Meat can be stored safely for weeks, months, or even years, if preserved properly. Storing frozen meat in the freezer is a method that many people are familiar with. However, there are other ways to preserve meat, some of which have been practiced for more than 1,000 years.
Method 1 of 4: Preserving by Freezing

Step 1. Prepare the meat before freezing
To prevent freezing, prepare and package meat before placing it in the freezer.
- Meat and poultry can be frozen in storage containers, but it's a good idea to wrap the meat in multiples to ensure that no air gets into the package. Use durable plastic bags and aluminum foil, especially those designed for freezer use (see label).
- Use a home vacuum sealer to remove air from the packaging. There are various types and prices of vacuum sealers. Also use special bags (sold separately) to store food.
- Use airtight containers such as plastic, or freezer-friendly bottles and cans.
- Use wrappers such as durable aluminum foil, freezer plastic bags, or polyethylene wraps and bags.
- Remove as much bone as possible before freezing the meat, as the bones will take up space and may result in freezing.
- Place freezer paper as a layer between the cuts of meat to make it easier to separate them after freezing.

Step 2. Know how long you can safely store frozen meat
However, meat cannot be kept in the freezer for too long.
- Raw meat (such as steak or minced meat) is safe to freeze for 4-12 months.
- Raw ground beef is only safe to freeze for 3-4 months.
- Ripe meat can be stored for 2-3 months.
- Hot dogs, ham, and sliced meat can be frozen for 1-2 months.
- Poultry (raw or cooked) can be stored for 3-12 months.
- Wild animal meat can be stored for 8-12 months.
- Keep the freezer or refrigerator temperature at -18 degrees Celsius or less

Step 3. Label all containers and packages
You need to know what's in the freezer and for how long.
- The label must contain information on the type of meat (chicken breast, steak, ground beef, etc.), raw or cooked, and the date it was frozen.
- To make searching easier later, we recommend grouping the same type. For example, put all the chicken together, or put all the beef together.
- Use the oldest meat first to avoid throwing out expired or frozen meat.

Step 4. Use the electronic freezer to store meat
This is one of the easiest ways to preserve meat.
- You can use the freezer compartment in the refrigerator, or you can use a separate freezer.
- The individual freezer is larger than the compartment inside the refrigerator.
- Remember, the freezer runs on electricity, so your electricity bill will be higher if you use a separate freezer in addition to the refrigerator. Electricity costs will increase depending on the size of the freezer and how energy efficient the type of freezer is.

Step 5. Use a cooler if you don't have an electronic freezer
The cooler can be used anywhere because it does not require electricity.
- You can use a cooler while camping or to store meat when the lights go out.
- You have to fill the cooler with ice to keep it cool.
- Place the ice in the bottom of the cooler, add the meat, then cover the meat with more ice.
- Make sure the meat is surrounded by ice so that all parts of the meat freeze evenly.
- If you're using a cooler, replace the ice when it's melted so the meat doesn't soften before you're ready to use it.

Step 6. Know how to tenderize meat
Softening properly will reduce the chances of foodborne illness.
- Tenderize the meat in the refrigerator. Plan ahead, as large meats like turkey will take 24 hours to tenderize.
- Tenderize by soaking the meat (in an airtight container) in cold water. Change the water every 30 minutes until the meat is completely tender.
- You can tenderize the meat in the microwave but the meat must be cooked immediately. Microwaves tenderize meat unevenly, and may partially cook meat.
- Before cooking, look for areas that are frozen. Frozen mutung is meat that has changed color, caused by freezing. But the meat is still edible. Remove the frozen part before eating the meat.
- Use common sense. If meat or poultry looks or smells strange, don't eat them.
Method 2 of 4: Preserving with Salt

Step 1. Preserve the meat with salt
This is one of the oldest ways of preserving meat.
- Use pickling salt.
- Store the cuts of meat in an airtight storage bottle (or plastic bag). Make sure the meat is thoroughly salted. Sprinkle salt on each layer of the meat to make sure all parts are covered in salt.
- Store bottles/bags in a cool place (2-4 degrees Celsius) for a month. Don't freeze.
- Determine how long the salt will preserve the meat, using a formula like this: 7 days per 2.5 cm thickness. For example, 5-6 kg of beef 13 cm thick can be preserved for 35 days.
- Salt-cured meat can last 3-4 months without refrigerating, as long as it is stored in airtight packaging such as a plastic bag.
- Rinse the remaining salt off the meat before cooking.
Method 3 of 4: Preserving by Drying (Dehydration)

