3 Ways to Lose 5 Kg Weight in 10 Days

3 Ways to Lose 5 Kg Weight in 10 Days
3 Ways to Lose 5 Kg Weight in 10 Days

Table of contents:


Losing 5 kg of weight in 10 days is not an easy thing. However, there are changes you can make, tips you can follow, and exercise that can help you lose weight faster. Always be careful while undergoing a weight loss program, consult your doctor first before starting any diet or exercise program.


Method 1 of 3: Following a Strict Diet

Combat Stress with Good Nutrition Step 12
Combat Stress with Good Nutrition Step 12

Step 1. Reduce carbohydrate intake

In order to lose weight fast, you need to stop consuming the sugar that is found in most carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates include foods such as bread, pasta, and potatoes. All types of carbohydrates will be broken down into glucose which provides energy for the body. In studies of weight loss, people who reduced their carbohydrate intake were more likely to lose weight than those who followed a low-fat diet.

  • Reducing your carbohydrate intake will help suppress your appetite and lower your blood sugar levels.
  • Complex carbohydrates or healthy carbohydrates are found in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. While you don't have to stop eating these carbs altogether, you shouldn't eat too many of them either.
Lose Leg Fat Step 13
Lose Leg Fat Step 13

Step 2. Stop eating junk food

Nutritious foods will hinder your weight loss. Keep these foods out of your diet and in your home. You must avoid the temptation of non-nutritive foods, so remove these foods from your kitchen, refrigerator, and home. Avoid eating at restaurants that serve junk food. Some non-nutritive foods to avoid include:

  • Sugary drinks, including all drinks containing sugar. Although the most common is soda, some fruit juices also contain added sugar
  • pizza
  • White bread and pasta
  • Butter or margarine
  • Pastries, pastries and cakes
  • French fries and potato chips
  • Ice cream
  • Processed meat and cheese
  • High calorie coffee
  • Mostly fast food
  • Mostly processed food
  • Foods rich in sugar
Stop Sweet Cravings Step 3
Stop Sweet Cravings Step 3

Step 3. Limit sugar intake

The American Heart Association advises adult women to consume only 6 teaspoons (or about 100 calories) of sugar each day. To lose weight fast, you even need to limit your sugar intake that much.

Just because you've stopped eating junk food doesn't mean you've stopped eating sugar. Sugar may be hidden in foods such as bread and sauces. So, always check the nutrition label for the sugar content in your food

Get Energy Fast Step 15
Get Energy Fast Step 15

Step 4. Increase protein intake

When trying to lose weight, the key may lie in increasing your protein intake. Protein will help you lose weight but maintain muscle mass and burn calories faster. Consider increasing your protein intake to 2 or even 3 times the RDA for weight loss.

  • Your nutritional adequacy rate depends on your age and height. For example, a woman with a height of 165 cm should consume about 90 grams of protein every day.
  • The average protein intake for maintaining body weight for an average adult is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. To calculate your individual needs, multiply your weight (in pounds) by 0.36. The number you get is the RDA for protein in grams.
  • Healthy proteins include Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, steak, ground beef, chicken breast, yellowfin tuna, halibut, salmon, anchovies, navy beans, lentils, and peanut butter.
Lose Belly Fat Step 5
Lose Belly Fat Step 5

Step 5. Increase fluid intake

Research shows that drinking 480 ml before a meal can help you lose weight. Water will make you feel fuller as well as meet the body's fluid needs.

You should drink about 8 glasses of 240 ml of water every day to keep your body hydrated. However, you should also drink more water if you exercise a lot. Drink plenty of water until your urine is light in color

Improve Kidney Function Step 2
Improve Kidney Function Step 2

Step 6. Limit salt

Research shows that reducing sodium in your diet can help you lose weight fast.

  • Avoid salty foods to reduce salt. Furthermore, many fizzy drinks contain high amounts of salt. Always check the nutrition label for salt content.
  • Limiting salt intake can also help lower your blood pressure.
  • Doctors recommend consuming around 1,500-2,300 mg of salt every day.
  • Processed foods are usually rich in salt. If you're not preparing food from fresh ingredients, always check the nutritional information first. You may be consuming more sodium than you realize.
Get Skinny Arms Step 8
Get Skinny Arms Step 8

Step 7. Live a 500-calorie deficit diet

To lose weight, you must calculate how many calories you burn each day, then consume 300-500 calories less than that. You have to be careful in this step! Don't starve yourself, which will only make you feel sick and miserable.

  • To calculate your daily calories, you must consider how many calories you burn at rest and during exercise.
  • There are a number of helpful online guides for figuring out how many calories you burn when doing a particular exercise.
  • In fact, there are programs online that can count calories for you. Browse the internet and search for “calorie calculator” or “calorie tracker.”
  • The number of calories you need depends on your target weight, age, gender, activity level, and height. If you are a woman with a height of 165 cm, weight 68 kg, and light exercise, you should consume about 1000-1500 calories to lose 0.5-1 kg each week.
Cure Nausea Step 11
Cure Nausea Step 11

Step 8. Eat smaller portions more often

Eating smaller meals more often will make you feel better and give you more energy. This diet will also eliminate hunger so you are not tempted to eat more. There are a number of diets out there that you can try, but you should always try to meet your daily calorie limit. Consider a diet similar to this:

  • Breakfast: 1 cup (230 grams) of fruit, 1 cup (230 grams) of yogurt.
  • Snack: 120 grams of cheddar cheese (90 calories) or 3 tablespoons of humus (90 calories).
  • Lunch: a large salad consisting of lettuce, tomatoes and a small amount of low-calorie dressing. One cup (230 grams) of fruit or vegetables.
  • Snack: 3 tablespoons dried buni fruit (75 calories) or 2 kiwis (90 calories).
  • Dinner: 170 grams of grilled chicken breast, 1 cup (230 grams) broccoli, 1 cup (230 grams) fruit.
  • Snack: 1 cup unsalted nuts or 1 cup raw vegetables.
  • Try to eat every 3 hours to keep your metabolism working.
Reduce Water Retention Step 8
Reduce Water Retention Step 8

Step 9. Pay attention to food nutrition labels

Record the calories of the food you consume daily, including drinks and snacks. You can then add up the calories and other useful nutritional information just by reading these labels. Food nutrition labels also contain a lot of helpful information.

