World Environment Day is an annual celebration event that is held every 5 June to raise everyone's awareness of the importance of caring for the environment. World Environment Day is organized by the United Nations Environment Program as the culmination of environmental conservation events organized by green organizations around the world. Taking part in this celebration allows you to contribute to a cleaner, greener and brighter future for the earth.
Method 1 of 3: Participate in World Environment Day Celebration Events

Step 1. Visit the World Environment Day website
Visit and take some time to find out about the events that interest you the most. Read stories and news about the ward and learn how to participate in these events.
You can also use the website to list activities carried out by schools, businesses or local communities to celebrate World Environment Day. By registering the action, you can inspire others to do the same

Step 2. Find out the theme for this year's World Environment Day celebration
For example, in 2017, the theme was “Connecting People to Nature”. This theme seeks to invite people to spend time outdoors while admiring the beauty of nature. In addition, this theme also focuses on preventing environmental damage.
Also check which countries are hosting World Environment Day celebrations this year. For example, in 2017, Canada hosted it. If you live in a host country, be prepared to take part in a variety of exciting activities

Step 3. Check for activities to be held near where you live
You may want to join a planned event or help with the event by registering as a volunteer. Check the official World Environment Day website and search online to find nearby events.

Step 4. Add photos or videos into nature album to share your favorite places
The World Environment Day website is working on creating the world's largest nature album. Take a photo or video of your favorite place in the wild and upload it to the album. For example, you can take a photo of your favorite lake or mountain, make a video of a thunderstorm, or make a time-lapse video of beautiful clouds.

Step 5. Promote World Environment Day on social media
Use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media to promote World Environment Day. Share events near where you live, write environmental facts, add photos of nature, or provide eco-friendly living tips. Whatever it is, spread the word to everyone that World Environment Day is here!
Method 2 of 3: Organizing Your Own World Environment Day Event

Step 1. Collect recyclables to reduce waste
Put up posters around your house so everyone knows they can send recycled waste at your home or at a specific location. After that, take the waste to a recycling facility. This is especially helpful if you offer a recycling service for items that can't be recycled in regular places, such as electronics, batteries, and paint cans.

Step 2. Create a film festival to raise environmental issues
You can organize a film festival that addresses environmental issues. Watch An Inconvenient Truth, Day After Tomorrow, Soylent Green, or Erin Brockovich. If there are children coming, also add WALL-E or FernGully: The Last Rainforest.
If you've planned this ahead of time, you can register your city as part of a Wild & Scenic Film Festival tour

Step 3. Create an art and craft exhibition that focuses on environmental sustainability
This event will show the audience the importance of knowing the origin of the products that are used every day for the sake of environmental sustainability. Invite local artists and crafters who make eco-friendly products.
For example, choose artists who use recycled materials in their projects, or tailors who use eco-friendly materials to make clothes and other items

Step 4. Organize a poetry reading to hear public opinion about the environment
You can organize a poetry reading at a nearby coffee shop or bookstore to provide a means of expressing opinions, concerns, and expectations about the environment. Events like this can also help connect people through a love of nature. Choose a poem by the author that puts forward environmental issues, such as poetry about the environment.
- You can also include elements of dramatic reading or performing arts.
- You can read poems like “Flood” by Pablo Neruda or a short poem by Kuntowijoyo entitled “Angin Laut”.

Step 5. Organize a charity concert for the environment
It's a fun way to get everyone involved in the positive. Invite local musicians to play on an outdoor stage. You can even look for musicians who use environmentally friendly materials as musical instruments, or musicians whose song lyrics focus on environmental issues.
- You can sell admission tickets, then donate the proceeds to environmental conservation, such as saving endangered species. In addition, you can also place donation boxes around the concert location so that the audience can donate.
- If you don't want to charge an entrance fee, you can ask the audience to bring a plastic bottle that can be recycled as a condition for attending the concert.
- You can play a record or have a band play a song like The Beatles' "Mother Nature's Son," or John Mayer's "Waiting on the World to Change."

