How to Lose Weight in Two Weeks (with Pictures)

How to Lose Weight in Two Weeks (with Pictures)
How to Lose Weight in Two Weeks (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Many people want to lose weight immediately due to certain reasons, but various reasons make this difficult to achieve, especially because drastic weight loss has negative effects on the body, such as slowing down metabolism and inhibiting weight loss. In addition, sudden weight loss is very dangerous if you are experiencing metabolic disorders or diseases. Therefore, you need to be careful and continue to monitor your health condition when running a weight loss program. The following tips and a little determination will make you lose weight faster without any problems.


Part 1 of 3: Adopting a Healthy Diet

Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 1
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 1

Step 1. Reduce calorie consumption

Small changes in diet can reduce calorie intake, for example by reducing food portions, eating low-fat foods, and avoiding high-calorie foods. For that, do the following tips:

  • Start reducing the portion of food every time you eat food.
  • When drinking coffee or tea, use low-fat or fat-free milk if needed.
  • Use mustard instead of mayonnaise when making sandwiches.
  • Pour in the salad dressing little by little, rather than a lot at once.
  • When ordering or serving food, separate the seasonings or sauces on separate plates and use them sparingly. Do not sprinkle or pour completely on food.
  • Avoid foods with sauce. Choose grilled meats or steamed vegetables. Use olive oil and apple cider vinegar as a salad dressing.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 2
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 2

Step 2. Drink more water than usual

This step can help you lose weight because water is useful for smooth bowel movements and makes the digestive system work properly. This condition is very necessary in order to lose weight. In addition, water keeps the body hydrated while exercising as a way to lose weight.

  • You will have more energy and stay in shape if your body is always hydrated.
  • Drinking water is important if you want to lose weight by exercising.
  • The habit of drinking more water is useful for launching bowel movements so that weight is reduced and the body remains healthy.
  • To calculate the need for water in liters / day, multiply body weight in kilograms by 0.044. In addition to meeting daily needs, drink 350 milliliters of water every 30 minutes of exercise.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 3
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 3

Step 3. Reduce carbohydrate intake

This step is also useful for losing weight. Carbohydrates are very easily broken down in the body so that it triggers hunger more quickly and gives a signal to the body to store fat. Both of these things hinder weight loss. Eliminating carbohydrates from the diet is not easy. So, try to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, instead of eliminating them altogether.

  • Don't eat too much bread.
  • Consumption of cereals should be a maximum of 80 grams / day.
  • Limit consumption of potatoes, rice, and corn.
  • A low-carb diet can be bad if you are experiencing health problems. Do not follow a low-carb diet in the long term before consulting a doctor.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 4
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 4

Step 4. Eat lean protein

Protein plays the biggest role if you want to lose weight in 2 weeks because the body needs more energy to digest protein than carbohydrates so that calorie burning increases. In addition, protein makes you less hungry. Consume the following foods as a source of protein:

  • Fish.
  • Red meat with little fat.
  • Venison or beef.
  • Chicken.
  • Turkey (white flesh).
  • legumes.
  • Other meat or low-fat protein.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 5
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 5

Step 5. Eat more fruits and vegetables

This step makes weight loss faster because fruits and vegetables make you feel full longer so you don't get hungry quickly. These foods contain nutrients that are healthy for the body and fiber that is useful for launching bowel movements. So, weight loss faster if you diet by eating lots of fruits and vegetables. For that, do the following tips:

  • Every meal, consume vegetables at least 1/2 plate.
  • Choose carrots, cherry tomatoes, or other vegetables as a snack.
  • When making the sandwich, fill it with spinach, cucumber slices, or sliced bell pepper.
  • Eat apples, various types of berries, bananas, or other fruit.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 6
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 6

Step 6. Reduce sugar intake

Many foods that are beneficial to the body contain sugar, such as dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Instead of being eliminated from the diet, don't eat foods and drinks that are not useful, such as sweet foods, sugary cereals, fruit juices, sodas, and sweets. In order to reduce sugar intake, do the following suggestions:

