If you want to lose weight fast, you have to be willing to put in the effort. Losing about half a kilogram a day is not impossible, but it is not easy. With discipline and strong determination when undergoing diet and exercise, you can lose 3 kilograms in one week.
Method 1 of 3: Eat to Lose Weight

Step 1. Understand the science behind losing weight
Find out why you should reduce your carbohydrate intake, start exercising, and follow a different diet so that you too can diet properly. In 450 grams of fat there are 3500 calories and losing weight quickly makes you have to cut a lot of calories from your menu. In addition, exercise can burn calories and encourage metabolism to burn more calories while we sleep. 3500 calories per day is not a small amount and therefore you must be prepared to make sacrifices to make it happen. These 7 days won't be fun, but you can get through them if you're determined.
- One calorie is one calorie. Therefore, in the end, losing weight is a matter of reducing calorie intake, no matter the source. A professor in Kentucky once ate Twinkies and lost 12 pounds to prove this theory. How to? He ate very, very little Twinkies.
- If you feel dizzy, nauseous or tired while on this diet, stop and eat small meals. You can still lose a lot of weight by following the basics of this diet, even if you have to "cheat" for your own safety once or twice.

Step 2. Record your normal calorie intake for 1-2 weeks before going on this diet
You can download a diet app, use a site to count calories, or write your calorie count in a notebook. You'll need to know your daily calorie intake to figure out how to change your diet.
You must consume about 1000 calories or less per day to lose 3 pounds per week

Step 3. Cut the amount of carbohydrate intake
If you can take it slow, before taking on this one week challenge, you too can get the best results. Carbohydrates are a mandatory intake but can store a lot of water (because carbohydrates are more likely to be bound to water than fat or protein) and it is easy for us to consume them in excess. Try to eat less than 50 grams of carbohydrates (roughly the equivalent of one tablespoon of pasta) per day.
- Replace pumpkin spaghetti with pasta as it contains less than 1/4 of the calories.
- Replace English muffins with bagels or hamburger buns to cut 100 calories.
- Make vegetable tacos instead of burritos.
- Try to lower your carbohydrate intake slowly for 2-3 weeks before starting this diet. Your body will adapt to the changes and when the time comes for this diet, your body is ready to lose weight. However, that does not mean this diet can be lived easily.

Step 4. Choose vegetables
It's hard to overeat vegetables. Not because vegetables don't taste good, but because of a point called the "bliss point" which is the number of calories it takes to feel full. Processed foods have higher levels of this point, but fresh vegetables allow you to feel full even if you take in fewer calories.
Make salads with your favorite fruits and vegetables: lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, kale, celery, apples, strawberries, onions, and so on. Do not give too much sauce, just 1-2 tablespoons of oil and vinegar

Step 5. Eat low-fat protein to feel full and get long-lasting energy
When you've cut the amount of carbohydrates that enter, you will feel hungry all the time. But you can avoid it by eating foods that are low in fat and high in protein. Some sources of protein that you can consume are:
- Grilled chicken.
- Nuts.
- Tuna and other white fish.
- Egg

Step 6. Reschedule your diet to do intermittent fasting (IF)
IF is one of the best ways to lose weight fast, but it's not a fun method. Often times, this IF method requires us to skip breakfast so that the gap between meals is about 18 hours or more. Instead of a big breakfast, eat one banana when you wake up as a snack. After that you can have lunch and dinner with a small snack in between (especially if you're also exercising) and do the same the next day.
- This is just a strategy for short-term weight loss. In the long run, having an adequate breakfast every day is very important because if you skip breakfast, you may end up eating more than you should.
- Fasting can increase fat oxidation so you can lose weight faster.

Step 7. Eat snacks that contain less than 150 calories
Many food companies offer "snack packages" and low-calorie options to choose from. In addition, if you eat something sweet in moderation, you can prevent the temptation to eat too much afterward. Therefore, you should develop a strategy when enjoying foods like this. Instead of eating a low-calorie cake right after lunch for dessert, try waiting 1-2 hours and eating it as a snack. You also become less hungry for a longer time and you are also easier to spread your calorie intake. Some good snacks include:
- One banana
- A handful of berries
- 1-2 tablespoons of nuts/
- One slice of snack, or low-calorie energy drink.

Step 8. Try drinking a cup of coffee or green tea
If you consume caffeine in moderation, your appetite can be suppressed. While there is no solid evidence that caffeine consumption can help you lose weight in the long term, caffeine can provide benefits in the short term because your metabolism is boosted and your appetite is suppressed.

Step 9. Drink water regularly to relieve the discomfort caused by hunger
By drinking water regularly, we are also easier to avoid the desire to enjoy snacks or overeating. Therefore, always carry a bottle of water. If you feel hungry before mealtime, try drinking water. This can help you to suppress your appetite until it's time to eat.

Step 10. Know that an effective diet contains very few calories
You can't eat a lot of food if you want to lose weight. A proper diet for fast weight loss requires you to consume around 1000 calories per day which is a small amount. Here's an example of a food menu that you can use to do this:
One apple, one hard-boiled egg, and a handful of nuts.
Have lunch:
Small piece of grilled chicken, 1 small bowl of low-fat yogurt, banana.
One small portion of salad.
1-2 hard-boiled eggs, cucumber, bell pepper and chickpea salad. You can also try this menu, each has a calorie count of less than 300 calories.
Method 2 of 3: Maintaining an Active Lifestyle

Step 1. Find your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) to find out how many calories you burn without exercising
To find out, you simply multiply your weight by 10. This is roughly the amount you burn per day doing nothing (a 50-pound person burns about 500 calories). Many sites offer an AMB or BMR calculator which can give you a more accurate number. Knowing this AMB is important for knowing how many remaining calories you should burn through exercise. For example:
- You cut your calorie intake to about 1200 calories each day of the week.
- Your AMB is 2200 calories per day. This means that if you don't move at all in one day you burn that many calories.
- You still have an excess of 1000 calories. This means you have to burn an additional 2500 calories per day to lose about half a pound per day.

