You are the only person who can determine if you are truly beautiful. All it takes is a change in thinking and a boost in self-confidence and self-worth. And yes, these things are easier said than done.
Part 1 of 3: Being Beautiful on the Inside

Step 1. Understand your own beauty
This is the most important step to feeling beautiful. You must understand that your beauty comes from "you", not from any outside source. But you have to practice to feel this way.
- Write a list of all the good things about yourself. This list includes things like helping someone carry their groceries, listening to a friend, or being the best at making word games.
- Every morning, when you wake up, go to the mirror in the bathroom, smile at yourself and say out loud "I'm amazing" and "I'm happy." The more you say it the more you convince your brain that it's true.
- Write a list of the things that you think are beautiful about yourself. Maybe you have big brown eyes, a cute nose, full lips, or a good laugh. If you can't think of any of these things, ask a trusted friend or family member.
- When you start to think negatively about yourself, think about the list you made.

Step 2. Stop negative thoughts
Negative thoughts cause your brain to believe in those negative things. If we think we are ugly, our brain will be convinced of it. You have to convince your brain that these bad thoughts are not true.
- When you start having negative thoughts, immediately label them as negative thoughts. Example: "My nose looks terrible." Tell yourself: "I think my nose is terrible." This step makes it so that the thought is not you.
- Get rid of negative thoughts. You are not your thoughts, but your thoughts can be very dangerous for your self-confidence.
- Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Even if you don't believe in positive thoughts, you can trick your brain into believing them.

Step 3. Build your self-confidence
Everyone has good qualities, both inside and out, but it's important for us to realize that humans have more value than their outward appearance. Admiring people (and yourself) for their physical attractiveness is great, but it's even better to see what's inside. There will always be someone prettier, more successful, with more lovers.
- Don't be too hard on yourself. You are your greatest enemy. Give yourself the freedom to have days where you feel like you don't seem attractive. Confidence is about believing in yourself even on days where you don't feel like it.
- Don't judge other people. What you think about other people says a lot about you. Try to think positively, think well of others. This will have a positive effect on you.
- Don't compare yourself to others. This will only cause you to lose confidence in yourself. In addition, the person who looked very beautiful might have lived a difficult life in other ways.
- Pretend until you succeed. You can trick your brain into believing in yourself if you pretend to be confident. Act like you already know you're beautiful and you'll start believing it.
- Don't feel as though you have to have a lover to be someone of value. Your self-esteem and self-confidence depend on you and only you. If you place too much control of your self-esteem in the hands of others, you will not learn true self-confidence.
- Treat yourself to a selfie. You control the image and you can make it so that it brings out your most attractive characteristics. When you feel less confident, take your selfie and remind yourself that you are beautiful!
Part 2 of 3: Being Beautiful on the Outside

Step 1. Change your appearance
Changing your appearance can give you a boost in self-confidence and help you break out of a boring look. Changing your appearance can be fun too!
- Change your hairstyle. Cut, divide hair in different styles, highlight or dye your hair pink.
Dress yourself up with dark misty eye makeup or use bright red lipstick.
Do a free makeover. Head to the makeup counter at your local convenience store and ask the clerk for help trying out new colors. If you've always worn a plum color, ask the sales rep to come up with a peach color for a completely new look. You will come home with a stunning new look on your face
- Choosing a new wardrobe item can change the entire contents of your wardrobe: a new shirt, skirt, or even a scarf.

Step 2. Wear clothes, makeup, and accessories that make you feel beautiful and confident
Clothes that you are comfortable wearing are better than clothes that are at the peak of "fashion" but are not comfortable to wear. Your discomfort with yourself will show.
Check that your clothes fit properly. It's hard to be comfortable when your jeans press too tightly against your waist, or when your bra leaves marks on your skin

Step 3. Pamper yourself
Giving yourself some time alone to do something relaxing can give you a boost in self-confidence and also help you relax, which in turn will help keep your thoughts positive.
- Make yourself feel beautiful to your toes with a pedicure at home. Do as you please! Wear a toe ring or two. Paint each toenail a different color, using glitter or sample colors that you don't dare to use on your hands yet.
- Give your skin some special care. When you pamper yourself, it shows. Then give yourself a facial at home for skin-smoothing results.

Step 4. Exercise to be healthy
Health is not only considered attractive, it also means that your mind is healthy too! Exercise can help with depression and prevent you from getting sick. It's hard to feel beautiful when you have a cold.
- Sleep is a big factor in health. Lack of sleep puts a strain on the nervous system and can make you more susceptible to depression and illness. If you can't sleep for the recommended 8 to 9 hours a night, make sure you can take naps during the day.
- Exercise releases endorphins and serotonin which improve your mood and your body. There are many different ways to exercise: yoga, dancing, walking or running, aerobics, zumba. Exercising can be a lot of fun.
- Learn to meditate. Meditation or meditation can help retrain your brain to let go of negative thoughts. Meditation can also help with depression, eating disorders, and stress.
- Laugh. Get together with a friend and reminisce about a funny incident the two of you witnessed, or watch your favorite comedy show. Laughter can do things like ease pain, help you cope with difficult situations, and improve your mood.
- Sunbathe. Sunlight is known to be one of the big mood boosters. In fact, in some countries in Northern Europe where the sun rarely shines during the winter, people do light therapy to fight depression. (Be careful when basking in the sun, and make sure to wear sunscreen)
Part 3 of 3: Being Beautiful

Step 1. Be attractive by being a nice, respectful and pleasant person
Humans may initially react to physical attractiveness, but research has found that humans will reevaluate their perception of attractiveness based on personality traits.
- Listen to people when they talk. You don't have to be a doormat to listen to other people and people will notice that you're interested in what they have to say.
- Kindness is one of the most important traits in attractiveness ratings according to Yale University psychologist Paul Bloom. This kindness means helping others when they are in need and not judging others (see steps above).

Step 2. Determine how you define attractiveness
Remember that true beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Different cultural groups have different norms of beauty. The obsession about being skinny means being beautiful only really started in the 1960s.
Remember that the people in magazines, movies and television shows have an army of hairstylists, makeup artists, lighting and photoshops. Of course you don't look like them. They don't even look like themselves when they are in the media
- Tell yourself that someone out there will look at you and think that all the imperfections you think you have are perfection. There is at least one person out there for every person who thinks she is beautiful from any angle.
- Color your mood happy. When you're feeling down about what you see in the mirror, don't wear a gray coat that looks like your mood. Wear bright colors to bring yourself back to life. For example, try red, the most energetic color in the color spectrum.
- Look for clothes and accessories that show the things you love, such as books, television shows, movies, hobbies, or favorite sports. Wearing things that are personalized as things you love will make you more confident and more like yourself.