Many people complain of unpleasant side effects from antidepressant drugs which can include increased suicidal ideation, nausea, weight gain, loss of sex drive or sexual stamina, insomnia, restlessness, irritability, and fatigue. Fortunately, antidepressant medications are not the only way to cure depression. There are many natural alternative ways that can be used to replace it. If you are looking for alternative methods, make sure you use natural remedies for depression along with your therapy. Also tell the therapist and doctor that you plan to treat depression naturally.
Part 1 of 3: Seeking Help for Depression

Step 1. Find a therapist
Oral therapy is the best natural treatment for depression. Therefore, it is very important that you find a therapist as soon as possible. A therapist can listen and help you feel better. Even if you later decide to try other natural remedies, continue to see your therapist regularly. You can find a therapist near you through your health insurance's online directory.
- Try to combine therapy with natural remedies. Merely taking spice supplements or exercising will not completely treat depression. Therefore, you must make therapy as the main component of healing and natural remedies as a complement.
- Remember that a therapist can also help you develop better habits that can cure you of depression. For example, a therapist can help you develop good stress management techniques, healthier eating habits, and more positive thinking.

Step 2. See a doctor
Even if you don't want to ask for medication for depression, a doctor is a very good person to ask for help. Your doctor may also refer you to a therapist.
- Remember that depression is a disease and its effects will only get worse if left untreated. Get help for depression as soon as possible.
- Make sure you tell your doctor about any natural remedies you are considering to help with depression.

Step 3. Tell a close family member or friend
If you don't feel comfortable finding a therapist or seeing a doctor yourself, talk to someone you can trust and ask them for help. Support from someone you care about, or a friend, can make it easier to seek help and start treating depression.
Remember that talking to friends and family is not a substitute for seeking help from a therapist. Instead, it's a great starting point for getting the help you need
Part 2 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Do physical exercise
Physical exercise benefits both body and mind, and is one of the less commonly used depression medications. When you exercise physically, endorphins are released by the body, reducing pain and increasing positive feelings. Physical exercise can also reduce stress, increase self-confidence, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Physical exercise can help reduce symptoms of depression. Try biking, dancing, running, or playing racquetball. Try joining a group fitness class at the gym to get moving and socialize

Step 2. Adopt healthy sleep habits
Depression can affect sleep patterns, causing too much or too little sleep. Change your sleep habits to get enough sleep. Establish a routine of going to bed and getting up at the same time every day-including on weekends-and not sleeping during the day. Do not put objects that can distract in the bedroom. Get rid of TVs, laptops, phones, and other objects that can interfere with sleep.
If you're having trouble falling asleep, try taking a shower before bedtime to help your body calm down. Drink a cup of herbal tea or read a book

Step 3. Do daily meditation
Meditation can help to reduce stress, calm the mind, and reduce symptoms of depression. Start by doing mindfulness meditation, emphasizing accepting thoughts and feelings without judgment. Increase your self-awareness in the present state. The more often you meditate, the more effective the results will be.
- When you meditate, focus on your body, breath, and mind. To do mindfulness meditation with your body, try to observe something with your mind (such as a flower, observe carefully. Breathe in its aroma. Put yourself in the same place as the flower). To meditate with breathing, focus completely on your breath, inhale and exhale. Feel your breath filling you up, calming you with every second.
- If your mind is fixated on something (memory, daily agenda), observe the thought. "I was thinking about lunch today." Don't judge, observe and move on, refocus on your meditation.
- To learn more specific meditation techniques for dealing with depression, read How to Treat Depression with Meditation.

Step 4. Manage stress
It could be that you are very busy with school, home, family, and work and never have space for yourself. Managing stress doesn't mean hoarding it, it's dealing with it every day. Don't suppress your feelings; let them be free. Write in a diary or share your worries with family and friends in person, don't wait. Set aside time each day for relaxation which may include taking a walk, listening to a song, exercising or doing activities, or taking a shower.
- Learn to say "no". This doesn't mean you have to say "no" to new projects at work, volunteer at church, or stay home instead of going out on Saturday nights. If someone wants to chat but you don't have time, politely decline and let them know that your time is very limited.
- If you're feeling stressed but don't know where it's coming from, start writing a stress diary. Write down your daily habits, attitudes, reasons (“Only 1000 things to do today”), and anything else that stresses you out each day. Watch for things or situations that come up on a regular basis, like work deadlines, dropping your kids off at school, or handling bills.

Step 5. Adopt a daily routine
Depression can undermine the structure of your everyday life and make it feel like a jumble. By following a routine, you can reorganize yourself, get things done, and help heal depression.
- Set an agenda and carry out all activities. Even if you feel like you don't have the energy to do it, don't stop trying.
- You can write simple things on your agenda like getting out of bed, taking a shower, or eating breakfast. Once you get a taste of completing a task (even small things), you will be motivated to keep working.
- Give yourself a reward after you have completed the entire agenda. The reward can be in the form of a bubble bath, a snack, or relaxing while watching TV.