Step 1. Make your own jerky
You can do this at home using the stove and oven.
- Cut the meat into thin strips with a thickness of 1cm x 1cm.
- Boil the meat blades on the stove for 3-5 minutes to kill the bacteria.
- Remove the meat from the water and drain it to dry.
- Bake in the oven (on the lowest heat) for 8-12 hours.
- You can also use a commercial food dryer instead of an oven.
- Well-dried meat will feel sticky, stiff, or tough.
- Meat dried in this way will last up to 1-2 months in an airtight container without refrigeration.

Step 2. Use smoke to prevent meat from rotting
The smoke will also add flavor to the meat.
- Sprinkle the meat with salt before draining it, for added shelf life.
- Smoke the meat in a smoker at 60 degrees Celsius for 7 hours, or 70 degrees Celsius for 4 hours. The temperature should not exceed 70 degrees Celsius, as this will cook the meat instead of drying or smoking it.
- Some cuts of meat will take longer. For example, back meat will take 22 hours to smoke thoroughly.
- Use a meat thermometer to make sure it reaches a safe temperature before removing it from the smoker. Poultry must reach an internal temperature of 74 degrees Celsius; pork and ground beef 71 degrees Celsius; steak, grilled and minced 63 degrees Celsius.
- Commercial smoking machines use gas, electricity, charcoal, or wood.
- Add woods such as mesquite, hickory, oak, or cherry to add flavor to the meat.
- Smoked meat can last up to 1-2 months in an airtight container.
Method 4 of 4: Preserving by Canning

Step 1. Use the right tools for canning
You should have a pressure cooker and a canning bottle.
- Use a pressure cooker (also known as a pressure cooker) to adjust the pressure during the canning process.
- Use a good canning bottle, such as a Mason bottle.
- A hot high-pressure steam pot will seal and ministerize the meat in the canning bottle.
- Fill the pot with 5-8 cm of water.
- Start recording the time for the canning process once the pressure gauge has reached the desired level.
- When done, turn off the heat and let it cool.
- Do not open the pan until it has cooled completely and the pressure has disappeared naturally. Force-cooling by pouring cold water on the pan will spoil the food and cause the can lid to warp.
- Canned food stored in a cool, dry place can last up to a year.

Step 2. Canned poultry to preserve it
Use hot or cold packing method.
- Canned poultry with hot packaging. Boil, steam or broil the meat until it is about two-thirds cooked through. Add 1 teaspoon of salt per liter to the bottle, if desired. Fill the jar with the hot beef and broth, leaving 2.5-3.5cm of space at the top.
- Canned poultry with cold packaging. Add 1 teaspoon salt per quart, if desired. Fill jars sparsely with sliced raw meat, leaving 2.5-3.5 cm of space at the top. Do not add liquid.
- You can leave or remove the bones. If left unchecked, the canning time will be longer.
- This method can also be used for canning rabbits.
- Remember, higher elevation levels will require higher canning pressures.
- The process takes 65-90 minutes, depending on the altitude of the area you are in.

Step 3. Canned ground or minced meat
Use fresh, refrigerated meat.
- Shape the minced meat into pies or balls. Cook until light brown.
- Ground beef can be sauteed for a while without the need to form.
- Before canning, drain it first to remove excess fat.
- Fill the bottle with meat.
- Add beef stock, tomato juice, or water. Leave 2.5 cm of space at the top. Add 2 teaspoons of salt per liter to the bottle, if desired.
- Cook about 75-90 minutes, depending on height.

Step 4. Canned sliced, chopped, or cubed
Remove all the large bones first.
- The hot pack method is better for this type of cutlet.
- Cook the meat until it is half cooked by grilling, boiling, or frying it in a small amount of fat.
- Add 1 teaspoon of salt per liter if desired.
- Fill the jar with the minced meat and add the boiling stock, beef broth, water, or tomato juice. Leave 2.5 cm of space at the top.
- Cook for 75-90 minutes depending on height.