Yu Gi Oh! Is a popular card game (Trading Card Game aka TCG) that has been around since the 1990s. Beginners can choose to play using a ready-made deck, but the game can be even more fun and satisfying if you use a custom-built deck. To be able to put together the Yu Gi Oh! To be effective, you need to follow some basic guidelines to make sure it has a chance of winning. You can also research popular deck types to imitate or inspire and test online before actually buying cards to use in the original deck.
Method 1 of 3: Following the Basic Guidelines for Building a Deck

Step 1. Study the rules of the game well before building a deck
Make sure you understand the rules before starting to build your deck to help you include synergistic cards. Look online for rulebooks and game tutorials if you still don't know the rules.
Once you know the basic rules, familiarize yourself with more complex mechanisms, such as chaining, timing skips, and conjunctions

Step 2. Build a deck containing a maximum of 40 cards
Don't get me wrong that having more than 40 cards will increase your chances of winning. Arrange a deck with a maximum of 40 cards so that it is easier for you to draw the card you want.
Timing is everything in Yu Gi Oh! If you can't draw the desired card at the right time, your chances of winning will be very small. This is why it is better for the deck to contain fewer cards so that your chances of drawing the desired card increase as the number of cards in the deck decreases

Step 3. Choose a central idea for the deck and use the appropriate cards to it
Many decks of Yu Gi Oh! best focus on archetypes (original models) of single cards, i.e. uniform monster types, or cards with similar attributes. Do not mix cards with different attributes or different types of strategies because it will interfere with the synergy and consistency of the deck.
- For example, you could build a deck that mainly contains Gladiator Beasts, which are monster archetypes that generally have DARK and EARTH attributes.
- An example of a deck strategy that can be used is power, which relies on strong monsters to defeat opponents. Another is control, which focuses on limiting your opponent's options and controlling the game.
Tip: The easiest way to build a deck centered on a single theme for beginners is to choose a preferred type of monster. For example, Dragons is a popular archetype that is interesting to explore.

Step 4. Insert multiple cards of the same if they play an important role in the deck
This is necessary, especially for monsters and cards that have the attribute selected as the base of the deck. Include at least 2-3 of the same cards that you want to play in the deck so that the chances of drawing it are also greater.
- For example, if you're building an aggressive-style Darklord deck, put 2-3 copies of different types of Darklord cards in the deck.
- Keep in mind that some cards are “limited”, which means you can only have one copy of the card in the deck. There are also "semi-limited" cards, which can only be included in a deck of 2 copies.

Step 5. Include the most versatile, and unconventional cards you have
Choose a card that can be used in a variety of scenarios and against a variety of card types. Choose the card with the lowest activation fee and the greatest benefits.
- For example, cards like Solemn Judgment are suitable for all types of cards, while Magic Hammer is only effective against spell cards.
- Several types of conditional cards include those with summoning conditions, activation conditions, and material limitations. For example, the Chaos Sorcerer card cannot attack in its activation cycle.

Step 6. Keep a balance between monster cards, spells, and traps
It is recommended that your monster cards cover about 1/3-1/2 of the deck, of which are trap cards, and the rest are spell cards. Increase or decrease the proportion depending on the theme and synergy of the cards in the deck.
- For example, the Dragon deck should contain more monster cards than the Gravekeeper deck, which relies heavily on spell and trap cards to defeat opponents.
- This is a general guide. However, some decks are actually more effective if you don't follow these rules. For example, there are decks that don't have spell or trap cards.
Method 2 of 3: Researching Cards and Decks

Step 1. Look for deck lists on the internet that you can replicate or base on
This is a great way to start putting together a Yu Gi Oh! for beginners. Find an interesting looking deck list and copy it completely, or modify it slightly depending on the idea you have.
- You just need to type “Yu Gi Oh! deck lists” on Google or other search engines to display a number of sites dedicated to this game. You can start looking for different decks, read other players' comments, and start finding decks that are fun to play with.
- Some examples of great beginner decks to play include Dinos, Lightsworn, Elemental Heroes, and Blue-Eyes.
Tip: If you have a specific card to use or a specific type of deck to build, include those keywords in your search. For example, type in “Yu Gi Oh! Dragon deck list” to see what cards need to be included in the Dragon deck.

