Basically, baking cakes is a fun activity… if the results are according to your plan. Do not worry; This article is here to help you identify problems with cake creation, save cakes that have already failed, and prevent the same error from happening again in the future.

Step 1. Don't panic
Remember, there is always a solution for everything! Focus on the first salvage action you can take before rushing into a sprint to the supermarket for new ingredients.
Don't be afraid to learn from mistakes. The process of baking is an art, and mistakes are an important key to perfecting any art form! Enjoy mistakes as much as you enjoy success; surely, sooner or later you will definitely transform into a more skilled cake maker
Method 1 of 11: Burnt Cake

Step 1. Fix the burnt cake
Generally, a charred cake will be immediately detected by its aroma. Before you squeal in anger and throw it in the trash in annoyance, try applying the tips below first.

Step 2. See if you can cut off the burnt part
If the burnt area is not too much, you can apply this tip with caution. Once all the scorch is removed, coat the top of the cake with frosting or icing.
If the burn level of the cake is too severe, do not practice the tips above. Be careful, chances are the overall taste, texture and aroma of the cake can't be saved anymore

Step 3. Use a metal sieve to remove any burnt parts
Rub a sieve over the charred surface of the cake; surely the burnt part will disappear without destroying the texture of the cake.

Step 4. Always use a timer when cooking
This step should be done to monitor the baking time.
To prevent the surface of the cake from burning, cut two parchment paper into circles that are larger than the diameter of the baking sheet. Cover the surface of the cake with parchment paper before baking it in the oven
Method 2 of 11: Cakes That Deflate When Cooked

Step 1. Fix the deflated cake
Generally, a cake will deflate because a part of it is undercooked (or because the oven door was opened at the wrong time). Therefore, always use a toothpick or fork to check the doneness of the cake before removing it from the oven. However, if your cakes end up deflated as they cook, try practicing the tips below.

Step 2. Discard the center of the deflated cake
No one forbids you to serve tulban cake, right?

Step 3. Turn the failed cake into baked Alaska or trifle
Don't worry, the taste will still shake the tongue of anyone who eats it! You can also chop it while it's warm and cover the surface with syrup or a sweet sauce just like a pudding.

Step 4. Crumble the deflated cake and use it as a tart topping
Add an egg white and grated coconut to the crumbled cake, sprinkle on top of the pie, and bake until done.

Step 5. Fill the hole with whipped cream and fruit
To make it taste and look even more appealing, pour some fruit juice or alcohol over the deflated area before adding the cream and fruit.
Method 3 of 11: Bloated Cake

Step 1. If the surface of your cake is puffy like the top of a mountain, slice it off and turn the cake upside down
You can apply frosting to the base of the cake.

Step 2. Avoid the same error happening again
Generally, cakes will be wavy or puffy if baked in too hot a temperature. Therefore, always check the correct temperature of your oven when baking cakes.
The problem can also be caused by too much liquid in a pan that is too small. As a result, the cake cracked and ended up bulging. To prevent it from happening again, make sure you use a larger baking pan in the future. Similar problems are often caused by the shape of the pans used (such as tulban and white bread pans)
Method 4 of 11: Dry or Hard Cake

Step 1. Slice the cake into thin slices and grease with butter

Step 2. Pierce the cake, then sprinkle the surface with alcohol or fruit juice
Wrap the cake tightly in a plastic bag and let sit for 2-3 days or until the texture is damp.

Step 3. Place a loaf of bread in the cake tin
Close the container tightly and let stand for 2 days. When you open it, you'll find that the liquid from the bread has seeped into the cake and increased its moisture. Throw away unused bread.

Step 4. Turn dry-textured cupcakes or muffins into cake balls

Step 5. Cut the dry sponge cake into two equal parts
After that, make a syrup from 60 grams of sugar diluted with 3 tbsp. water and 2 tbsp. fruit juice. Spread the sugar syrup over the surface of the sponge cake, then add the creamy filling and sliced fruit on top.