  • Recommended portion size
  • Total calories and calories from fat
  • Percentage of nutrients (and percentage of daily intake)
  • Footnotes that list the nutritional adequacy of each nutrient

Method 2 of 3: Exercise

Maximize Workout Benefits Step 12
Maximize Workout Benefits Step 12

Step 1. Focus on cardio

Cardiovascular exercise will get your heart pumping and help you burn fat and lose weight. To lose weight fast, focus on these types of exercises. Do these cardio exercises every day to lose weight fast.

  • Cross jack. You should do this move among other moves. To practice the cross jack, stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. Jump with your legs spread apart while crossing your arms above your head. Then, jump up crossing one leg in front of the other while crossing your arms in front of your hips. Do this exercise for 30 seconds to 1 minute by changing positions each time you jump.
  • Single leg balance. Balance on one leg, bending the other leg up onto the floor in front of you. Place your hands on your hips and lower your body into a squat. Keep one leg raised, and your position. Repeat 10 times for each leg.
  • Crawl. Lower the body into a push up position. Step forward, bringing your knee to your elbow, and leaning forward with your other hand. Repeat on the other side. Stay bent and crawl for 30 seconds then reverse your movement.
  • Wall slides. With your back to the wall, lie on your left side and rest your head on your right hand. Place your right hand on the floor to balance your body. Place your right heel against the wall behind you, and slide it as far across the surface of the wall as possible. Lower slowly. Do this movement 10 times, then repeat on the other side.
  • Lunges to push-ups. With your feet hip-width apart, place your hands on your hips. Step your right foot forward and bend down. Lean toward your thighs and place your hands on the soles of your right feet on the floor. Step back so that the body is in a push-up position. After counting to 10, press up and return to the lunge position. Switch legs and repeat 10 movements.
  • Pendulum. Balance right leg and bend left leg behind. Place your right hand on your hip and lower your body until you are squatting on your right leg. Extend your left arm over your head and lean back slightly while extending your left leg forward. Hold for 10 seconds. Switch legs and repeat 10 movements.
Lose Belly Fat Step 3
Lose Belly Fat Step 3

Step 2. Expand walking

To reduce your risk of heart disease while helping you lose weight, make an effort to walk 10,000 steps each day. You can count steps while walking with a pedometer or fitness tracker. To reach 10,000 steps, try the following:

  • Walk to the office if you can. If you can't, try getting off public transportation early or park your car at the end of the parking lot.
  • Use the stairs. Avoid using the elevator.
  • Walk for 2 or 3 minutes every hour.
Lose Weight Quickly and Safely (for Teen Girls) Step 11
Lose Weight Quickly and Safely (for Teen Girls) Step 11

Step 3. Pace yourself

Moving the body following this exercise is easy. However, you have to push yourself to feel the calories burn. Don't just move according to directions, but try to activate the muscles during exercise.

Method 3 of 3: Maintaining Healthy Habits

Lose 5 Pounds Step 4
Lose 5 Pounds Step 4

Step 1. Make a commitment to change your lifestyle for 10 days to 2 weeks

If possible, make a commitment to make lifestyle changes over the course of a few months. A short-term commitment to weight loss may not be successful in sustaining the results. You can't just change your diet and exercise routine for 10 days and then go back to your old habits.

Make Boobs Bigger Step 10
Make Boobs Bigger Step 10

Step 2. See a doctor if you have any health conditions that concern you

Losing weight fast must be done with health first, or you'll end up getting sick, malnourished, and tired. You can even run into long-term problems if you lose weight without getting enough information.

Increase Platelets Step 11
Increase Platelets Step 11

Step 3. Start taking a multivitamin

Rapid changes will occur in your body, so make sure to take care of it. Taking a multivitamin can help enrich the nutrients in your diet.

Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 3
Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week without Any Pills Step 3

Step 4. Find friends who also want to lose weight in 10 days

Research shows that people are more successful at losing weight and maintaining their results if they struggle with friends. Consider losing weight with your friends, colleagues, partner, or family members.

Lose Body Fat Fast Step 6
Lose Body Fat Fast Step 6

Step 5. Don't starve yourself

You have to keep eating! Your body must be strong and have energy to burn fat healthily. Don't think you can cut corners by not eating at all. Make sure to stick to a healthy diet and count calories consistently.

Say Goodbye to Coworkers Step 12
Say Goodbye to Coworkers Step 12

Step 6. Get busy

You may be tempted to give up, eat more, or exercise less. Busy yourself throughout the day to resist this temptation. If you can, stop exercising at times when you're usually tempted (such as around lunch or dinner).

Adopt an Intermittent Fasting Diet Step 1
Adopt an Intermittent Fasting Diet Step 1

Step 7. Be consistent

Losing 5 kg of weight in 10 days is a difficult thing to achieve. Your body will change quickly and so will your feelings. Keep chasing your goals, stick to a routine consistently and stick with it. In the end, you will thank yourself!

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