Step 6. Plant trees to enrich the oxygen in the air
Trees are very beneficial for the environment because they can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. Gather a group of people, then organize a tree planting activity together in your neighborhood. Ask permission before planting it in a public area, such as a park, or plant a tree in a friend's yard or your own.

Step 7. Organize a clean-up event to beautify the environment
Invite your neighbors to help clean up the area around your home. This is an activity that can be done with children. Pick up trash, remove weeds, or repair damaged fences around the area.

Step 8. Plan a treasure hunt game to enjoy the beauty of nature
Invite adults and children around your home to participate. Make a list of things to find, such as a yellow flower, a green leaf, a ladybug, a feather, a rock, grass, a cloud, a blue object, etc. Give prizes to the winners, such as eco-friendly cloth bags.

Step 9. Raise awareness of the people around you
Set up a small booth outside your local library or near a supermarket once you get permission. Talk to passersby about environmental issues or share posters about them. This is a good way to educate others about environmental issues.
Method 3 of 3: Doing Activities That Are Beneficial to the Environment

Step 1. Start practicing an eco-friendly lifestyle
Record the amount of energy consumption, consumer habits, and your dependence on products that are not environmentally friendly, then make a list of things you can do to replace them with better things. Set a timeframe for making changes, placing the most extreme changes at the end of the timeframe you specify.
For example, start by eating non-meat products twice a week. You can also turn off lights and electronics when not in use. In addition, you can also commit to walking to work as often as possible

Step 2. Buy foodstuffs that are organic, eco-friendly, or well-produced
Read the packaging label about the origin of the processing of the purchased product, then decide whether the product is suitable for consumption. Find out if the product you want to buy is certified organic, eco-friendly, locally made, or well-produced. There's a lot of information to be found on a label, if you're willing to read it.
- Eco-friendly products are products that come from nature. For example, all products bearing the FSC logo are manufactured to safe and environmentally friendly production standards.
- Organic products, such as real cotton fabrics, are much more environmentally friendly than non-organic products, such as artificial cotton production practices.
- Local products reduce the negative impact on the environment because they are not delivered from far away, thus saving fuel emissions when they are about to be delivered to consumers.
- A well-produced product is made with the right ethics, and is produced by considering the welfare of the surrounding community and environmental resources in the production area.
- If you can't find a product label, send an email or Facebook message to the company, distributor, or manufacturer responsible for the product. Facebook is a good place to post questions because there are lots of people waiting for your answer!

Step 3. Use public transportation to reduce the negative impact on the environment
Use public transportation as often as possible to reduce the emission of toxic gases that cause air pollution. Riding can also be a good alternative to reduce pollution. You can also use a bicycle or walk to nearby destinations.

Step 4. Engage in conversations, restorations, or projects related to the environment
This is a great day to sign up and get involved firsthand rather than just talking or reading. Sign up to help restore an old town building, or join a local water conservation group.

Step 5. Plant edible plants in your garden
If you have an empty yard or garden, make plans to grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs for personal use, as well as flowers that bees love. Growing food ingredients can reduce the negative impact on the environment. Some things you can do to make the most of your garden are:
- Turn garden waste into compost. Use this compost to increase production in your garden.
- Grow edible and seasonal herbs. For those of you who have a narrow balcony or terrace, you can still plant foodstuffs such as potatoes in sacks and sprouts in pots placed on the windowsill. You can also join the nearest gardening community.
- Plant spices and herbs that can add to the taste of food, make the garden look more beautiful, and have properties for beauty, medicine, and various other uses. Borrow books from the library to learn how to use herbs and spices. These plants do not take up much space and can be planted on the windowsill or balcony of the house.
- Build a useful garden by implementing careful and eco-friendly gardening techniques.
- Learn to make an insect repellent with ingredients that are toxic to insects and fungi, but safe for people and pets!

Step 6. Reject, reduce, reuse and recycle
Refuse to buy products that are not environmentally friendly, reduce your energy consumption, reuse old items, and recycle all recyclable waste. All these piles of goods must be discarded. So, don't get used to piling things up at home, and pay attention to where you want to throw those used things!