Regirock is one of the 3 legendary Pokémon in the Hoenn area. Regirock has very high defense and some say that Regirock is even capable of healing itself with any stone it finds. You might have a hard time finding them, especially since you'll have to solve several puzzles in the process to find them. Follow this guide to learn how to find Regirock in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Black 2, and White 2.
Method 1 of 2: Getting Regirock in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald

Step 1. Prepare your group
Add Wailord and Relicanth to your group. Wailord and Relicanth are required in solving the Sealed Chamber puzzle. You'll also need Surf, Dive, Dig, Strength, and Rock Smash skills. Fly skills will also make it easier for you.

Step 2. Solve the Sealed Chamber puzzle
To get into Regirock's lair, you need to solve Braille puzzles in the Sealed Chamber. The Sealed Chamber can be accessed by diving in the middle of the rock formations on Route 134. The rock formations can be found if you head downhill from Route 134, about half way.
- Inside the Sealed Chamber, walk to the Braille code at the far end of the cave. Stand in the middle and use Dig. This will open the door to the second room.
- Walk to the back of the room. In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, place Wailord as the first Pokémon in the group and Relicanth as the last Pokémon in the group. In Pokémon Emerald, place Relicanth as the first Pokémon and Wailord as the last Pokémon.
- Read the sign at the back of the room, and you'll get a message that a door somewhere far away has opened. If your Pokémon group isn't structured correctly, you won't get this message.

Step 3. Gather supplies to take on Regirock
Regirock is at level 40 and has high defense, so be prepared for a long fight. Make sure that you have enough healing items if you don't think they're strong enough to withstand a lot of attacks, and be sure to also stock up on Great Balls and Ultra Balls. Have at least 10 of each of these balls, but it's better if you have more.

Step 4. Find the Desert Ruins
Go to Mauville City. Head north onto Route 111, then walk to the top right corner. You'll need Rock Smash to get past the boulder, and you'll be able to visit the desert area on the right after that.
Walk straight down as you enter the desert area and you will find a door in the middle of the stone ring. This is the entrance to the Desert Ruins

Step 5. Walk to the back of the room
You will find a large wall with lots of Braille codes. Stand facing the center of the Braille code.
- For Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, walk right twice, then down twice. Use the Strength skill. A door will open in the Braille code.
- In Pokémon Emerald, walk left twice, then down twice. Use the Rock Smash skill. A door will open in the Braille code.

Step 6. Start fighting with Regirock
Before starting a fight, save your game to prevent yourself from killing Regirock and you have to start again. Walk to the center of the room and talk to the statue there. This will start the fight with Regirock.
- Reduce Regirock's blood to about 5% or less. Start using Great Balls and Ultra Balls to try to catch them. You will probably spend quite a lot of balls to catch them.
- If you have a Master Ball, you can catch it directly.
Method 2 of 2: Getting Regirock in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Step 1. Complete the game
To be able to access Regirock, you must complete the main story. This will give you access to the Clay Tunnel, which can be accessed from Driftveil City.

Step 2. Walk to the back of the tunnel
You'll likely have to fight quite a number of opponents to reach the back of the tunnel, so make sure that you have a strong group and lots of healing items. Repel will prevent you from being attacked by wild Pokémon.

Step 3. Stand in the center of the circle symbol
At the back of the cave, will you a large door with a symbol on the ground in front of the door. Stand in the center of the symbol.
- Walk down 6 steps.
- Walk to the right 9 steps.
- Press the A button. A message will appear stating that you are standing on a switch. Press A again to press the switch.

Step 4. Walk back to the big door
Enter through the door and go to the back of the room. There will be a statue of Regirock in the center of a small room. Talk to him to start the fight.
Save the game before you start the fight

Step 5. Capture Regirock
Regirock is at level 65, so make sure that your group is up for the challenge. Reduce Regirock's blood to about 5% remaining, then start throwing Poke Balls at him. You will have higher luck with Dusk Ball or Great Ball. If you have a Master Ball, you can throw it without attacking it at all.