3 Ways to Brush Your Teeth Without Using Toothpaste

3 Ways to Brush Your Teeth Without Using Toothpaste
3 Ways to Brush Your Teeth Without Using Toothpaste

Table of contents:


If you don't want to buy toothpaste, or if you don't want to use commercial toothpaste anymore, there are many safe and easy home alternatives to make with ingredients you can find at home. To learn how to make homemade toothpaste from these simple ingredients, as well as to ensure good oral health using other methods, see Step 1 for more instructions.


  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1/8 cup water
  • Additional flavorings that are safe to consume (optional)


Method 1 of 3: Making Homemade Toothpaste

Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 1
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 1

Step 1. Make the base mix

Generally, most homemade toothpastes contain a basic mix of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, sea salt, and/or a few drops of essential oil. To make a basic toothpaste, mix:

  • half cup of baking soda
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • a mixture of household peroxide and water in a ratio of 50/50, in an amount sufficient to moisten the mixture and create a paste texture
  • For various reasons, some people may choose to avoid some or all of the ingredients used above. Feel free to forgo some of the materials you're not comfortable with and replace them with substitutes you want to use.
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 2
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 2

Step 2. Add a few drops of essential oil

Try peppermint, orange, or any other flavor you'd like to use to give the toothpaste a good taste.

Essential oils don't come cheap, but a little essential oil will make your homemade toothpaste a lot better. This oil can be used for a variety of homemade products and a bottle of essential oil will keep you going for a long time. If you are interested in using alternative products, consider buying some essential oils to work with

Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 3
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 3

Step 3. Stir the toothpaste mixture in a bottle or other container with a lid

Shake the mixture to mix well and close the container tightly. Keep the container on the table so it's easy to find when you need it.

Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 4
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 4

Step 4. Consider creating alternative blends that have a remineralizing effect

Especially if you don't like using hydrogen peroxide, mix a toothpaste that doesn't include peroxide and replace it with mineralizing elements that will strengthen your teeth and keep them healthy and clean. Brushing your teeth regularly using a remineralizing mixture will give you the same healthy effect as toothpaste without the use of worrying ingredients. Consider making a mixture of the following ingredients:

  • Two parts calcium or calcium magnesium powder
  • Two parts coconut oil
  • One part baking soda
  • One part xylitol powder

Method 2 of 3: Using Only One Material As Alternative

Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 5
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 5

Step 1. Use sea salt

A really simple natural alternative to toothpaste is to dip a toothbrush in fine grain sea salt and use it to clean your teeth. Sea salt may taste a bit rough, so consider dissolving half a teaspoon or so of sea salt in a little warm water to use instead of coarse salt. This will also make it taste a little better in the mouth.

Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 6
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 6

Step 2. Use baking soda or hydrogen peroxide

The basic ingredients for most homemade toothpaste recipes will also work on their own if needed. Use one or both of these ingredients in small amounts to clean and whiten your teeth.

Be aware that using baking soda directly for long periods of time can have an abrasive effect on your teeth. Also, there are a number of dangers to using hydrogen peroxide with a dental filling mixture, although using it a few times when you run out of regular toothpaste is perfectly safe

Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 7
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 7

Step 3. Use natural liquid soap

This may sound strange, but the well-known Dr. Bronner's is a great alternative to toothpaste. If you have liquid soap, dissolve a little bit of water and dip a toothbrush in the mixture. Of course it tastes like soap, but if you're in a pinch and need to clean your mouth, you can do this.

  • Try a peppermint-scented soap to help disguise the soapy taste and make it a more familiar brushing experience.
  • Several additive-free dental soaps are also available in the market, marketed to people who are concerned about using commercial toothpastes that contain fluoride.
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 8
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 8

Step 4. Try coconut oil

Coconut oil is antibacterial, antifungal, and tastes great. It may not be the cheapest alternative, but it is also a versatile oil that you can use for cooking, for your skin and hair. This oil is also a good base to use, if you want to add a few drops of any essential oil you have on hand.

Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 9
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 9

Step 5. Use your toothbrush only

Wet your toothbrush or use it dry if you feel you need to clean your teeth but don't have time to make an alternative toothpaste mixture. Most of the positive effects of brushing your teeth come from using a toothbrush. You won't get the fresh menthol taste or breath freshening aspect of using toothpaste, but your teeth will be clean.

Method 3 of 3: Cleaning Teeth Without Brushing

Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 10
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 10

Step 1. Try chewing neem wood

Neem twigs and miswak wood are commonly used in the Middle East to keep teeth clean and breath fresh. To use it, chew the bark at the end of one of the twigs and separate the fibrous "feathers" by chewing the pulp. Use the resulting bristles to clean your teeth.

  • You can order them in bulk on the internet or buy them straight from a natural food store or some Indian markets and store them in the refrigerator or freezer to make sure the wood doesn't get moldy.
  • Chewing neem wood is also a common method of quitting smoking, which can harm your dental health. You can consider once rowing, two or three islands passed, namely by keeping your mouth clean and stopping smoking.
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 11
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 11

Step 2. Water your mouth with a water pick

Water pick is a kind of device for rinsing teeth with pressure, generally recommended by orthodontists to complement the brushing tool when the patient uses braces. However, you don't have to have braces to benefit from a water pick. Its effect on gum health has been clearly proven, and has the same function as dental floss, which is to clean between teeth.

Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 12
Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste Step 12

Step 3. Try oil pulling therapy

Oil pulling therapy is an ancient medical technique for detoxifying and cleaning teeth and gums. Just like applying oil to the skin, rubbing a small amount of oil in a circular motion in the mouth can rejuvenate cells and flush out toxins.

Try using coconut oil or other natural oils such as grapeseed, olive, or almond oil, rubbing in circular motions in your mouth for 15-20 minutes every morning before breakfast. Spit out the oil, not swallow it. If you have "swallowed" the poison, clean your mouth


  • You may be surprised to learn that this method can whiten your teeth just like using branded toothpaste and still prevent cavities.
  • Simply by blowing a wet toothbrush in kosher salt can be used to clean teeth properly.
  • One of the recommended flavor enhancers is lemon or lime because these ingredients are very refreshing and also help lighten the color of your teeth. However, be aware that adding something acidic (like lemon or lime) to 'toothpaste' will cause a 'sizzling' chemical reaction with the baking soda. In addition, the acid in limes can erode tooth enamel, leading to less protection against cavities.
  • When you're camping you can use ashes from a fire: It's also a good teeth whitener. Ash is highly alkaline, and reacts with oil in the mouth and plaque through a saponification process, to create a natural soapy substance that cleans teeth. If you have a sensitive mouth, this method may risk mouth harm.
  • Sugar is not a flavor enhancer!
  • If you swallow a lot of "toothpaste" dough, drink water and seek medical help if needed; ingesting too much baking soda can make you vomit.
  • Be careful whenever you use wood ash, as the ash mixed with water can turn into an alkaline solution, a very caustic chemical.
  • Be careful if you use this method often; because it may erode your tooth enamel.
  • Don't use too many flavoring agents - this can numb the tongue.