  • Don't add sugar to coffee or cereal.
  • Read the ingredients listed on the packaging because many packaged foods and drinks contain sugar, including those that are considered sugar-free, such as pasta sauces, energy drinks, and barbecue sauces.
  • Keep in mind that sugar in packaged products is often listed by other names, such as high-fructose corn syrup, maltose, sucrose, dextrose, or sweeteners made from corn.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 7
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 7

Step 7. Do not consume sodium (salt)

You will lose weight if you reduce salt consumption for a while because salt makes the body retain fluids, whereas 55-60% of body weight is the weight of body fluids. In order to lose weight, do not consume salt at all for 2 weeks by doing the following steps:

  • Do not add salt to food. Use salt-free cooking spices so that the food is not bland.
  • Avoid processed and packaged foods or use them to a minimum because they are very high in salt.
  • If you want to eat packaged food, choose one that is low in salt.
  • Pugasan salads and other dressings contain a lot of salt. So, don't consume it or use it to a minimum.
  • Reducing salt intake is beneficial for improving health.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 8
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 8

Step 8. Don't drink alcohol

Many people unknowingly consume too many calories from drinking alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, the calories from alcoholic beverages are useless and not nutritious! In certain countries, alcohol consumption is allowed for women 30 milliliters/day and men 60 milliliters/day. Do not consume alcohol while losing weight for 2 weeks. If you want to drink alcohol, consider the following suggestions and information:

  • A 30-milliliter alcoholic drink contains 100 calories, a 125-milliliter glass of wine contains 120 calories, and a 230-milliliter can of beer contains 150 calories.
  • Opt for a light cocktail, such as mixing juice with an alcoholic drink, for fewer calories than drinking vodka without any mixture.
  • Mix white wine and unsalted soda.
  • Consume alcoholic beverages that have gone through the distillation process because they taste better, but are not high in calories.
  • Drink low-alcohol beers instead of high-alcohol beers.
  • Avoid sugary or alcoholic drinks.

Part 2 of 3: Exercise Every Day

Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 9
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 9

Step 1. Create an exercise schedule so that you can exercise regularly

If you want to lose weight in 2 weeks, you have to exercise every day. An exercise schedule makes it easier for your dreams to come true, for example by setting aside 1 hour a day to train. Record the schedule in a calendar or use the phone app as a reminder. Stick to the schedule consistently as if you were keeping an appointment.

Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 10
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 10

Step 2. Choose a sport that you like

Schedules that have been made are often difficult to carry out if you do not exercise according to your interests. So, make sure you exercise according to your hobby. In addition, schedule a moderately challenging high-intensity cardiovascular exercise. The following activities are useful for burning calories and accelerating metabolism.

  • Walking, running, cycling, swimming, using the elliptical machine.
  • Lose weight with cardiovascular exercise 1 hour a day.
  • If you're just starting out, work out to the best of your ability and then gradually increase the duration and intensity.
  • One effective way to increase calorie burn is interval training, which is alternating high-intensity and moderate-intensity exercise for a short duration, respectively.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 11
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 11

Step 3. Set aside more time for walking

In addition to cardiovascular exercise, try to walk as much as possible. You don't need to schedule. Take the time to walk as often as possible during your daily life as the best way to exercise. Health experts state that walking at least 10,000 steps / day can lose weight.

  • Find a parking space away from the office or shopping.
  • Leave the desk to walk to other places at least 1 hour a day.
  • Take the time to walk in place while watching TV.
  • When on the phone, use a cordless phone and talk while walking around the room.
  • Use the stairs to replace the elevator as often as possible.
  • Set aside time for brisk walking so that your heart rate is faster than normal and your calorie burn increases.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 12
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 12

Step 4. Practice lifting light intensity weights

Although cardiovascular exercise is very effective in losing weight in a short time, the benefits are greater when supported by light intensity weight training. In addition to achieving short-term weight loss goals, weight training keeps you healthy and fit. To train with weights, do the following movements:

  • Lateral pulldown.
  • Bicep curls.
  • Push ups.
  • lunges.
  • Crunch.

