How to Lighten Menstruation (with Pictures)

How to Lighten Menstruation (with Pictures)
How to Lighten Menstruation (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Menstruation is very annoying for everyone, but if it is heavier, it can have a negative impact on your lifestyle, love relationships, and wallet. The good news is that heavy periods can often be managed by changing your diet, exercising regularly, and trying hormonal birth control. If this fails, see a doctor to determine if your heavy periods have an underlying reason that needs to be treated. If you want to learn more about how to make your period lighter and more manageable, keep reading.


Part 1 of 3: Regulating Your Menstruation with Diet and Exercise

Make Your Period Lighter Step 1
Make Your Period Lighter Step 1

Step 1. Avoid white flour, sugar, and processed foods

These foods seem to worsen PMS symptoms (menstrual symptoms) and can make menstruation difficult. While it's not proven that avoiding sugar and carbohydrates shortens your period, it can help reduce bloating and stomach pain, and many women report experiencing lighter periods when they pay more attention to their diet. Ice cream and potato chips may be your go-to snack when your period comes, but you'll really feel the difference if you avoid them!

  • White bread, pasta, crackers, pretzels, chips, pastries, cakes, and other confectionery and confectionery foods are on the list of foods to avoid. Swap for fruit and natural sweeteners like agave and honey.
  • Avoiding these foods for a month is the best way to regulate your period. If you feel like you can't live without a few scoops of chocolate ice cream to master your PMS, you'll still benefit from eating healthy a few weeks before your period.
Make Your Period Lighter Step 2
Make Your Period Lighter Step 2

Step 2. Try a Mediterranean-style diet

Some women find that concentrating their diet on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and lean meats greatly affects their monthly periods. The Mediterranean diet is low in sodium, saturated fat, and processed carbohydrates, all of which cause the body to retain water and bloat, so eating this way should also help with other PMS problems.

Get in the habit of eating lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts and other legumes, olive oil, and whole grains like quinoa and farrow

Make Your Period Lighter Step 3
Make Your Period Lighter Step 3

Step 3. You can also put an ice pack (cold compress) on the lower abdomen to lighten your period

Eating ice cream and frozen foods can make your blood clot slightly, and make your stomachache worse.

Eat dairy products (milk), eggs, and meat in moderation

Make Your Period Lighter Step 4
Make Your Period Lighter Step 4

Step 4. Eat foods rich in potassium

Having a low level of potassium in your body can lead to irregular and heavy periods, coupled with abdominal pain and other symptoms. Eat foods rich in potassium. Having a low level of potassium in your body can lead to irregular and heavy periods, coupled with abdominal pain and other symptoms.

  • Bananas, sweet potatoes, lentils, yogurt, salmon, and raisins are all rich in potassium.
  • Boiling food removes potassium. Steam or roast potassium-rich foods to take full advantage.
Make Your Period Lighter Step 5
Make Your Period Lighter Step 5

Step 5. Increase and maintain intake of essential nutrients

Foods rich in essential fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins B, C, and E are ideal for menstrual health. In particular, focus on strengthening the walls of blood vessels, with vitamin C, flavonoids, and iron being the most important for you. Iron is also important to replace iron lost due to heavy blood loss.

Make Your Period Lighter Step 6
Make Your Period Lighter Step 6

Step 6. Exercise regularly

Getting enough exercise regularly can help make your periods more regular and relieve them. Regular exercise keeps your body healthy and your weight steady, so you're less likely to experience the body fat fluctuations that lead to irregular and heavy periods.

  • Some women report that light exercise such as swimming, jogging, and brisk walking make their periods lighter and shorter. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes 5-6 times per week.
  • Some women report that light exercise such as swimming, jogging, and brisk walking make their periods lighter and shorter. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes 5-6 times per week. It causes your estrogen level to decrease, because you lose so much weight that your body can't sustain the pregnancy.

Part 2 of 3: Trying the Pill Method to Regulate the Flow

Make Your Period Lighter Step 7
Make Your Period Lighter Step 7

Step 1. Talk to your doctor about starting the pill

Birth control pills rely on progesterone and estrogen, the two hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle and determine the weight of your period each month. Taking birth control pills causes many women to experience lighter and shorter periods. If your periods are heavier and you're ready to manage them with medication, this may be the right choice for you.

  • Talk to your doctor about getting prescription birth control pills. Everyone's body is different, and there are many different types of pills designed to treat different needs. Make an appointment with your doctor or visit the nearest health clinic to get a good prescription for you.
  • Take the pills according to the instructions. If you miss a few days, you may end up having an irregular heavy period – plus, the pill is no longer effective as a birth control tool. Be sure to take the pill every day, at the same time each day, to experience the benefits you seek.
Make Your Period Lighter Step 8
Make Your Period Lighter Step 8

Step 2. Consider other hormonal birth control methods

The pill isn't the only type of birth control that can regulate your period. If you don't want to take a pill every day, consider other options that will have the same benefits as standard birth control pills:

  • KB Paste. These are usually attached to the arms, back, or thighs. It distributes hormones similar to pills, but is absorbed through the skin. The patch should be changed every few weeks.
  • KB rings. This is a small ring that is inserted into the vagina and replaced once a month. It releases hormones into the bloodstream.
  • Hormonal intrauterine device (IUD). This is a small metal device that is implanted into the uterus by a doctor. It releases hormones into the uterus and works for up to 12 years. IUDs cause some women to miss periods or experience lighter periods, but for others they can make menstruation irregular.
Make Your Period Lighter Step 9
Make Your Period Lighter Step 9

Step 3. Find out about continuous birth control pills

If you prefer not to have your period at all, there is now an option that allows you to completely eliminate it. Some drug companies make pills that make your periods very light or eliminate them, depending on your preference. These pills are similar to regular birth control pills, but contain certain hormones that can further regulate menstruation.

