How to Soothe Cough Naturally (with Pictures)

How to Soothe Cough Naturally (with Pictures)
How to Soothe Cough Naturally (with Pictures)

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An acute cough (lasting less than 3 weeks) is most commonly associated with the flu, pneumonia, and whooping cough (pertussis). This condition can also be caused by inhaling irritants from the environment. A chronic cough (longer than 8 weeks) can be caused by postnasal drip (which irritates the throat and triggers the cough reflex), allergies, asthma (especially in children), chronic bronchitis, or gastric acid reflux disease (gastro-esophageal reflux disease, GERD). Less common causes of cough are medications (especially ACE inhibitors to control blood pressure), emphysema, and other respiratory diseases. Remember that coughing is a normal reflex of the body to expel irritants and mucus, and is a natural protective function of the body. However, if a cough interferes with sleep or causes pain in your ribs, stomach, throat, and chest that makes it difficult for you to carry out your daily activities, it may be time to calm the reflex.


Method 1 of 2: Soothe Cough at Home

Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 1
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 1

Step 1. Drink more water

Drinking more water can help reduce annoying coughs, especially in dry environments. The water will help soothe the irritation in the throat that is causing the cough. Water will also meet the body's fluid needs in general so that it can thin the mucus in the throat that triggers coughing.

Professional health practitioners recommend that men consume about 13 cups of water, and women consume about 9 cups of water each day

Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 2
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 2

Step 2. Take a hot shower

Breathing in moist air is another option to lubricate the throat and relieve coughing. If you cough before bed and have trouble falling asleep, take a hot, steamy shower and breathe in the moist air. This method can also help loosen mucus in the throat or relieve irritation.

Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 3
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 3

Step 3. Turn on the humidifier or vaporizer

If your throat is dry at night, and it makes you cough, try sleeping with a humidifier or vaporizer on to increase the humidity of the air overnight.

  • Eucalyptus oil is an expectorant which means it can loosen the phlegm that causes coughing. You can add a little eucalyptus oil to the vaporizer to help soothe your throat at night.
  • Make sure to clean your equipment regularly. Using a humidifier without cleaning it can result in the growth of mold and other bacteria in it which spreads around when it is turned on.
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 4
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 4

Step 4. Gargle with warm salt water

Salt water is another option to help thin the mucus in the throat that causes coughing. Salt water also has a soothing effect on the irritated throat from coughing. Lean your head back and gargle with salt water for 1 minute.

  • This is also a great way to help relieve a cough from postnasal drip, which is mucus droplets in the back of your throat.
  • Make sure to drain the salt water and don't swallow it.
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 5
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 5

Step 5. Elevate your head during sleep

Another way to reduce a dry cough is to elevate your head during sleep. Place an extra pillow or two under your head to elevate it at night.

Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 6
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 6

Step 6. Avoid throat irritants

Exposure to smoke, dust, gases, and other pollutants can also cause coughing because these pollutants irritate your throat and lungs. Update the air filters in your home, clean dust frequently (especially on the top of ceiling fans), and avoid the environment around your home where you may be exposed to pollutants.

Placing plants indoors is also a powerful way to reduce indoor pollutants

Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 7
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 7

Step 7. Get plenty of rest

While this isn't a direct remedy, getting plenty of rest can help shorten the duration of the cough. Most cases of acute cough are caused by cold and flu viruses, which the body's immune system can fight off. You can boost your immune system by getting plenty of rest if your cough is caused by a cold or flu.

Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 8
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 8

Step 8. Quit smoking

Most smokers begin to develop a chronic cough known as "smoker's cough". This cough is caused by cigarette smoke which irritates the throat and lungs. By quitting smoking, you can help deal with the cough it causes.

Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 9
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 9

Step 9. Visit a doctor

If your cough does not subside within a few weeks of using home remedies and natural remedies, you should see a doctor. This may indicate that the cause of the cough requires medical attention. You should also see a doctor, even sooner, if the cough is accompanied by:

  • Fever above 38°C
  • Bloody discharge, pink phlegm, or thick greenish yellow phlegm.
  • Sneezing or shortness of breath.
  • A severe cough that causes large inhalations through the mouth as an attempt to inhale air.

Method 2 of 2: Try Natural and Herbal Remedies

Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 10
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 10

Step 1. Try honey

Use medicinal honey whenever possible (Manuka honey from New Zealand is recommended), but any organic honey that has antibacterial and antiviral properties can be used. In one study, honey showed a better effect than dextromethorphan (a cough suppressant). You can try adding 2 teaspoons of honey or more before bed to soothe a cough.

  • Do not give honey to children younger than 1 year as it may cause infant botulism.
  • Adding fresh lemon to honey may also help. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which helps the immune system function. Although it can't fight a cough directly, vitamin C will help strengthen the body to fight off a cold or flu.
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 11
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 11

Step 2. Consume ginger

In studies, ginger has been known to open the airways, allowing more oxygen to enter. Ginger is very useful, especially as an alternative therapy for asthma, so it is very suitable to help relieve chronic cough in asthma sufferers naturally.

Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 12
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 12

Step 3. Try elderberry extract

Several studies have shown that elderberry has an effect as a decongestant and reduces swelling of the mucous membranes. If your cough is caused by flu or cold symptoms, elderberry can be a natural choice for breaking down mucus that causes coughing.

Never give elderberry products to children without consulting their doctor first

Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 13
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 13

Step 4. Drink peppermint tea

Peppermint and its main active ingredient, menthol, are effective in reducing airway obstruction. Peppermint can thin the mucus so it is effective in relieving cough with phlegm. In addition, peppermint is also known to soothe dry coughs.

If you don't like drinking peppermint, try putting 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried peppermint leaves in boiling water, covering your head with a towel, and breathing in the steam

Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 14
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 14

Step 5. Use marshmallow root

Marshmallow root is an herb that is also used to treat coughs. Although research on its benefits in humans is limited, marshmallow root is known to soothe irritated mucous membranes from asthma and coughs. As an irritant to the throat itself, coughing often creates an endless cycle of coughing. By soothing the throat, marshmallows can help shorten the duration of an acute cough.

  • Marshmallow root is available as a tea, supplement, or tincture that can be poured into water. Always follow the instructions for use on the packaging.
  • Marshmallow root doses have not been tested for safety in children, so consult a pediatrician before giving it to children.
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 15
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 15

Step 6. Consume fresh thyme

Two studies have shown that thyme can be used to relieve coughs and treat acute symptoms of bronchitis. Follow the directions for use on the thyme supplement packaging if you are using it.

  • Thyme oil should not be ingested as it is considered toxic.
  • Thyme may increase the risk of bleeding. Consult a doctor before using thyme, especially if you are taking blood-thinning medications.
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 16
Quiet a Cough Naturally Step 16

Step 7. Use eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is found in many lozenges and cough syrups, but you can also use it without the other chemicals found in commercial products. Apart from being used in teas, you can also use eucalyptus extract and oil that you can apply to your nose and chest to loosen phlegm and relieve coughs.

  • Do not ingest eucalyptus oil as it is toxic.
  • Always consult a pediatrician before using products containing eucalyptus, including ointments for the chest or nose, which should not be used in children under 2 years of age.
  • Pregnant and lactating women should also avoid the use of eucalyptus.


  • If your cough doesn't go away for several weeks, or if it gets worse, consider making an appointment with your doctor.
  • If your cough is severe, and is accompanied by shortness of breath and the sound of breathing in from your mouth as you try to inhale, you should also contact your doctor immediately. You may have pertussis (whooping cough) which is a dangerous (and easily contagious) bacterial infection.
