Airbrushing is a process that uses compressed air to spray paint or makeup onto a surface and create a fine line. To do an airbrush, you only need a stylus pen, an air compressor, and paint or makeup made specifically for airbrushing. Whether you're using an airbrush to paint or apply makeup, make sure to clean and rinse when you're done so that it doesn't get stuck. Once you've learned how to prepare and use an airbrush, you'll be able to use it for a wide variety of projects!
Method 1 of 3: Painting with an Airbrush

Step 1. Connect the air hose from the air compressor to the stylus
Set up the air compressor close to the work area so that it is easily accessible. Push one end of the air hose into the nozzle on the side of the compressor until it snaps into place. Locate the long air nozzle at the bottom of the stylus pen, and push the other end of the hose into the nozzle. Make sure the hose is tight so that the airbrush gets adequate air pressure.
Many airbrushes are sold in kits that include a small air compressor and hose. You can find these devices at hobby shops or online

Step 2. Dilute the paint in the mixing bowl before adding it to the airbrush
If it is too thick, the airbrush will not be able to spray paint smoothly. Pour a small amount of paint into the mixing bowl and add paint thinner in an even ratio. Stir the thinner and paint until the consistency is similar to plain paint thinner. Continue adding paint or thinner until it's runny enough to work with.
- If you're using acrylic paint, you can use water to thin the paint.
- If you are using enamel paint or lacquer, use either a paint thinner or a lacquer thinner for each.
- The ratio of paint and thinner used depends on the product brand and the paint base material. Look at the paint package to determine how much thinner to use.
Work in a well-ventilated area or wear a respirator as paint thinner can give off harmful fumes.

Step 3. Put 4-6 drops of paint into the airbrush cup
Once you've thinned the paint so that it's airbrush-worthy, use an eyedropper to transfer the paint from the mixing container to the cup on the stylus pen. You only need to use a few drops of paint at a time because airbrushes don't require a lot of paint. Once the paint has been applied, make sure not to tip the stylus over so it doesn't spill.
You can use a stylus with a top or bottom opening

Step 4. Turn on the air compressor so that the pressure is about 70 kPa
Turn on the air compressor so you can use the airbrush. Check the dial on the air compressor and reduce the amount of air pressure to 70 kPa when first starting. If you are more used to using an airbrush, feel free to adjust the pressure to get various results.
- High pressure will clog the airbrush and form tiny droplets, but the paint will dry quickly and there will be more paint mist.
- A lower pressure allows you to spray paint in more detail and saves more paint, but there is a risk of clogging and the texture of the paint will appear rougher.

Step 5. Hold the airbrush 2.5-5 cm away from the object being painted
Hold the airbrush with your dominant hand like holding a pen. Rest your index finger on the trigger button on the top of the stylus pen. Aim the airbrush nozzles so that they are 2.5-5 cm apart and perpendicular to the object being painted.
- Wrap the airbrush hose around the arm so it doesn't get in the way of painting.
- The distance between the object and the airbrush affects the thickness of the resulting line. If you want to paint in more detail, hold the airbrush a little closer.

Step 6. Press the airbrush trigger button to spray paint
When you are ready to paint, use your index finger to press the trigger. Keep the wrist locked and move the hand to control the location of the airbrush spray. If you want to stop, release the trigger button to stop the airbrush from spraying. Practice drawing various lines and shapes as a warm-up and getting used to using an airbrush.
- On some airbrushes, you have to pull the trigger button back to spray the paint. If the trigger is pulled further back, the paint that comes out of the airbrush will be more and more.
- Test the airbrush by spraying the scrap paper first to make sure the paint comes out smoothly.
- Use a stencil if you want to copy the design perfectly.

Step 7. Allow the paint to dry for 24 hours to harden
If you need to handle a freshly painted object, wait at least 30 minutes or until the paint doesn't stick. Then, let the paint sit for at least 24 hours until it fully hardens. If the paint that is sprayed is thick enough, you should wait a little longer because the paint also gets wet longer.
You can speed up the drying process by using a hairdryer or a heat gun
Method 2 of 3: Makeup Using Airbrush

Step 1. Wash and moisturize your face first
Before applying makeup, make sure you wash your face with a cleansing and moisturizing product. Rub facial cleanser on the skin and rinse thoroughly. Pat your face dry with a towel before putting on makeup.
Washing and moisturizing your face will help the airbrushed makeup stick more firmly and help reduce the chance of acne flare-ups

