Want to change the world, but not sure where to start? The first and foremost thing to remember is that everyone is free to define what "change the world" means, so there are many different meanings. You can change the world by doing something dramatic or a few simple things. You need to think globally and set realistic expectations, but most importantly: determine the motive first and then take concrete action.
Method 1 of 5: Think Globally

Step 1. Find out the problems that are happening at home and abroad
Read news on websites, newspapers, and magazines. Ask questions and seek as much information as possible to increase knowledge. The world is vast and amazing. You can't make changes if you don't know what's happening at home and abroad.
- Instead of just reading local news, read information about the situation and condition of various cities, provinces, and other countries. Read the opinions and accounts of people living abroad.
- Watch documentaries and TED Talks. Listen to the information the teacher conveys in class. Study a particular subject in detail. Seek new knowledge as much as possible.

Step 2. Identify the specific problem
Inequality can be the main reason that you want to change the world. However, there are many other things that need to be changed! At the time of writing, there are still wars in Palestine, droughts in California, deaths in Central African refugee camps, forest fires in Brazil, evacuation of islanders in the Indian Ocean due to rising sea levels.

Step 3. Look for information about life around you
Take a trip out of town or abroad. If possible, invite local people to talk about their daily life. Meet people in the community from different backgrounds, people with high and low incomes, younger or older, of other cultures or religions. Use the internet to complete and share the results of your explorations. Explore to the corners of the earth and learn to accept differences.
- You don't have to spend a lot of money to do this step. Find as many new things as you can by walking around the house or cycling to the edge of town. You need to save if you want to travel abroad.
- Learn from every experience. When visiting other countries, don't close yourself off to other cultures. Instead, try to get to know a different culture!
- If your itinerary seems hedonistic, consider traveling options to help others, such as volunteering to build a house or protecting nature. Join the Peace Corps, Doctors Without Borders, or other social organizations, such as WWOOF to help local farmers do well and market their produce. Think of ways to do good selflessly!

Step 4. Decide what you want to change
Choose an issue that fits your mission in life and then decide what you want to prioritize. Maybe you want to dedicate yourself to tackling climate change, eliminating slavery, or saving a particular species from the threat of extinction. You can change the world dramatically or by doing small things.
There are various ways to change the world. You can turn coral into precious diamonds. Your job is to find out how.
Method 2 of 5: Setting Realistic Expectations

Step 1. Determine what it means to change the world
This noble intention can be realized if you are serious and take real action. However, keep in mind that "changing the world" doesn't mean "making the world a better place", but "taking problems and dealing with them."

Step 2. Know that change doesn't happen overnight
The shortest and most impactful revolutions require months or years of struggle. Patience bears sweet fruit. Don't intend to change the world by performing amazing heroic acts. Apply the virtue values while living your daily life consistently even if you don't see significant changes in your daily life. Execute the plan persistently and never give up. Be patient!
Even though the actions you have taken so far have not brought about a change, you are already living a life worth being proud of by inspiring or teaching others by example. One day, a change occurred unexpectedly

Step 3. Focus on the goal you want to achieve
You need to be patient and try, but don't be too patient. Set realistic goals, but don't lose motivation. The dream of changing the world remains empowering as long as you really want to make it happen.

Step 4. Find out your talents
Though doubtful, many say this message was conveyed by Pablo Picasso: "Knowing your talents helps you achieve your life goals. Sharing them with others makes life meaningful." Define your passion, which is something you've been waiting for and that excites you so much that you can focus on it for hours on end to make your wish come true. Do it, even if no one else does. Look for ways to share the benefits with others.
- Learn about the ways that other people are changing the world. Nelson Mandela changed the world by fighting apartheid, Henry Ford mass-produced cars, Steve Jobs designed and developed personal computers, Gutenberg invented the printing press with new technologies, Marco Polo traveled between continents and forged intercultural connections. You can seek inspiration from others or apply your own method.
- Find inspiration by reading articles about people who can change the world. Besides Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Steve Jobs, Jr., you probably admire Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, or Neil Armstrong.

