To learn one of the game's strongest screams, you'll have to meet the legendary Greybeards and prove your worth. The mute monks lead a secluded life atop the highest mountain in Skyrim. The journey up the Throat of the World is exhausting and dangerous. You can go to High Hrothgar after receiving the quest “The Way of the Voice” from Jarl Balgruuf.
Part 1 of 3: Heading to Ivarstead

Step 1. Load up on supplies and install good weapons
The journey to High Hrotgar is long and treacherous, so make sure you have plenty of supplies. Take health potions and the best weapons and armor you have.
- Visit the shops in Whiterun to buy all the travel preparations. The "Warmaiden's" which is near the entrance gate sells weapons and armor. For archer characters, Elrindir in "Drunken Huntsman" has bows and arrows for sale. Visit Farengar in Dragonsreach to buy magic and magic wands.
- "Belethor's General Goods" sells various discounted items every day.
- "Arcadia's Cauldron" sells potions and elixirs.

Step 2. Recruit Lydia
You will meet Lydia immediately after defeating the dragon outside of Whiterun. Help from Lydia (or another partner) will make your journey easier.
If Lydia hasn't been recruited yet, you can find her at Dragonsreach (unless you've already purchased Breezehome, then Lydia can be found there). Talk to Lydia to recruit her

Step 3. Activate the "Way of the Voice" quest
Start the quest by talking to Jarl Balgruuf after defeating the dragon in Whiterun. He would provide information about the Greybeards in High Hrothgar and mark the city of Ivarstead on the map.
If you want to save time, you can fast travel to Helgen (where the prologue takes place) and walk east to reach Ivarstead. This route is fast, but you'll miss a lot of locations and miss your chance to get items and XP

Step 4. Go east of Whiterun
Before climbing The Throat of the World, you have to go to Ivarstead first. This trip takes place around the foot of the mountain. Along the way, you will find various locations that can be visited now or later.
Take the road east past Horningbrew Meadery and through the White River. You'll see a road sign that leads to Ivarstead

Step 5. Follow the path around the mountain
You will face some bandits and Saber Cat. Cross the Darkwater River and continue following the path until you come to a fork. Take the road to the southwest. If you pass Snapleg Cave and Sarethi Farm, then you are on the right path. If you encounter Mistwatch, the path you are taking is wrong.
- When you reach Honeystrand Cave, head north. After crossing the small bridge, you have arrived at Ivarstead.
- Pay attention to the direction markers on the road if you get lost. Follow the signs to Ivarstead.
Part 2 of 3: Mountain Climbing

Step 1. Talk to Klimmek
Once you get to Ivarstead and approach the bridge that leads to the 7,000 steps, you'll see two men having a conversation. Talk to Klimmek, and he will warn of the dangers to come. You can also take an optional quest to deliver supplies to the Greybeards.
It is highly recommended to take the quest to deliver supplies. This quest can be completed in one go and the rewards are decent

Step 2. Check the temple first
There are ten shrines along the stairs to High Hrothgar. The first shrine can be found across the bridge where you meet Klimmek. Be sure to read Etched Tablet. By reading all the tablets along the stairs one more Roar will be unlocked and usable.
See the next section for details on the location of these temples

Step 3. Continue climbing to the top
Once you reach the snowy area, some wolves will attack you. Use marker stones to make trails in case you get lost.

Step 4. Fight or flee the Frost Troll
You may encounter trolls when you reach the granite gullies. The Frost Troll is the most formidable opponent along this hike. There are several ways to get past this creature.
- Try sneaking past the Trolls at night.
- You can also use the side of the gutter to avoid trolls. Or, use ranged attacks from the cliffs to defeat the Frost Trolls without having to worry about counterattacks.
- You can fight the Frost Troll directly. Lydia will make this fight a little easier. Use fire elemental attacks for maximum damage.
- Grab the enemy's attention and retreat to the stairs. Karita will help you against enemies.

Step 5. Continue climbing
You are near the top if you see the double steps. This is the entrance of High Hrothgar.
This journey takes approximately 15 minutes, depending on the number and type of enemies you encounter

Step 6. Place the offering into the chest
If the quest from Klimmek is taken, be sure to put the offering in the chest before entering High Hrothgar.

Step 7. Find Arngeir and talk to him
He is the leader of the Greybeard monks. Talk to him to continue the main story quest.
Part 3 of 3: Finding the temples

Step 1. The first temple
It's at the base of the stairs, across the bridge at Ivarstead.

Step 2. The second temple
Be in the area just before the snow starts to appear. Barknar can usually be found praying in this temple.

Step 3. The third temple
Being on a small plateau after facing the wolves

Step 4. Fourth temple
Located in a small grove of cypress trees. Karita can be found in this shrine.

Step 5. The fifth temple
Located in the area after the Frost Troll attack.

Step 6. The sixth temple
Being near the rock trail after the blizzard got worse.

Step 7. The seventh temple
It's dangerous outcropping on the west side of the stairs.

Step 8. The eighth temple
It was in front of some rocks protruding from the ground.

Step 9. The ninth temple
Standing in front of the statue of Talos as it approaches High Hrothgar.

Step 10. The tenth temple
The tenth and final shrine is to the right of the stairs leading to High Hrothgar.