Step 6. Slice dry-textured fruit cakes and sauté briefly in butter
Serve in a bowl with brandy butter; This snack is the perfect fruit pudding substitute.
Method 5 of 11: Cracked Cake (Clumps of Sugar and Butter Formed)

Step 1. Fix the broken cake
Cracked cakes indicate that the sugar and butter in the dough were not mixed properly (or that you used too much sugar in the recipe). Don't worry, you can always fix the error next time.
White spots on the surface of the cake indicate that some of the sugar in the cake is not mixing well with the rest of the dough. To prevent it from happening again, make sure you use a finer granular sugar at a later date
Method 6 of 11: Shrinking Cake

Step 1. Fix the shrinking cake
Cakes may shrink if exposed to high temperatures for too long. If the texture of the cake is not too hard and still edible, try coating the surface with icing or frosting and eating it as is. You can also think of it as a French snack which is generally small in size.
Method 7 of 11: Cake Sticking to the Pan

Step 1. Read How to Remove Cheesecake from a Disassembly Baking Pan for tips on removing cakes from pans without ruining the texture
If the tips in the article don't work, please apply the suggestions below.

Step 2. Change the appearance of the cake
Cakes that stick to the pan generally contain an excessive amount of sweetener; Alternatively, you may not have lined the pan with parchment paper or greased it with oil/butter. If the cake crumbles when removed from the pan, try turning it into trifle, baked Alaska, or similar, smaller cakes.

Step 3. Make a mini cake
Cut the cake sticking to the pan with a cookie cutter or a glass surface to make the same cake but smaller. To enhance the look, you can even make some mini cake pieces and stack them on a plate. You can also freeze them and make them look like cute little round plates.

Step 4. Prevent the same mistakes from happening again
Some preventive steps you can take:
- Make sure you always use a nonstick baking sheet or line it first with parchment paper.
- All cake recipes that contain honey or syrup should require you to line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Method 8 of 11: Patterned Cake

Step 1. The surface of the cake that looks patterned and not smooth is most likely because the ingredients in it have not been mixed well
This won't ruin the texture and taste of the cake, so you can still serve it as it is, serve it frozen, or cover the entire surface with icing first.
- If the surface of your cake is dark, it's a sign that the oven temperature was too high.
- The cake's pale surface is most likely caused by a pan that is too large or the parchment paper layer that is too far away from the surface of the cake.
Method 9 of 11: Crushed Sponge Roll

Step 1. Repair the crumbled sponge roll
In this case, use a cookie cutter or glass rim to cut the cake. Brush the first piece of cake with cream and/or fruit slices, then top with the next piece of cake; Continue this process until a tower of cake is formed. Decorate the cake plate to your liking, and voila, the crumbled cake has turned into a luxurious and delicious snack.
Method 10 of 11: Stiff Cake

Step 1. Fix the stubborn cake
If your cake ends up tough, the solution really depends on the texture of the cake.
- If the texture of the cake is mushy or runny due to the fruit or other liquid content, try turning it into a pudding. Once the cake has cooled, reheat and serve as dessert. Serve the custard slices with custard or ice cream.
- Turn cake into dessert. Cut the cake into pieces, then serve with fruit, ice cream, or custard to keep the taste delicious.
- Squishy cakes can be sliced into thin strips and then re-baked until they are dry in texture but still delicious. Voila, your butt cake turns into a delicious cookie!

Step 2. Be careful when practicing recipes that run the risk of making a cake
Make sure you follow the instructions on the recipe carefully; if you've done it but the cake still tough, the sign lies in the recipe error.
Don't multiply the amounts in a recipe that runs the risk of producing doughy cakes. Some recipes produce perfect cakes in 1x1 proportions, but run the risk of failing if you multiply the measurements. Do not worry; after all baking a cake is an experimental journey after all
Method 11 of 11: Broken Cake

Step 1. Use any frosting, icing, or cream to hold the broken cake together
Gently trim the shape of the cake and coat the entire surface with icing so that the joints are not visible. Allow the icing to dry before serving.
- Whatever the problem with your cake, act like you really want it to happen or just laugh at the situation!
- If you don't have time to soften the cake at room temperature, why not serve it as a frozen dessert? Don't be afraid to be creative!
- A cake that is tough and doesn't rise is most likely due to the flour and wet ingredients not mixing well.
- Check your oven rack. Cakes that don't rise perfectly are most likely caused by an unbalanced oven rack.