Step 5. Determine your purpose in life
Start imagining the changes you want to make. Visualize the steps you will take to change the world. Is it by writing a book, patenting a new invention, establishing a foundation, or preserving a particular species? There are so many ways to make changes that have a huge impact. Determine the most effective way.

Step 6. Remember that you don't have to do everything yourself
Martin Luther King, Jr. has a large following and he speaks with the support of a large group of activists who are deeply loyal to him. JFK is not alone in facing the Cuban missile crisis. His success was backed by a brilliant line of ministers and advisers. John Lennon was not able to make many people imagine by singing the song "Imagine" without the support of members of the Beatles band. Live life with the determination to realize what you dream of and apply the virtues that you believe in. Once you start creating momentum, people with the same dream will be attracted to you.
- Form a team or discussion group. Invite some friends to support you voluntarily. Share your thoughts on social media and share them with everyone, because plans are more likely to materialize if lots of people support you.
- Ask the librarian about the availability of free facilities to form a non-controversial group that does not compromise security. If not, find out what the meeting room rental rates in the community building are. Alternatively, hold a meeting in your home!
- Join an existing organization. Volunteer to support a nonprofit, make a donation to support a charity, or register as a social action officer. If you don't know how to get started, seek information from people who are already agents of change.
Method 3 of 5: Supporting Humanitarian Action

Step 1. Volunteer or support a charity by donating
Today, everyone can volunteer to help, apart from cooking in soup kitchens or visiting a nursing home. Determine the motive for social action that fits your purpose in life and then contact a non-profit organization in your city. Volunteer by creating a petition, donating money, supporting a charity, raising funds, or becoming an advocate.
- Don't immediately donate to support the first charity you find so that the use of funds is much more efficient. Make sure the money you give is used to save as many people as possible by accessing givewell.org. You may choose the most recommended social action, but please read the information provided for consideration. In addition, take the time to access the BBB Start With Trust or Charity Navigator website.
- Buy a bracelet to donate. Sometimes, a high level of concern moves many artists to raise funds by selling bracelets. Apart from looking cool and inexpensive, you can achieve your life goals by helping others.
- If you want to support developing countries, the best social action is to help people who want to help themselves. This very useful activity is carried out by facilitating community members so that they are able to empower and develop themselves. Social actions organized by Heifer International, Kiva, or Free the Children use this method. In addition, consider social actions that support the world of education, such as One Laptop Per Child.

Step 2. Think carefully when shopping
Companies are the most important and influential organizations in the world today. Companies are involved, in fact influence almost all issues in everyday life and sometimes play a bigger role than the government. The good news is that you can encourage companies to do good things the right way every day. Every time you buy something, you agree to whatever process goes through when the product is made. If you are shopping again, read the product packaging carefully.
Find out more about the product you want to buy by answering the following questions: "Do I want to support this company?", "Are the farmers or factory workers who make this product treated well?", "Is the product sold at a fair price?, "Is this product healthy?", "Is this product environmentally friendly?", "Does the sale of this product support the political regime that oppresses the people?"

Step 3. Become a blood donor
Many countries (especially Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States) often lack blood reserves, so it is necessary to work hard to find people who are willing to donate blood. Don't be afraid because the process only takes about 30 minutes and is painless! Look for information through the Red Cross website or the Indonesian Red Cross.

Step 4. Become an advocate
State your stand on injustice and enlist the support of friends. Hold a fundraiser to raise money so you can support a charity that aligns with your motives. If you're having trouble raising funds, vote for organizations that are already campaigning to tackle poverty, stop war, injustice, sexism, racism or corruption around the world. Everyone can be an activist. Craig Kielburger was 12 years old when he became a human rights activist defending child labour. Together with his brother, he founded the organizations Free the Children and Me to We.