Part 3 of 3: Making Heavy Menstruation Easier to Handle

Make Your Period Lighter Step 10
Make Your Period Lighter Step 10

Step 1. Know the common causes of heavy periods

Certain stages of life cause heavier periods of menstruation, and in some cases heavy periods are genetic. Changes in your body or lifestyle can be the cause of heavy periods. Be sure to check the following as possible reasons for heavier-than-usual periods:

  • If you're going through puberty, your periods may be a little heavy as your hormone levels adjust; Imbalances in estrogen and progesterone can result in heavy menstruation.
  • If you've recently stopped taking the pill, you may have heavier periods, as pills usually make your periods lighter.
  • If you recently had an IUD inserted, you may experience heavier periods in the first few months. The body initially perceives the IUD as a foreign body and this results in heavier periods. You may want to talk to your gynecologist and possibly change your birth control method if it lasts longer than the first 3-6 months.
  • If you've just given birth, and you're having a heavy period, you may need to wait. Menstruation after delivery can be very heavy, especially if you are not breastfeeding. However, your regular menstrual rate should return to normal in 2 or 3 cycles.
Make Your Period Lighter Step 11
Make Your Period Lighter Step 11

Step 2. Try using aroma therapy to relieve stress due to heavy menstruation

If you believe in using aromatherapy as a treatment method, this can help, and may be combined with other methods. Try mixing two drops each of rose attar, Roman chamomile, and clary sage oil with four drops of sweet marjoram oil and two teaspoons of sweet almond or olive oil as a base oil. Rub this mixture on your stomach every night during menstruation, or ask your partner to do it for you.

Make Your Period Lighter Step 12
Make Your Period Lighter Step 12

Step 3. Always have and update menstrual pain medication or herbal treatments

If you also experience pain with heavy periods, you can at least manage the pain and eliminate one source of suffering. Do not suffer in silence; relieve pain in menstruation. Talk to your doctor if you are not sure what is safe to use to reduce your menstrual pain.

Make Your Period Lighter Step 13
Make Your Period Lighter Step 13

Step 4. Have plenty of sanitary equipment within easy reach

Don't skimp: buy your favorite brand and never run out on your period. Buy lots of supplies in bulk, including tampons and pads. Have a night pad within reach as well, as you should sleep with a tampon.

  • Don't worry, you'll need the largest size that absorbs the most; What is wrong with it? It doesn't symbolize who you are or your physique.
  • If you're worried that a sanitary item might be showing through your clothes, try checking in a large mirror or a friend to see. Sometimes it's just a feeling, although you should avoid tight clothes if they are visible.
  • For some women, tampons may not be enough for heavy flows, so be prepared to try different sanitary supplies, including pads, menstrual cups, and other forms of menstrual protection.
Make Your Period Lighter Step 14
Make Your Period Lighter Step 14

Step 5. Handle leaks

Women with heavy menstruation at times will experience leakage of clothes. It's a good idea to have a longer set of clothes in a locker, in a bag, or some other easy-to-reach place, just in case. Good friends, teachers, coworkers, and caring strangers will be kind enough to warn you when it happens if you don't feel it. Ignore anyone who is not good. This is not something to be ashamed of; anyone who laughs is very disrespectful and has no mercy.

Make Your Period Lighter Step 15
Make Your Period Lighter Step 15

Step 6. Cover the object to avoid getting blood on it

Cover the bed, sofa, sheets, etc., where you will be sitting or sleeping for some time with a towel or other cover that is easy to wash and dries quickly. This is much easier than removing blood from a mattress or sofa pad and no one will understand when you take it off.

Make Your Period Lighter Step 16
Make Your Period Lighter Step 16

Step 7. Talk to your doctor if your period is very heavy

In some cases heavy periods are an indication that you have a medical problem affecting flow. Losing a certain amount of blood is normal, but it is possible to lose too much blood and become dehydrated or weak. If your period lasts more than a week, you're passing blood clots, you're soaking all your pads or tampons every hour, and you're feeling weak or having trouble breathing, you should see a doctor as soon as possible and find out what's causing the problem.

  • Write a description of your typical period and any other symptoms you are likely to experience during the cycle.
  • Have your doctor check for problems that usually cause heavy periods. Hormonal imbalances, fibroids, polyps, and other severe diseases can cause heavy blood loss.
  • The doctor will perform a pelvic exam and possibly a vaginal biopsy, ultrasound, blood test, pap smear, or cervical biopsy.


  • Stress causes heavier flow, take it easy!
  • Get enough rest.
  • Monitor your period so you know when it is coming.
  • Keep track of your periods so that you know when they are coming.
  • Don't wear tight clothes.
  • Eat foods that contain vitamin K such as romaine lettuce, spinach and cabbage.
  • Organic red raspberry tea leaves will make stomachaches go away.
  • Evening Primrose Oil or Total EFA Flaxseed oil, which has primrose oil in it, can help with stomach pains and heavier periods.


  • Heavy periods mean you have to watch your iron levels to prevent anemia.
  • Talk to your doctor if your flow is very problematic or you change your diet