Step 2. Connect the compressor to the stylus pen using the air hose
Place the air compressor near the work area so it doesn't get in your way. Connect one end of the hose to the air nozzle on the compressor, and stretch the hose so it doesn't get tangled or caught. Attach the other end of the hose to the bottom of the stylus pen.
You can buy airbrush kits for makeup at a cosmetic store or online

Step 3. Pour 4-5 drops of airbrush foundation onto the stylus pen
Prepare an airbrush foundation that matches your skin tone so that it blends well. Open the foundation container and drop 4-5 drops into the cup at the top of the stylus. Aim the drop towards the center of the cup so that it enters the stylus.
- You can buy airbrush foundation at a cosmetic store or online.
- Do not use too much foundation because it will waste product.
You can use a regular foundation if you want, but mix it in with your makeup thinner first.

Step 4. Turn on the compressor and set it at 70-105 kpa
Turn on the air compressor and turn the dial at 70-105 kPa. Wait until the pressure in the machine changes before using the airbrush so as not to accidentally overspray. Do not use too high pressure so that the makeup is not too thick.

Step 5. Hold the stylus 10-15 cm away from your face
Hold the stylus in your dominant hand like holding a pencil with your index finger resting on the trigger button above. Keep the cup at the top of the stylus upright so the contents don't accidentally spill. Hold the stylus 10-15 cm away from your face for a light and even makeup.
The airbrush makeup layer will be thick if the stylus is held close to the face, but the spray can be controlled better

Step 6. Press the trigger to spray the foundation
Once you're ready to spray your makeup, press the trigger with your index finger to spray the foundation. Spray the airbrush in small circular motions on the face so that your makeup is evenly distributed on the face. Just use 4-5 drops of makeup so that the amount used is not too much. Close your eyes while applying makeup and open them occasionally to check for any missed areas.
- Instead of spraying on a thick layer of makeup, add thin layers of makeup gradually for a more even look.
- Be careful not to make up your nose or eyes.

Step 7. Use an airbrush for bronzer and blush
Make sure you get a bronzer and blush designed for the airbrush. Just use 2-3 drops of the related product at a time and refill if needed. Hold the airbrush 12.5 cm from your face and gently press the trigger to spray a light layer of makeup around the cheeks.
Make sure you drain the airbrush when you need to change makeup so it doesn't mix
Method 3 of 3: Draining the Airbrush

Step 1. Clean the airbrush before changing materials or when you have finished working
Paint or makeup can clog airbrush nozzles and needles if left inside. If you need to change the color or the spray is finished, take a few minutes to clean the airbrush.
You can use the same airbrush for different types of paint and makeup, but they can mix if not cleaned properly. If you don't want the colors/makeup to mix, try using one airbrush for each material to be sprayed.

Step 2. Pour the airbrush cleaning solution into the stylus cup
Look for airbrush cleaning products at hobby shops or the internet. Fill the airbrush cup with the cleaning solution so that it flows through the airbrush. Leave the cleaning liquid in the stylus cup for 10-15 seconds so that any remaining paint or makeup inside breaks up and rinses off easily.
If you want to save on the cleaning solution, dilute it with water in a balanced ratio

Step 3. Loosen the paint in the airbrush cup using a cotton swab or paint brush
If any paint or makeup remains on the walls of the airbrush cup, dip the bristles or the tip of a cotton swab into the solution. Scrape the sides of the cup with a cotton swab so that it mixes with the solution and flows through the stylus.
You do not need to use a cotton swab or brush if there is no paint stuck to the sides of the airbrush

Step 4. Spray the cleaning liquid through the airbrush into the container
Make sure the airbrush is still connected to the compressor so that it can be sprayed. Point the airbrush nozzle into the empty cup and press the nozzle so that the cleaning solution flows through the stylus. Keep pressing the trigger until the cup is completely empty.
We recommend that the pressure to clean the airbrush is only 70-105 kPa so that it sprays evenly

Step 5. Continue to run the cleaning solution through the stylus until it is clear
Refill the cup on the stylus and check if the color changes. If the color of the cleaning solution changes, it means that there is still makeup or paint in the appliance. Press the trigger again to empty the cup and spray the cleaner through the stylus. If the cleaning solution is clear when you put the cup in, please stop and put away your airbrush.