Everyone gets headaches from time to time, and you may be tempted to pretend you have them in order to avoid something you don't want to do. However, pretending to be sick can get you in trouble if caught. If you want to fake a headache, here are some steps you can take to make your charade look real.
Part 1 of 2: Showing the Symptoms

Step 1. Understand the symptoms of a headache
You can't pretend to be sick if you don't understand what's wrong with you. If you complain of having a severe headache, make sure you clearly understand the type of headache so you can explain to the other person what's wrong with you when they ask. If you're trying to avoid an event, make sure you emphasize any bad symptoms you're experiencing. This way, you'll look real so you can avoid anything you don't want to do.

Step 2. Complain of pain in the temples
One of the main symptoms of a headache is pain around the temples or forehead. Hold your hands on your head and massage your temples when you complain about the pain you are experiencing. You can even moan or make uncomfortable noises to show your pain.

Step 3. Avoid light and sound
Sensitivity to light and sound is a common symptom of severe headaches. To fake this symptom, close or squint your eyes, indicating if the presence of distracting light or sound is too much for you. Avoid going to places where there is too much noise or light as this can cause a lot of pain if you really have a headache.
Do not show these symptoms excessively. Of course, you want to be trusted and not arouse suspicion. Do it carefully and don't overdo it

Step 4. Start slowly
Most headaches don't start automatically, so start complaining about the symptoms slowly. You have to be wise about the actions you will take or you will appear to be pretending. Start commenting if your head hurts a little. After a while, massage the temples of your head, complaining about the pressure you feel on your head. Then tell if light and sound start to bother you. Showing these symptoms is the only way to get people to believe in you.
Part 2 of 2: Taking Action

Step 1. Go to sleep early
If you're trying to convince other people (such as your parents) that you have a headache, you need to go to sleep early. Headaches are painful, and sleep can help reduce symptoms.
If you're not actually sleepy, find activities to do in your room without making noise that will help you pass the time until you're completely exhausted. Basically, faking a headache is meant to keep you from doing things you don't want to do, so use this time to do whatever you want to do

Step 2. Be a quick-tempered person
When you're having a headache, things that seem normal tend to get annoying. When faking a headache, pretend that certain things are bothering you more than usual. React differently to the people around you and get annoyed at things that don't usually bother you. This will make others think that the headache pain is starting to affect you.

Step 3. Show if you're not excited
Pain can absorb the energy you have in you because your body is trying to fix whatever is making you feel unwell. Don't walk around at a light pace or act too excited. Walk more slowly with your head down, as if you're going through too much trouble because of a headache. Do your routine at a slower pace and complain that you feel tired faster.

Step 4. Looks sick
People who are experiencing headaches do not have a bright and happy face. Try tousling your hair, applying light powder to your skin to make it look paler, or darkening under-eye circles with makeup. If you want people to believe you have a severe headache, you need to appear weak and uncomfortable.
Research shows that the way a person moves his mouth is related to the belief in the symptoms of a disease. Reduce the movement of your mouth, make your face look gloomy without doing too much mouth movement

Step 5. Don't suddenly get healthy
Headaches don't go away instantly. When you're done faking your headache, gradually show others that you're feeling better. Make sure that the process doesn't look too fast. Tell us how tired you are, which is a common side effect of headaches. This will help everyone believe your story and make it easier to fake a headache in the future.