Step 2. Type in the date when you searched for a specific deck to see the latest version
Yu Gi Oh! is a game that evolves and changes so the new deck is usually better than the old one. Type in the month and year before or after another keyword to search for a specific deck and find the best version.
In this card game, there is what is called a "metagame", which refers to the type of deck that is currently popular and is often used in tournaments. You can also search for metagame decks if you want to build a strong current deck

Step 3. Look for tutorials and deck combos on YouTube to find out how they work
Type in the name of the deck followed by the word “combos” or “tutorial” to show videos showing the deck playing or people discussing how to use the deck. This allows you to see the deck as it is being played and understand it better to make sure you really want to build the deck.
It helps if you include the year when searching for videos on YouTube to show the latest videos

Step 4. Research each card to understand whether it will be effective in the deck
This is important in determining the performance of certain card attributes in the deck when you want to build them. Look for other cards that complement the specific cards included in the deck and the type of strategy that matches them.
For example, if you want to add Gladiator Beast War Chariot to your deck, search the internet using keywords like “Gladiator Beast War Chariot combos” or “Gladiator Beast War Chariot decks.”

Step 5. Research basic cards to include in the deck when in doubt
Staples are cards that are effective in any type of deck, regardless of the theme. Research a variety of cardstocks and choose a few to add to the deck once you've settled on a theme-based card.
Some examples of basic spell cards are Soul Charge and Dark Hole. Some examples of basic trap cards are Call of the Haunted and Bottomless Traphole. Effect Veiler and Battle Feider are some staple monster cards worth considering
Method 3 of 3: Crafting and Playing a Deck

Step 1. Test your deck with an online simulator if you want to try it out before you build it
This is a good idea if you are still unsure whether to buy all the cards for the deck or not. Type in Yu Gi Oh! Free simulator” on Google or other search engines to show several sites that can be used to build and test a deck.
- Online simulators are great for practice because all cards can be used and you can try different decks without spending a dime.
- For example, if you want to play a control-style deck, but don't know which type works best, you can try 3 different types, such as Altergeist, Paleozoic Frogs, and Counter Fairy.
Tip: Some good online simulators are YGOPRO and Dueling Nexus.

Step 2. Get all the cards needed for the deck you want to build
Buy all the cards you don't have after deciding which deck you want to build. Order a card online or look for it at a store that sells individual cards.
Avoid buying starter packs to try and find the card you want. You'll just be wasting money to get cards you don't want

Step 3. Assemble the deck and start playing
Shuffle all the cards after they are arranged into a deck. Start playing with friends or find a game shop hosting Yu Gi Oh!
- You should get card wrap and a strong plastic case to protect the card and keep it in top condition.
- If you want to be able to remember all the cards in the deck, write them down on a list on your phone or on a piece of paper that can be stored in the deck.

Step 4. Find a strategy for playing the deck as you get used to it
Watch for cards that work well together in all situations or against different types of opposing decks. Start by trying to win the game through various combo cards as you become more aware of how the deck works.
It also lets you identify unnecessary cards in the deck and replace them with better ones

Step 5. Modify the deck as you play more and more to improve it
Take it out and replace a card that is clearly not working well. Add certain cards that you feel will help you win the game and look for other cards that synergize well with them.
Remember that you can always test new ideas for modifying your deck using online simulators before buying more cards
- There is no such thing as a perfect deck. You will always need to change and upgrade your deck.
- Cards that can win the game instantly are not recommended because they are difficult to use consistently. If you plan to use it, the deck should be based on the cards.
- If you're a beginner and don't have much money, start buying a structure or starter deck. You can also search the internet for “budget” decks that contain cheap cards.