A candy bouquet is a sweet gift to serve on any occasion. Making a bouquet of candies is as much fun as receiving it. Use your imagination and create a colorful gift that the recipient will not forget, even after all the candy has been eaten. If you want to know how to make a candy bouquet, follow these steps.
Method 1 of 3: Lollipop Bouquet

Step 1. Choose a container for the candy bouquet
Be creative and make the container for the bouquet to match the personality of the person who will receive it. A toy sand bucket would make an excellent container for a child's bouquet. Use a parfait glass (a cold dessert that includes cream, gelatin, and fruit and is served in a special glass), a coffee cup, or a soup bowl for your friends, coworkers, or teachers. Classic tin cans are great for antique collectors, small fishing tackle boxes are great for anglers, clay or plastic flower pots are great for gardeners, or popcorn corn bins are for movie buffs.

Step 2. Provide a sufficient amount of candy
Choose a candy that you or the recipient of the gift like, also choose a candy that looks attractive and stands out. You should collect a variety of candy wrappers, such as chewing gum, candy bars, toffee (candies made of caramelized sugar, butter, and flour), or chocolate kisses (chocolate drops in the shape of water drops). Anyway, all sorts of tightly wrapped candies can be used.
Choose colors that match the event. For example, bright primary colors for young children, pink and blue for baby showers, gold and silver for birthdays, black and orange for Halloween, red and white for Valentine's Day, green and white for St. Patrick, or red and green for Christmas

Step 3. Use a hot glue gun to glue a piece of Styrofoam so that it is firmly attached to the bottom of the container
Trace the bottom of the container on the Styrofoam. Cut the styrofoam according to the shape you have made and attach it to the bottom of the container, by applying glue on all sides and the bottom of the styrofoam. Wait a few minutes for the Styrofoam to dry completely before adding the candy, unless you also want to stick the candy to the sides of the container.

Step 4. Wrap the wooden skewers with adhesive tape to make a green flower arrangement and stick them in the center of the Styrofoam ball
You can also use thick ice cream sticks instead of meat skewers. Anything long and thick enough to support the candy will work as well. Insert a meat skewer in the center of the Styrofoam ball and secure it with glue. Dab a little glue on the bottom of the meat skewer, then stick it in the center of the Styrofoam ball.
- Use a Styrofoam ball that fits the size of the container. As a guide, a Styrofoam ball the size of a tennis or baseball is appropriate for a variety of candy bouquet arrangements.
- You can also wrap the Styrofoam ball in green adhesive tape or paint the Styrofoam green for added effect.

Step 5. Use colored pins to pin the candy to the Styrofoam ball
Pin a pin to one or both ends of the candy wrapper. Then, pin all the candies at once until the Styrofoam ball is covered with candy. When you're done, you can stick a skewer with a Styrofoam ball into the bottom of the container.

Step 6. Pin the leaves of the silk fabric between the candies
Alternatively, use decorative flowers made of small ribbons measuring cm. Choose any design that can make the candy bouquet look more lively and attractive.

Step 7. Line the top of the container with shredded paper or dry sphagnum moss plants
This will make the bouquet look tidier and can hide the bottom of the Styrofoam. You can also stick some candy canes or other event-appropriate candies into the bottom of the container. Finish the candy bouquet by attaching a large ribbon of colored butterflies around the container.
Method 2 of 3: Bouquet of Candy Bars

Step 1. Apply hot glue to attach the candy box to each edge of the Styrofoam block
Get a Styrofoam block the size of a brick and glue a box of candy to each of the four sides of the block. Apply glue to the blocks, then apply glue to the candy boxes as well. Using candy in a box like Hot Tamales, M&Ms, or Sno-Caps like the ones you usually find at the movies is great for covering blocks. Position the block upright, so that the sides are visible and make sure that there are no candy bars stuck to the top and bottom of the Styrofoam.

Step 2. Glue 6-8 candy bars to the ice cream sticks
Stick a variety of candy bars, such as Snicker, Hershey's, Crunch, or Butterfinger, onto the ice cream stick. The ice cream sticks are glued 5 cm long to attach the candy bars.

Step 3. Insert the ice cream stick into the top of the Styrofoam block
When the glue on the block has dried, you can stick the ice cream sticks into the top of the block so that the candy bars are evenly spaced.

Step 4. Glue the paper towels to the edges of the block
Glue tissue paper around the top edge of the block to cover the Styrofoam and to make the candy block look like a bouquet.
Method 3 of 3: Cookie Candy Bouquet

Step 1. Glue the bottom of the Styrofoam to the large mug
Choose mugs that add splendor to events like Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Valentine's Day. Trace the bottom of the mug onto a thick piece of styrofoam, cut the styrofoam into shape, insert it and press it firmly against the bottom of the mug. You can glue the Styrofoam to the bottom of the mug with glue, but you or the person receiving the gift will not be able to use the mug again once all the candy has been eaten.

Step 2. Make a cookie sheet to attach to the ice cream stick
Make chocolate chip cookie dough, gingerbread cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, or any other cookie you like. Before baking in the oven, make a small hole in the bottom of the cake and place a wooden ice cream stick on each cake. Baking more cookies is a good idea just in case some of the cake cracks or doesn't stick to the sticks. Let the cake sit for at least 10-15 minutes to cool and harden before placing it in the bouquet.

Step 3. Insert the ice cream sticks with cookies into the Styrofoam at the bottom of the mug
Plug the cookies so that they are neatly arranged on the mug. These cookies can be stuck at different angles and heights, as long as the bouquet still looks attractive.

Step 4. Fill the mug with candy and brown tissue paper
Place cookie-matched candy wrappers such as Reese's peanut butter chocolate candy bar or Milky Way's Milky Way chocolate nuggets and line the top of the mug with chocolate tissue paper to cover the candy and Styrofoam.
- Do not use chocolate or candy that melts easily if the candy bouquet will be placed in a warm room, or if the candy will be transported in a warm car.
- Lollipops are easy to assemble in a candy bouquet. Cut the stalks about 2.5 cm. Apply glue to the stem, then stick it on the Styrofoam ball.