Sending postcards to friends, family, and loved ones while traveling is a great way to show affection, as well as give an idea of the locations you visit or live in. Choose a postcard with the right image and understand the general layout of the postcard so that your message can be conveyed well (to the right people of course). Also, recognize how to compose a message for the recipient so that the message can summarize or describe your journey without running out of writing space. This way, the postcard sent will feel meaningful to both you and the recipient.
Part 1 of 3: Formatting Postcards

Step 1. Choose a postcard that represents you or your journey
One of the advantages of postcards is that you can choose the image you want. Think about the recipient of the card and decide on an image you think he or she will like.
Postcards are usually sold in gift shops, convenience stores, or on the streets of popular tourist areas
If you're on the go, look for postcards with photos of your favorite places you've visited on your trip.

Step 2. Write a message on the back of the card, on its left side
Turn over the postcard. You'll see a vertical line in the center of the card with a blank column to the left, and a lined space to the right. Write the recipient's address in the lined space to the right of the vertical line. You will also need to include your full name, address, postal code, province/state and recipient country.
- Do not write on the front of the card because the postal service will not look for information on the front of the card.
- Write the information as clear and concise as possible. Use a pen instead of a marker. Your writing will not smudge when exposed to water.

Step 3. Paste the stamp on the top right corner of the card
You can buy stamps for the city/country visited from a bank, post office, convenience store, or even a gas station. If you are abroad and need stamps from your home country, you can order them online. Lick the back of the stamp (or coat it with glue), then place the stamp on the frame provided in the top right corner of the postcard.
- You can buy stamps from the post office.
- Make sure you stick the stamp in the top right corner of the back of the card. If you paste the stamp elsewhere, there is a chance that the card will be lost and not delivered.

Step 4. Write the date on the top left corner of the back of the card
The date information helps the recipient remember what you wrote when he or she finds and rereads the card you sent. You can also include the name of the city or place occupied below or above the date. For example, you could write it as follows:
- 4th July 2021
- Grand Canyon, Arizona

Step 5. Write the greeting for the recipient on the left side of the card
A greeting will make the recipient feel special and appreciated, and add a personal lettering touch to the postcard. Write the greeting in the upper left corner of the back of the card and leave space for a note or message below it.
- If you want to write a formal message, you can write it as follows: “To (Name).”
- For a more casual message, you can start with “Hello, (name)!”

Step 6. Write a message on the left side of the postcard
Postcards are an attractive messaging medium because of the limitations you need to pay attention to in the writing process. Therefore, you are challenged to write a short message, but still sweet. As you write your message on the left side of the card, make sure you leave enough space and plan what you want to write. Don't run out of space to write while thinking about the message you want to convey!
After writing the message, don't forget to put your signature in the lower left corner of the card.
Part 2 of 3: Writing Postcards

Step 1. Remember a day you loved on your trip
Because postcards are small, it will be difficult for you to tell the whole journey. Tell us about a day or memory that you enjoy so you don't run out of space to write. Tell the recipient what you liked about the day and what specifically stood out to you.
- Add as much detail as possible, but keep an eye on the remaining space.
- If the card was purchased or obtained from a specific place (eg the Grand Canyon), try to describe the place. You can still send more postcards from other places.

Step 2. Say something personal and touching
Let the recipient know that you missed him or her or thought about him along the way, and can't wait to see him again. Here are some examples of appropriate sentences to start a message on a postcard:
- "I am always thinking of you."
- "I wish you were here with me!"
Begin the message with all your thoughts about the recipient so that he or she feels loved.

Step 3. Tell us about the weather in the place you visited or lived
Describe your day, especially in a weather you find interesting (eg when it rains or snows). You can also tell how beautiful the weather you experienced or saw. By describing the weather conditions in the place you live or visit, the recipient will feel closer to you. P
You don't need to describe the weather in detail. Short explanations like “It's so hot in here!” or “It's so cold here. I have to wear two jackets!” felt enough.

Step 4. Tell us about your favorite food on the way
Tell the recipient of the restaurant or dining area visited, the menu ordered, and the taste of the food. The details you add about the food you enjoyed give a clearer picture of your journey and give the recipient the opportunity to connect with your experience in a new way.
Although it's not required, it's a good idea to talk about the foods that are typical of the region or city you're visiting

Step 5. Finish the postcard with your plans for the future
Whether you're planning to visit another place or going straight home, you can share your plans for the future. Make a short plan for the rest of the trip or at least a rough outline to let the recipient or postcard reader know where you're going next.
If you're planning to come home right away after a vacation or trip, you can end your postcard with a "See you later!" or “I can't wait to see you!”
Part 3 of 3: Avoiding Common Mistakes

Step 1. Don't write anything too personal
Since the back of the postcard is visible, anyone who picks it up can read what you wrote. Don't write down things you shouldn't tell strangers like bank account information, personal secrets, or things someone could use to steal your identity.
If you need to mention something personal to someone, it's a good idea to write a letter.
Keep in mind that the information you put on the back of the postcard will be visible.

Step 2. Make sure the writing doesn't reach the right side of the postcard
Limit the writing to stay on the left side of the postcard so that the card can be delivered and arrived at its destination properly. If the message takes up address space on the postcard (right side of the card), the address will be difficult to read and the card cannot be delivered from the post office.
If you want to say more, try sending a letter to accompany the postcard. Write short messages on cards, and make longer messages on letters

Step 3. Add a return address if you are going to stay in one place for a long period of time
Write the return address in the top-left corner of the postcard. If you plan to travel within one month of the postcard being sent, the return address you need to include is the next destination address. However, adding a return address is more appropriate if you know exactly where to visit or stay over time.
If you travel a lot on your trips, don't add a return address. By the time the recipient gets the postcard and sends a letter or postcard in response, you may have moved elsewhere.

Step 4. Make sure your writing is clear and legible, especially when writing addresses
Sloppy or unclear handwriting risks making the postal clerk send the card to the wrong address (or throw it away). If you're not sure about the clarity of your handwriting, practice on another piece of paper before writing the address on a postcard. Make sure you write down the address clearly, both the recipient's address and the return address.