So you want to say I don't know in French, but you don't know how to say so you don't know how to say I don't know. Do not be afraid. Say Je ne sais pas (juh-nuh-say-pah) for simple I don't know phrases or learn more complex phrases to communicate further.
Method 1 of 2: Je ne sais pas

Step 1. Say Je ne sais pas
This phrase translates directly to I don't know [a certain thing]. Pronounce it as juh-nuh-say-pah or shu-nu-say-pah. To pronounce je like shu, make your mouth sound as if you're saying sh or sy but continue the sh or sy sound with eu. Ne is pretty much the same: just replace the sh sound with n.
- Note: in modern spoken French, the words je and ne (me, me and not) are often spoken in a continuous manner. So you'll sound more natural if you pronounce the syllable less clearly-like jeun-say-pah or even shay-pah.
- If you want to be polite, say Sorry, I don't know. In French, the phrase used is Je ne sais pas, deslolée. Pronounce desolée as dez-oh-lay.
- Note that the negative word ne is always used in written French, but is often omitted in informal spoken French. For example, a person can say to his friend, Je sais pas and the meaning is I don't know.

Step 2. Understand the function of each word in the phrase je ne sais pas
Je, ne, sais, and pas:
- Je is the first person subject or I, I.
- Sais is the first person conjugation of savoir, which is a verb that can be translated to know something. Always put ne before a verbal word and put it right after it.
- Pas is loosely translated to no.
- Ne does not mean anything and is used as a grammatical formality used in conjunction with pas. This is the reason someone speaking informally can omit the word ne and just say Je sais pas.

Step 3. Use Je ne sais pas in sentences
Add something you don't know at the end of the phrase - it could be information or something that you're not familiar with. Review the following examples:
- Je ne sais pas parler français means I don't know how to speak French.
- Je ne sais pas la réponse means I don't know the answer.
- Je ne sais pas nager means I don't know how to swim.
- Je ne sais quoi faire means I don't know what to do. Pas is not needed in this example because the verb is used together with the question word (what).
Method 2 of 2: Other Useful Phrases

Step 1. Tell Je ne comprends pas
This phrase means I don't understand. Pronounce it as juh-nuh com-prond pah. This is a good phrase to use if you're trying to have a conversation with someone in French, but you don't understand something they just said. If you say it politely, chances are the other person will understand.

Step 2. Say Je ne parle pas (le) français
This phrase translates to I don't speak French. Pronounce it as juh-nuh pahl-pah frahn-say. This is a nice and polite way to let people know that you can't have a conversation in French. However, if you want to try to start a conversation with someone, you can say Je ne parle qu'un peu le français, - I only speak a little French. Pronounce it as juh-nuh pahl koon pay-oo le frahn-say.
- If someone stops you on the Paris metro and starts speaking aggressively to you in sloppy French, you may be able to get away from them by feigning confusion and saying Je ne parle pas français.
- If you're trying to impress your boyfriend's French grandparents, smile and shyly say Je suis desolée-je ne parle qu'un peu le français.

Step 3. Say Parlez-vous anglais?
. This phrase translates directly to Do you speak English? Say as Par-lay-voo ahn-glay? If you are learning French and are a beginner, you may come across situations where communicating efficiently is a matter of safety or convenience. Depending on your location, you may or may not find someone who speaks fluent English -however, it is still an important one to remember.

Step 4. Say Je ne connais pas cette personne/place
This phrase means I don't know this/that person/this place. Pronounce it as Juh-nuh-conn-eye pah. Personne (pronounced pair-sohn) means person. Place (pronounced plahss) literally means place.
Add the name of a specific person or place to the end of the phrase to make it even more specific. For example Jene connais pas Guillaume or Jen ne connais fits Avignon

Step 5. Say Je ne sais quoi
This is an expression that means I don't know what or I don't know how to explain/say it. Jen sais quoi is a characteristic that is difficult to define and understand, usually signifying a positive and descriptive trait or characteristic of a person. This phrase is often included in everyday English conversation. For example, the actress has a certain je ne sais quoi (something I can't explain) that instantly fascinates everyone she meets. Say this phrase as juh-nuh-say-kwa and imitate a French accent if possible.