Do you want to sell your Pokémon cards? Or you just want to know the selling price of your collection? Often the best way to find out the exact price is to look at card sales sites, but it's a good idea to find out which cards are really worth a lot before you sell them. If there's a card that looks shiny, has a unique name, or looks unique, it's a good idea to look for a guide to figuring out the name when you're doing an internet search. Pray and remember that the most valuable Pokémon cards in the world sell for $90,000!
Part 1 of 2: Identifying High Value Pokémon Cards

Step 1. Check the card's rarity
Each Pokémon card has a rarity that determines how likely it is to be unlocked in a booster pack. Although the level of rarity is not the only factor that determines the value of the card, it could be that the level of rarity is the most dominant factor in determining the value of the card. To see the rarity symbol, check the lower right corner of the card. The symbol is next to the card number.
- Symbol circle indicates that the card is fairly ordinary, while the symbol diamond indicates that the card is unusual. These cards are usually fairly easy to get, and not of great value unless they were printed in 1999 or 2000.
- Symbol star indicates that the card is rare, while the symbol star H or three stars indicates that the card is special and very rare. These rarities have the potential to create high value cards, so keep them separate from the rest of your card collection.
- Other symbols usually indicate that the card is being sold as part of a special product, not included in a booster pack. Check out the 'Promo', 'Deck Kit' or 'Boxtopper' cards to find out the price. These cards can be sold for thousands of rupiah to over one million rupiah.

Step 2. Look for the holographic cards
The 'Holo' cards have a shiny silver coating on the part of the Pokémon image, while the 'Reverse Holo' cards are shiny but around the image only. Although this card doesn't necessarily have a high value, the rare 'Holo' (or 'Reverse Holo') card deserves to be separated from ordinary cards.
Some special cards have a holographic frame around them, but other parts are not holographic. These cards also have the potential to be of high value, and can be further identified with the guidelines in this article

Step 3. Check the additional symbols or words listed after the name of the card
Most Pokémon cards have the Pokémon's tier listed after its name, in the upper-right corner of the card, such as 'Pikachu LV.12'. However, some cards have special symbols, and they can be sold for anywhere from tens of thousands to millions of rupiah. Check the card names followed by ex, '☆', 'LV. X', or 'LEGEND'. Other very rare cards - referred to as 'SP' or Special Pokémon' - have names followed by special characters such as G, GL, 4, C, FB, or M. These cards are also marked with the 'SP logo. ' in the lower left corner of the image.
Pokémon 'LEGEND' is printed on two cards that need to be placed side by side or side by side so that the images and visual mechanics are fully displayed

Step 4. Examine the previous production cards more carefully
Printed cards, especially after the Pokémon game launched, are of great value. In fact, ordinary and unusual cards can be valued at around 50 thousand rupiah or more. Any cards with the 'Wizard of the Coast' label on the bottom of the card are cards that were produced from 1999 to early 2000, and should be examined more closely. Below are some aspects of a card that, if you have it on your card, is a rare card and has the potential to have a high selling value (around one million rupiah or more):
- Check for the first edition card stamp at the bottom of the card and to the left of the image. The stamp looks like the number '1' inside a black circle, with streaks of light above it.
- If the picture box on the card does not have a 'shadow' at the bottom, collectors usually refer to the card as a 'shadowless' card.

Step 5. Check the collector's number on the card
Check the collector's number in the lower right corner of the card. Checking the collector's number is another way to identify cards. In addition, the collector's number can be a clue to some special cards that are, oftentimes, of great value.
- Secret rare cards have a collector number that is higher than the total # of cards-supposed-to-print in the set, such as '65/64' or '110/105'.
- If the collector's number listed starts with 'SH', the card belongs to the Shining Pokémon card type, with a different image than the regular card version. These cards are also included in the reverse holographic card (reverse hologram).
- If the collector's number isn't listed on the card, it's probably an earlier card. However, cards printed in Japan were then not assigned a collector's number for some periods. The absence of a collector's number doesn't necessarily add to the value of the card, but it's a good idea to check it anyway.

Step 6. Examine other characteristics that might add value to your card
Pokémon has issued many special, very rare, and promotional cards over the years. Most of these cards can be identified by one of the characteristics described earlier. However, there are some unusual (and sometimes high-value) cards that have characteristics such as:
- A full art card has the image displayed across the card, with the text or text imprinted at the top of the card. Collectors refer to this card as 'FA' or full art.
- World Championship cards have a different back than regular cards. Although these cards are not allowed to be played in tournaments, there are some cards that are worth hundreds of thousands or even more as collector's items.
Part 2 of 2: Pricing or Selling Your Collection

Step 1. Find out about the price of your card through card sales sites
There are thousands of unique Pokémon trading cards available, and their prices fluctuate as people sell, buy, and speculate on their prices. Newer production cards may have their prices drop once they are no longer allowed to be used in tournaments. Because of these factors, it's a good idea to research the card you want to sell to get a more accurate price than just a price guide that, perhaps, is no longer valid.
- Try visiting sites like Cards Online, Pokecorner, or eBay, or do a search by keyword (name of your card) + 'selling'. Do not forget to include the special characteristics of your card by referring to the terms listed in the identification section of this article.
- Most search results on the internet will show the selling price of the cards proposed by a particular company. Check the buy list to find out how much the company will pay to buy your card. If you sell a card to another Pokémon player, the price usually falls between your proposed selling price and the company's proposed purchase price.

Step 2. Try asking other Pokémon players or card collectors
Often you find it difficult to find the selling price of cards on the internet, especially for very rare cards that are not often sold. Therefore, search online forums selling Pokémon cards, and then upload a photo and description of your card for suggestions on a sale price you can set. In addition, you can also visit hobby or game shops in the area where you live for more information.
Be wary of scammers who may want to harm you. Ask other people for their opinion on the selling price of your card before you sell it to other people, especially foreigners

Step 3. Pay attention to the condition of your card
If your card has no obvious signs of damage on either side, except for perhaps minor smudges at the corners, your card is considered to be of perfect (mint) or near perfect (near mint) quality and can be sold at full price. Different companies have different condition guidelines for damaged cards, but generally cards are sold at significantly lower prices if they appear faded, scratched, or stamped or dirty. Of course people don't want to buy cards that are written on, damaged by wetness, or torn.

Step 4. Sell low value cards in bulk
Cards that do not have the special characteristics described in the identification section may cost less than a few thousand rupiah. As you probably already know if you are looking for information about your cards, many cards are priced for less than 10 thousand rupiah. The same internet stores that sell individual Pokémon cards often accept bulk card purchases, and this may be the best option for earning money from selling low-value cards.
- Immediately sell the latest printed cards before they are prohibited from being used in tournaments so that you get the maximum selling price.
- Try to keep your cards in good condition. This way, there will be a chance that the cards will be of higher value later.