Childbirth is a stressful moment with a happy ending. If you want to know how to have a stress-free delivery to feel comfortable, this article provides some helpful tips, such as exercising to strengthen your legs, pelvis and hips early in your pregnancy so that you have good stamina during labor. In addition, seek information and seek support from a doctor, midwife, or nurse so that you can prepare yourself. When it's time to give birth, apply techniques that keep you comfortable and relaxed so that the labor process goes smoothly.
Method 1 of 4: Exercising and Doing a Daily Routine

Step 1. Do Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor
This exercise can be done at home while sitting in a chair or lying in bed. Take time to pee before practicing. Contract your pelvic floor muscles for 3 seconds as if you were holding your pee and then relax for 3 seconds.
- Practice at least once a day to keep your pelvic floor and vaginal muscles strong.
- Do Kegel exercises 10-15 times each time you practice.
- This exercise can be done during pregnancy.

Step 2. Do stretching exercises by arching your back so that the baby's position makes delivery easier
Place your knees and palms on the floor with your shoulders at hip level. As you inhale, lower your stomach toward the floor by arching your back down and slowly lifting your chin. Then, exhale while arching your back up, pulling your navel toward your spine, and bringing your chin to your chest. Do this movement 3 times a day for 10 repetitions each.
This exercise is more beneficial if done during the third trimester when the baby is very active. This stretch puts the baby in a position ready to be born

Step 3. Do the butterfly posture to relax your lower back and pelvis
This stretching exercise keeps the lower back and pelvis relaxed, making labor easier. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet together so that they form a diamond. Press your knees with your elbows or swing your body left and right.
- The butterfly posture can be done while lying on your back. When bringing the soles of your feet together to form a diamond, make sure your lower back touches the floor.
- This exercise can be done during pregnancy.

Step 4. Perform the inversion posture while bending forward to relax the uterus and cervix
This exercise is useful for relaxing the ligaments that support the uterus and cervix in the pelvic cavity so that it feels more comfortable. This step is useful for flexing the birth canal so that the delivery process becomes much easier. Start the exercise by kneeling on the edge of the bed or sofa and slowly lowering your palms to the floor. Let the head hang relaxed while lifting the buttocks as high as possible. Swing your hips left and right while keeping your back straight.
- Hold while breathing deeply for 3-4 breaths and then return to a sitting position slowly. Do this exercise 2-4 times a day.
- Do not do this posture if you have stomach or back pain.
- Be careful when doing this exercise if the gestational age enters the third trimester. Have someone accompany you to be on the safe side.

Step 5. Do squats with support to strengthen the legs
Practicing support squats keeps your legs strong so you can straighten yourself up during labor. Labor is easier if the body remains upright. Lean against a wall and place a fitness ball between your lower back and the wall. Spread your feet apart until you feel comfortable and point your toes forward. After inhaling, lower your body as far as you can while maintaining the ball position and then stand up again while exhaling.
- Do this movement 3 sets of 15 times / set once a day to maintain leg strength.
- If you do this exercise in the third trimester, place a chair behind you for support. Ask your husband or friend to accompany you while practicing.

Step 6. Take a walk every day to improve blood circulation
Walking keeps the body active and balanced. In addition to improving blood flow, this exercise is useful if you need to walk or move around as labor begins. Set aside time for a 20-30 minute walk a day in the park or around your house.

Step 7. Join a prenatal class once a week to keep you fit and relaxed
Find out the yoga or aerobics schedule for pregnant women at the nearest gym or gym. Register and practice regularly to maintain fitness.
Consult with your doctor before undertaking high-intensity prenatal exercise as you should never exert yourself or engage in activities that could endanger the pregnancy
Method 2 of 4: Requesting Support and Information about Childbirth

Step 1. Consult your birth plan with your doctor a few weeks before your due date
When discussing, determine the people who will accompany you during the birth, such as your husband or children. Also ask about whether or not you need to move or walk, especially in the early stages of labor. Determine how to deal with pain during childbirth, for example you want to take medicine. Your doctor can help you decide on important things to prepare for labor.
- You can determine the conditions or atmosphere of the delivery room, for example adjusting the light, playing music, or enjoying a relaxing aroma.
- If you want to give birth at home or in water, include this in your birth plan.