Part 3 of 3: Changing Lifestyles

Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 13
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 13

Step 1. Adopt a healthy diet

The habit of eating healthy foods must be cultivated because this does not form by itself. People who adopt a healthy diet are better able to achieve their weight loss goals, for example by following these tips:

  • Make a weekly menu list consisting of nutritious foods and healthy snacks and apply it consistently. On weekends, buy the ingredients needed to prepare the menu. That way, you have no reason to eat other foods.
  • Sit quietly and eat. Studies show that people who are used to eating on a plate while sitting consume fewer calories than people who eat standing up or eat food straight from the packaging.
  • Choose snacks that are useful and nutritious. Carry these snacks in your handbag or backpack so you can always eat healthy snacks.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 14
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 14

Step 2. Use natural ingredients when cooking

Eating at restaurants too often can lead to weight gain. In contrast, the habit of cooking meals at home helps you reduce your calorie intake. As much as possible, use natural ingredients when cooking so you know the composition of the food consumed. In addition, you can avoid sugar and salt that hinder weight loss.

  • Use minimal oil and butter.
  • Reduce the use of sugar.
  • Choose recipes that are baked, boiled, or steamed, rather than fried.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 15
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 15

Step 3. Watch less TV

This activity is usually done while sitting so that the body almost does not move at all. Research shows that adults who watch TV more than 3 hours a day have a higher risk of obesity than people who watch TV less than 1 hour a day. This happens because you are not doing healthy physical movements while watching TV, especially if you are eating snacks. Avoid this by taking the following steps:

  • Exercising while watching TV. Place the TV in a certain place so you can watch while exercising on a stationary bike or treadmill. That way, you can still enjoy your favorite shows while burning calories.
  • When your ad is showing, take the time to jog or star jump.
  • Hide the wireless TV channel manager so you have to walk closer to the TV if you want to watch other shows. This step reduces the habit of changing TV channels without thinking.
  • Do activities using your hands so you don't eat snacks while watching TV.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 16
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 16

Step 4. Get in the habit of getting a good night's sleep

Night sleep is needed to maintain health. Lack of sleep hinders the process of digestion of food and physical recovery after exercise. In addition to making the body unfit, lack of sleep makes it difficult for you to lose weight and maintain health.

  • In general, teens need 8-10 nights of sleep every day.
  • Adults need 7-9 nights of sleep every day.
  • The elderly need 7-8 nights sleep every day.
  • If you lack sleep at night, take a nap, but not more than 1 hour.
  • Weight gain can be caused by a lack of sleep.
  • Excess sleep sometimes makes the body feel sluggish.


  • Do not ignore the eating schedule because when you eat, you tend to choose unhealthy menus.
  • Get in the habit of eating breakfast every morning. People who always eat breakfast tend to consume fewer calories during their daily activities.
  • Studies show that people who lose weight evenly (1/2-1 kg per week) are able to maintain their ideal weight in the long term.


  • Don't take drugs, supplements, herbs, and use shortcuts to lose weight. Often, this method has very severe adverse effects.
  • Weight loss in the first 2 weeks should be 3-5 kg because it can have a negative impact on health if you lose more than 5 kg.
  • Losing weight by starving yourself or eating very little is harmful to health. Calorie intake that is considered safe is 1,200-1,500 calories per day.
  • Try to understand things related to how to achieve the ideal body weight.
  • Enema and laxative therapy can temporarily reduce weight, but have a negative effect on the body if used long term.
  • The Centers for Disease Control in the United States states that a safe weight loss is 1/2-1 kg per week.