Step 5. Become an organ donor
People who have died do not need their organs anymore, even though it is very useful if given to people who need them. Register to donate organs at the nearest hospital to save the lives of up to 8 people. Discuss this plan with family members and share your decision.
Method 4 of 5: Protecting and Preserving the Earth

Step 1. Form a recycling habit
Everyone can recycle, not just hippies! Almost anything can be recycled, newspapers, plastics, computers, and old cell phones. Invite schoolmates or coworkers to recycle and use products that can be recycled.

Step 2. Limit the use of motorized vehicles while traveling
Maybe you already know that motor vehicle fumes are harmful to living things. Walking to a nearby location is an effective way to reduce air pollution. Use public transportation as often as possible. Instead of driving a car or motorbike, use a bicycle to work. If you need to use a private car, buy an electric car (renewable energy source) and gas or electric only.

Step 3. Reduce the impact your actions have on nature
As much as possible, reuse goods and materials that can still be used, use environmentally friendly products, buy local food and products (to support the community's economy), and preserve natural resources, for example by saving water use. This step can save the earth and create a healthy living environment for the next generation.
Help others do the same by explaining how to reduce the impact their actions have on nature, but don't be pretentious or arrogant. You do it to preserve nature, not to look smarter or superior than other people

Step 4. Use water as sparingly as possible
Do you know about the threat of a severe water crisis in the short term? This problem occurs because during the same period, more water is used than is cleaned or recycled. Overcome this problem by saving water use when bathing, washing dishes, brushing teeth, and doing other activities.
For example, do not water the grass in the yard with clean water. Instead, collect rainwater to water the grass. Using clean water for this purpose is a huge waste

Step 5. Provide support to animal protection activists
All forms of life must be respected so that humanity is upheld in order to create a better society. Set aside time to support animal rights, volunteer at an animal shelter, or donate to an animal protection organization. Know that the animals that suffer the most are farm animals, not pets. Many people forget this because they do not see the animal being consumed. Be a vegetarian to maintain health, preserve nature, reduce animal suffering, and the price of food is relatively cheaper! If you are not interested in being a vegetarian, try cutting back on meat. You can do it gradually, instead of all at once.
- Look for information before donating to a specific organization, such as the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), PETA, or another large company because the funds are not necessarily used to protect animals. Before donating, compare several charities by accessing
- Don't buy pet food to donate. Make a monetary donation as animal shelters can buy food in bulk so it's cheaper and donations are easier to manage. Another way of showing support for animal welfare is to take care of them in the short term as the costs are relatively low!
Method 5 of 5: Helping Others

Step 1. Give help to others
Like the movie, played by Haley Joel Osment, you can help others as a way of repaying the kindness of those who have helped you. Do good deeds to 3 or more people without being asked and ask for something in return then invite them to do the same to 3 people and so on. Imagine what life on earth would be like if everyone did this!

Step 2. Don't hurt other people
Imagine you are in a society where no one hurts anyone else. You don't need to lock your door at night to protect yourself. Maybe you think that one person can't make a change. Remember that the world is inhabited by 7 billion people. You can inspire someone to be like you and do the domino effect!

Step 3. Laugh and smile
Many people believe that laughter is the best medicine. Plus, happy people tend to be healthier and have more fun interacting! Besides being easy and cheap, sharing smiles and laughter with other people makes him feel happy! When the happiness you feel contributes to the happiness and well-being of others and all living beings, this is called continuous happiness!
- If you want to change the world in another way, just do it! Don't limit yourself to this article.
- Remember, many problems are not known to people because they are not reported. The suffering continued after the media stopped reporting on natural disasters. For example, since the earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, many people are still homeless.
- Be a volunteer or make a donation by searching for information on the KADIN website.
- Don't forget to help others, for example helping an elderly woman cross the street, holding the door for people who will pass by, and smiling to make her smile too. You can make the world a more pleasant place to live with good intentions.
- Make sure you have a clear motive so that you are ready to answer if asked.
- Don't obsess. If you neglect your own well-being because you want to fulfill your desire to change the world, you may not be able to participate in the next activity.
- When making a donation, make sure you know the management of the funds and information about the donor remains confidential because nowadays, many scams go through the website.