Step 6. Challenge all negative thoughts
Many people get stuck in depression because of negative thought circles such as “I can't take it”, “no one likes me”, “my life is meaningless” or “my job is worthless.” When you're depressed, it's easy to reach the worst possible conclusion. To challenge these negative thoughts (which can lead to negative feelings), use logic and decide whether the statements are true. Is it true that no one likes you, or are you just feeling lonely? There may be a friend or family member you're avoiding. When reaching a bad conclusion, ask yourself if there is any evidence to support that conclusion.
Think about the things that make your life meaningful. Sometimes the things are very simple, not things like a promotion at a job, a nice car, or a house, but a pet dog that greets you every day, the volunteer work you do in South America, or a touching piece of art. other people's hearts

Step 7. Try something new
Depression puts you in a closed loop so you feel like nothing is going to change and you will continue to feel uncomfortable. Instead of giving in to those feelings, try something new. When you try a new activity, your brain works chemically and increases levels of dopamine, which is linked to pleasure and learning.
Learn a foreign language, volunteer at an animal shelter, or take a painting class. Do something out of the ordinary; do the things you think will be fun

Step 8. Surround yourself with friends
While you may feel the urge to isolate yourself in grief, make time to spend time with people who matter and care about you. You may have a lot of thoughts running through to avoid doing this (“I don't want to get out of bed”, “I'm so sad I'm just going to make them uncomfortable”, “No one wants to spend time with me”, or “More well they're not near me ). However, keep in touch with them, make plans, and don't back down. By spending time with other people, you will feel less isolated. Being with friends will make you feel more 'normal', and being with the people you care about will help you feel understood and loved too.
- Even if you feel tired, answer "yes" if a friend asks you to go out.
- Try to be able to spend time with family.
Part 3 of 3: Using Natural Remedies

Step 1. Use spices
Throughout history, spices have been used as medicines to treat various ailments, including depression. If you choose not to take traditional medications such as antidepressants, spices can be an alternative medicine to deal with stress and depression.
- The herb most often used to treat depression is St John's Wort.
- Saffron is another spice that is also used to treat depression and is taken in extract form.
- Do not forget to consult a doctor before consuming. Spices can affect the effectiveness of other medicines.

Step 2. Try taking supplements
Depression supplements are usually made from a combination of herbs, natural chemicals, or vitamins that treat depression. Some examples of supplements used to treat depression are:
- Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in flaxseed oil and can be consumed directly.
- SAMe, a chemical found in the body, is widely used in Europe to treat depression.
- 5-HTP, an ingredient that affects serotonin levels and can be purchased at pharmacies.
- DHEA, a hormone from the body that, when conditions are unstable, can impair mood.
- The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate dietary supplements for depression; therefore, choose products that are safe and effective.

Step 3. Try acupuncture
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that works by using the body's energy flow. The essence of acupuncture is to release energy barriers and restore optimal body flow by placing very small needles at very specific points. Acupuncture can also help with pain, aches and pains, and sleep problems.
Call your insurance company, ask if acupuncture is also covered by their services. Many insurance companies will cover some of the costs of acupuncture

Step 4. Adopt a healthy diet
One of the best things you can do for your body is to provide it with proper nutrition. While diet alone won't cure depression, it will improve your mood and increase your energy, which will increase your motivation. Don't skip meals to ensure that your blood sugar levels remain stable so that mood swings are kept to a minimum.
- Consumption of healthy fats such as palm oil will increase serotonin levels.
- Avoid fast food that is low in nutrients
- Avoid alcohol; alcohol is a depressant. Remember that the relief you feel from drinking alcohol will only be temporary and won't solve any problems.
- For more information about eating a balanced diet, read How to Eat Healthy.

Step 5. Use hypnosis
Hypnosis can teach you how to fight and rebut the negative and pessimistic thoughts that often lead to depression. Using deep breathing, imagination, and suggestion, hypnosis can help you dig deep into the root causes of depression and help inculcate abilities that would be difficult to incorporate when you were awake but can be applied directly to your subconscious. All of these treatments will lead to mental conditioning to reject negative thoughts and depression and instill new reinforcing thoughts.
- Some insurance companies will cover the cost of hypnosis as a treatment for depression.
- Hypnotherapy can be very effective in treating depression, especially when combined with other depression treatments.

Step 6. Try light therapy
If your depression is related to the seasons, light therapy can help. Light therapy (also referred to as phototherapy) involves exposing oneself to sunlight or very bright light in the full spectrum for a period of time (usually covering 20 minutes). If you live in an area that tends to be sunny, make sure you get enough sunlight every day to get adequate absorption of vitamin D through your skin. If you live in a place that tends to be dark or overcast in winter, buy a full spectrum light box. Light boxes can match outdoor light and make the brain release certain chemicals to improve mood.
- You can buy light boxes online or directly, or through a doctor's recommendation.
- Light therapy is especially effective for seasonal affective disorder or 'Winter Blues'.