Step 2. Try to walk or bike anywhere
We recommend that you move as often as possible. You can do this by moving around while doing small things like taking calls outdoors, walking around the complex, or standing while waiting for public transportation. Take every opportunity you have to burn calories.
- Try doing sit-ups or push-ups while watching television, especially during commercials.
- If possible, try working standing up or carrying light weights for you to "lift" when you're not busy.
- Try to take a short walk around the office every hour.

Step 3. At a minimum, try to do at least 1 hour of aerobic exercise per day
This is very important for burning calories, and the longer you exercise, the better results you will get. Aerobic exercise is exercise that increases your heart rate, such as running, cycling, swimming or using a stationary bike. Some recommended exercises that can burn 500-1000 calories, depending on the intensity, are:
- Cycling for an hour
- Take a 90 minute Pilates class.
- Dance for an hour
- Hike up the hill for 2 hours.
Step 4. Record the number of calories you burn
This is very easy to do these days because there are many apps and programs that can help you keep track of your calorie count. Try looking for a calorie count app on your smartphone or you can search for sites to calculate calories burned during activity and enter all your activities throughout the day on the site. This step is very important to make sure you lose weight according to your goals every day.

Step 5. Get enough sleep every night
Fast sleep has been shown to help with weight loss. This helps you not to overeat and allows your body to do what it can do at its maximum while at rest--digest food. Try to go to bed early and make sure you get 8 hours of sleep every night.
- Regular sleep patterns give you energy to exercise.
- People who are sleep deprived are clinically proven to have a greater appetite for junk food.
Method 3 of 3: Maintaining Your Ideal Weight

Step 1. The first thing to do every morning is to weigh yourself
The morning is the most accurate time to weigh yourself, before food and water increase the amount. Weigh when you are only wearing your underwear and record your weight. By recording it every day you can focus on the goal of losing weight.

Step 2. Do exercise regularly
You don't have to do the same exercise over and over to lose weight, but you have to do something. People who gain significant weight and then don't exercise for months have slower metabolisms and have to work harder than people who have never been overweight while losing weight. It's an annoying reality, but it's best if you know this fact to prevent the weight gain from coming back.
- Try to walk 3-5 km per day for 4-5 days per week.
- Take a yoga, aerobics or stationary bike class to make sure you're exercising for 1 hour 1-2 times a week.
- Try to exercise 4-5 times a week, not just 1-2 times over a long period of time. More frequency of exercise is better for your metabolism than less exercise but for a longer period of time.

Step 3. Add weight training to your workout menu
Building muscle through weight training and strength training is essential for a fully functioning metabolism so that the weight won't come back up. Do muscle building exercises 2-3 times a week. Do push-ups, sit-ups, dips, and planks, all exercises you can do at home.
If possible, sign up for a gym so you can build muscle on a regular basis

Step 4. Change your snack options
If you keep snacks and soda at home, even if it's for the "occasionally entertaining" thing, it could be bad. You will have more success on a diet if you resist the temptation not to buy these foods. Don't buy junk food and keep it at home. That way, you won't be tempted if you don't have these kinds of foods in your home.
Bring a shopping list when shopping. You can plan meals more effectively at home and this ensures that you buy only healthy foods

Step 5. Find friends to lose weight together
That way, you'll be honest about your weight loss program and you'll have friends you can take to the gym and swap low-calorie recipes with. By having a good support system, you too can continue to live this new lifestyle. Surround yourself with good influences, such as other people who want to eat healthy and exercise every day. That way, you can continue to maintain your lost weight.
Step 6. Try to lose weight slowly
Making big, quick changes in your diet to lose weight fast can often make you gain weight back. Usually this happens after 7 days of strenuous dieting and you are unable to get into the new good habits and go back to the old ones. Once you're done with your diet, try to slowly change your lifestyle to a healthier one, instead of trying to force yourself into a super healthy lifestyle straight away.
- Take the time to exercise for 30 minutes 4-5 times a week.
- Choose a low-calorie menu for one meal such as breakfast.
- Watch your calorie intake to prevent yourself from overeating again.
- The first step to a weight loss program is to prepare yourself. Write down your goals. Write down the positives about losing weight and why you really want to make it happen. This "getting ready" step may seem small, but it can go a long way toward achieving your goals.
- Drink lots of water. This is very important. Your body works with the help of water, so you need to keep your water levels in check and keep your body working as efficiently as possible.
- Try to stay away from processed foods. Consume fresh fruit and vegetables. Don't drink soda. When you feel hungry, try to drink only water.
- Losing weight is not easy. You have to work really hard to lose the weight you want. The main key to weight loss is nutrition. If your calorie intake is not less, you will find it difficult to lose weight if you only rely on exercise.
- Do not exercise excessively because it can make the body very tired. Take a break whenever you feel dizzy.
- Eating cinnamon or chewing gum can speed up your metabolism.