How to Have a Great Voice: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Have a Great Voice: 12 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Have a Great Voice: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Do you think you have a strange voice? Don't like your husky voice? Believe it or not, sound is not permanent, even in adults. Almost all aspects of sound, from depth to volume, can be adjusted with enough practice. Speech is really just a vocal habit that can be changed and corrected.


Part 1 of 3: Checking the Sound

Have a Nice Voice Step 1
Have a Nice Voice Step 1

Step 1. Know some of the factors that affect sound

The first step to improving your sound is knowing what you sound like now. There are six categories that affect the human voice profile:

  • Volume: How loud are you talking?
  • Articulation: Are your words muffled or muted?
  • Voice quality: Is your voice hoarse, wheezing, or hoarse?
  • Overall tone: Are you speaking in a high pitched tone or a deep low?
  • Tone variations: Do you speak in a monotone voice?
  • Speed: Are you speaking too fast or too slowly?
Have a Nice Voice Step 2
Have a Nice Voice Step 2

Step 2. Record your voice

To find out what your voice sounds like now, record and listen. This might be a little weird because a lot of people don't like their voices from recordings, but it's very close to what people hear when you speak. Record your voice with an audio program like Garageband, then hear the details that make up the profile of vocals, volume, articulation, quality, pitch, variety, and speed.

By recording and listening to your voice, you can objectively understand how your voice sounds when people hear it. Take note of audible flaws, such as meaningless mumbling and filler words, nasal quality, and more. Write down everything you notice

Have a Nice Voice Step 3
Have a Nice Voice Step 3

Step 3. Decide what kind of sound you want

Look at the notes and notice any weaknesses. Think about how it compares to the sound you want. Not everyone has the same desires. For example, a woman with a low, hoarse voice may want to raise her pitch and have a smoother vocal quality, while a man who speaks quickly and in a high pitch may want to slow down and deepen his voice.

Part 2 of 3: Projecting the Best Sound

Have a Nice Voice Step 4
Have a Nice Voice Step 4

Step 1. Improve breathing

The sound begins with the breath. So, a good voice begins with good breathing. Ideally, you should always breathe from your diaphragm, slowly and steadily. Begin the exercise by placing your hands on your stomach and breathing deeply until your stomach expands and contracts with each inhalation and exhalation. Do this exercise several times a day.

Another breathing exercise is reading paragraphs with a mixture of long and short sentences. Take one deep breath for each sentence, exhaling little by little as you read. Then, take a breath and start the next sentence. This is just an exercise to increase the power of breath, not for normal speech

Have a Nice Voice Step 5
Have a Nice Voice Step 5

Step 2. Reduce speed and eliminate filler words

Talking quickly makes you sound insecure and difficult to understand. One way to improve sound quality is to reduce the speed. Practice reading, first at your usual pace and then slower. Another way is to read a list of numbers such as long telephone numbers while writing them down in empty air. That is the ideal speed to speak clearly and naturally.

Have a Nice Voice Step 6
Have a Nice Voice Step 6

Step 3. Pay attention to the tone of voice

How much or less practice it takes to change the highs and lows of your voice will depend on your current pitch and variations. Practice your overall tone by speaking in a lower voice as often as possible. Do it gradually, half a note lower each time. Practice pitch variations with different intonations in sentences to add interest and emotion. Two exercises you can do are:

  • Say a word with two syllables over and over again in varying pitch. There are four types of pitch changes, namely up, down, up then down, and down then up.
  • Repeat a sentence many times and change the tone of the stressed word. For example, "I didn't steal the bike." One by emphasizing that you didn't steal the bike, and second by emphasizing "no." Then, imply that you did something to the bike, but didn't steal it. Lastly, imply that you stole something that wasn't the bike.
Have a Nice Voice Step 7
Have a Nice Voice Step 7

Step 4. Open your mouth and jaw wider

Start speaking with a more relaxed mouth and jaw. It is best to practice on your own by exaggerating facial movements when speaking. Open your mouth wide as you make "oh" and "ah" sounds, and lower your jaw as far as you can. Add this to your daily practice.

Have a Nice Voice Step 8
Have a Nice Voice Step 8

Step 5. Learn exercises to relax your voice

If your voice doesn't relax, you'll be speaking from your throat, not your diaphragm. The voice that came out also sounded tense, rough, and forced. To relax your voice, follow the method below several times a day:

  • Start by placing your hand on your throat and speaking normally, paying attention to tightness in your throat and jaw.
  • Yawn widely and let your jaw drop as much as possible. End the yawn with a "hoaam." Continue the "aam" for a few seconds with pursed lips while moving your jaw from side to side. Do it several times.
  • Say "a i u e o" by exaggerating facial movements. Yawn again if your throat feels a little tired.
  • Use your fingers to gently massage the throat muscles.
  • Relax your throat while repeating the following sounds slowly: "na", "ne", "ni", "no", "nu".

Part 3 of 3: Improve the Sound Further

Have a Nice Voice Step 9
Have a Nice Voice Step 9

Step 1. Listen to the details of your voice

To practice the details of the voice, you have to record again. Read long paragraphs and try to make your voice relaxed, low, and clear. Then, listen to the recording and note what areas are still missing. Practice reading the same paragraph better, then record it. Compare the first and second versions, and note the improvements achieved. Repeat this process until you are satisfied with the result.

Do this exercise frequently to target the specific details in the sound that you most want to improve

Have a Nice Voice Step 10
Have a Nice Voice Step 10

Step 2. Listen to good sound

Download some podcasts and audiobooks. Listen to how the reader controls the voice, the way they articulate words, and the alternation of high and low notes. Listening to a good voice is part of the development of making your voice better. In addition, we usually learn more easily from examples. So, often listening to good sound will affect your own voice.

Have a Nice Voice Step 11
Have a Nice Voice Step 11

Step 3. Take a speech art lesson

The best and most effective way to improve your voice is through professional vocal training. Find a vocal teacher in your area to request an assessment. After meeting a vocal teacher, you'll discover new ways to project and improve your voice.

Have a Nice Voice Step 12
Have a Nice Voice Step 12

Step 4. Try drama or singing lessons

This is a fun way to improve how your voice is received by others. Singing and speaking are closely related. So, improvements in one area will lead to improvements in the other. Find information about singing lessons in your area.


  • If your voice is hoarse, drink plenty of water. Water not only helps sound, it's also good for your health.
  • Do not drink a lot of cold water because it can cause hoarseness. Instead, drink plain water.
  • Just be confident no matter what your voice is. Don't let worry about your voice keep you from speaking. If people hear your voice often, they will start to like it.
