full House and Zoom) Lulu and the Lampshades created it, Pitch Perfect popularized it, and Anna Kendrick popularized it even more. Here are the steps if you want to learn.

Step 1. Find a plastic cup that is a bit heavy (if you can or have one, use a bottle)
You can also use plastic cups or disposable paper cups. The heavier your cup the safer it is because it's hard to throw when you perform this song.

Step 2. Place the cup face down on a table or other hard surface
Place it right in front of you.
Method 1 of 2: Right Handed People

Step 1. Clap your hands twice

Step 2. Hit the top of the cup three times
Once with the right hand, then the left, then the right again. You can also hit the table.

Step 3. Applause

Step 4. Lift the cup with your right hand about 5cm above the table

Step 5. Move the cup about 15cm to your right and place it down again
This will produce a sound when it hits the table.

Step 6. Clap once

Step 7. Turn your right hand over and take the cup
Your thumb should be facing down towards the table.

Step 8. Lift the cup and hit the open with your left palm

Step 9. Turn the cup over to the table
Don't let go of the cup.

Step 10. Lift the cup again and hit the bottom with your left palm

Step 11. Grasp the bottom of the cup with your left hand

Step 12. Hit your right hand down on the table in front of you

Step 13. Cross your left arm over your right arm and place the cup upside down on the table
This will produce sound.

Step 14. Repeat
Method 2 of 2: Lefties

Step 1. Clap your hands twice

Step 2. Hit the top of the cup three times
Once with the left hand, then the right, then the left again. You can also hit the table.

Step 3. Clap once

Step 4. Lift the cup with your left hand about 5cm above the table

Step 5. Move the cup about 15cm to your left and place it down again
This will produce a sound when it hits the table.

Step 6. Clap once

Step 7. Turn your left hand and take the cup
Your thumb should be facing down towards the table.

Step 8. Lift the cup and hit the open with your right palm

Step 9. Turn the cup onto the table
Don't let go of the cup.

Step 10. Lift the cup again and hit the bottom with the right palm

Step 11. Grasp the bottom of the cup with your right hand

Step 12. Hit your left hand down on the table in front of you

Step 13. Cross your right arm over your left and place the cup upside down on the table
This will produce sound.

Step 14. Repeat
- Performing on a hard surface will produce a better sound,
- If you keep practicing, you'll get better at it.
- Practice until this song will ring in your head so you can do this beat anywhere.
- When you are comfortable with the movement, you can try singing. "You're Gonna Miss Me" is one of the most popular songs but any song with a 4/4 beat really fits. Search about Cup Song on Youtube, so you can understand these instructions better. Or give it a try with "Cups (Pitch Perfect's When I'm Gone) by Anna Kendrick.
- With each repetition of the song, try to be clearer. It might be a bit difficult, but keep trying.
- Mutter the beat of this song in your head. This is quite helpful.
- The taller cup is easier to move.
- If you don't have a cup at school, you can practice the rhythm with your hands or on your friend's back. If you have free time in class, use glue or an eraser.
- If you want a challenge, bring a friend along and create a competition. The rule is that everyone has to make 3 changes to the song. Invite some friends to judge who is the best.
- If you're a visual learner, write down this pattern to follow while you're practicing: 2x clap / tap tap tap / tap down / hands to the table.
- Do not slam the cup too hard as it will damage it.
- Don't use metal cups because it will hurt your hands