Step 2. Discuss the birth plan with your husband so that both of you can prepare as best you can
Explain your plans in as much detail as possible, especially if she needs to be with you when you give birth. Let her be involved in planning the birth and ask her opinion so that she feels included. In addition, he will fulfill your request and make sure the delivery process goes the way you want it to.
You may discuss the birth plan with a family member or close friend who accompanies you during pregnancy or during delivery

Step 3. Consider giving birth with the help of a midwife
Midwives are trained medical personnel who are able to support you during pregnancy and during delivery. He can help you during labor and tell you how to have an easy delivery. Midwife service fees are usually charged per consultation session or package and are relatively expensive, but midwives have proven to be able to facilitate the delivery process.
Insurance companies may not cover the cost of a midwife-assisted delivery. Look for midwives who offer payment in installments or provide discounts. Collect donations to pay for the services of a midwife when holding a thanksgiving event

Step 4. Take a course to learn all about childbirth and its preparation
Find out about this course by contacting the hospital or maternity clinic in your city. In addition, ask friends or community members for course information who has just given birth. Invite your husband to take the course so that he understands the things that need to be done when you give birth.
- Choose a labor preparation course that teaches you how to breathe, push, and relax during labor.
- Look for courses that explain the Lamaze technique, the Bradley method, or the Alexander technique so you can have an easy delivery.
- If you don't have this course in your city, search the internet for tutorials and information about childbirth.
Method 3 of 4: Go through the Early Stage of Labor Comfortably and Relax

Step 1. Stay at home until contractions occur every 3-5 minutes
Don't go to the hospital as soon as a contraction occurs because you can be stressed if you arrive at the hospital too early. Better you stay at home while counting the intervals of contractions.
- Download a phone app to calculate the interval of contractions so you don't have to do it yourself.
- If the pain is very severe or bleeding from the vagina, go to the hospital immediately.
- If the water breaks, even though the contractions are still long, go to the hospital because the baby is at risk of infection.

Step 2. Compress your lower back or abdomen with a warm pillow
Compressing sensitive body parts with a warm pillow can reduce pain during childbirth, especially in the early stages of labor. Place a warm pillow on your lower back or stomach for 10 minutes to reduce pain or irritation.
If your skin is very sensitive, ask your husband to massage your shoulders and back. This step makes you feel calm and relaxed during labor

Step 3. Try to keep your body upright and keep moving
Walking and doing physical movements make the baby in a position ready to be born. Therefore, make it a habit to walk indoors, around the house, in the park, or grocery shopping so that you can distract yourself and keep your body moving.
Sit on the ball and swing to keep your body moving

Step 4. Drink water as needed and eat snacks, such as whole-wheat pasta, crackers, and toast
Make sure you stay hydrated as labor begins. Choose high-carb snacks, such as whole-grain crackers or pasta and whole-grain breads as a source of energy during labor.
Do not eat too much and avoid oily food because the stomach will feel uncomfortable and make delivery difficult

Step 5. Relax by bathing or soaking in warm water
This step is useful for relieving aches or pains. If the tub has a water spray, turn it on so you can soak while enjoying a relaxing massage. Bathing in a warm shower while standing straight and leaning against a wall can relieve pain and discomfort.
Method 4 of 4: Living the Final Stage of Labor Comfortably

Step 1. Prepare for your stay
If the contractions occur every 3-5 minutes or the membranes rupture, immediately go to the hospital or maternity clinic. Bring a bag containing a negligee, a towel, socks, a nursing bra, a durable snack, and a water bottle. Put your ID and medical history information in your handbag for easy retrieval if needed.
Pack a few weeks before your due date so you're ready to head to the hospital any time. Tell your husband where you put your bag so he can take it when he takes you to the hospital or maternity clinic

Step 2. Tell your doctor or midwife
Tell your doctor or midwife that you are already at the hospital or maternity clinic. The nurse will give you clothes to wear and ask you to lie down in the room or delivery room. The doctor or midwife will communicate with you to monitor the delivery process.
If you hire a nurse, let them know that you are in the delivery room so they can accompany and help you

Step 3. Apply breathing techniques to relieve pain and stress
Breathe slowly as the contractions become more frequent and stronger. Take a deep breath in through your nose and then exhale through your mouth while sighing. Relax your body and release the tension while exhaling.
- Take short breaths as the contractions become more active. Inhale short through the nose, exhale short through the mouth. Breathe in short, one breaths per second pattern.
- If you feel pressured or tired during labor, do "pull-in-breath" or "hi-hi-huuh" breathing. Inhale short through your nose, exhale deeply through your mouth while making a "wuuh" or "puuh" sound to relieve stress and tension.

Step 4. Follow your doctor or midwife's instructions when it comes time to push
Find a position that is most comfortable for you to push during the final stages of labour. Rely on your doctor, midwife, nurse, or husband for support and encouragement as you push.