Pikachu is a fan favorite Pokémon, known for its cuteness and is Ash Ketchum's best friend and partner. Drawing Pikachu is pretty simple once you know where to start, whether you want to draw Pikachu's entire body or just his face. By working step by step, you can draw a cute and adorable Pikachu!
Method 1 of 2: Draw Pikachu's Face

Step 1. Draw a circle and divide it into 4 parts for the outline of Pikachu's head
Before dividing the circle into 4 parts, start by drawing a vertical line going down the middle. Then, draw a horizontal line from one side of the circle to the other, slightly above half the vertical line.
- When you're done, the top should be slightly smaller than the bottom.
- If you need help drawing a circle, try tracing a compass or other similar circular object.

Step 2. Draw long, pointed ears on top of the head
To draw the ears, start from one side of the head, slightly above the horizontal line. Then, draw a long, curved line sticking out of the head at about a 55-degree angle. The length of this line should be equal to the diameter of the circle drawn. After that, starting at the end of the first curve, draw a second curve that goes down towards the head. Repeat on the opposite side to make the other ear.

Step 3. Draw Pikachu's round cheeks and a chin under his head
To create the cheeks, place the tip of the pencil slightly below the horizontal line. Then, draw a curved line away from the circle, and then reconnect with the bottom end of the circle, exactly where the vertical line and the circle intersect. Repeat the same steps on the other side of the face so that the two ends of the curve meet at the bottom end of the circle to form Pikachu's chin.

Step 4. Add the marks on the ears and cheeks
For the ear markings, start by placing the tip of the pencil halfway along the side of one ear, then draw a curved line up and down that ends in the middle of the other side of the ear. Then, repeat with the other ear. To make cheek markings, place the tip of the pencil where the curve of the cheek is moving away from the face, and draw a curve that goes inward and ends at the bottom of the cheek. Repeat on the other side.
When you're done drawing, Pikachu's cheek marks should look like ovals

Step 5. Draw the eyes on a horizontal line in the circle
Make Pikachu's eyes by drawing large circles to the left and right of the vertical lines; the midpoint of the two circles should intersect the horizontal line. We recommend that the eye circles are closer to the sides of Pikachu's face instead of the vertical line in the middle. Make sure there is enough space for 2 more circles between the eyes, but don't draw just yet. Next, make a small circle inside the eye, near its top. Then, darken the inside of the eye except for the small circle so that it remains white. Thus, Pikachu's eyes appear to be reflecting light.
Eyes that are made do not have to be perfectly round

Step 6. Draw Pikachu's small mouth and nose
To draw Pikachu's mouth, make a small, slightly flat "W" shape halfway between the circle's center point and the lower end of the circle (Pikachu's chin), and symmetrically on the center vertical line. The two ends of the "W" shape should be just below the inner corner of the eye. To draw Pikachu's nose, draw a small inverted triangle in a vertical line, slightly above the mouth, before blackening the contents.

Step 7. Erase the guide lines to complete the drawing
First, erase the initial circles outside of Pikachu's face and ears. Then, erase the vertical and horizontal lines inside the head that divide the face into 4 parts. If so, your drawing is done!
If you want to color the image, apply red for the cheeks, and black for the ear marks, and yellow for the Pikachu fur
Method 2 of 2: Draw Pikachu's Full Body

Step 1. Create a vertical rectangle to guide the outline of Pikachu's head and body
Make the height of the rectangle twice the width. Also, try to draw on the right side of the paper so that there is enough room to draw Pikachu's tail later.

Step 2. Divide the rectangle into 6 parts
First, draw a vertical line that goes through the center point of the rectangle. Then, draw a horizontal line that also intersects the center point of the rectangle. Finally, draw a second horizontal line that goes through the midpoint between the first horizontal line and the top side of the rectangle. When you're done, you now have 6 sections in the rectangle: the top 4 and the bottom 2, which will be used as drawing guides.

Step 3. Draw the shape of the Pikachu head on the top half of the rectangle
Start by placing the tip of your pencil in the center of the top of one of the top rectangles, then draw a downward curve that tapers off as you approach the top horizontal line. After that, just before reaching the center horizontal line, bend the curve outward to create Pikachu's cheeks. End the curve in the center horizontal line so that it goes in slightly from the side of the rectangle. Repeat on the other side to finish Pikachu's head.

Step 4. Draw the outline of Pikachu's body on the bottom half of the rectangle
To draw the body, start by placing the tip of the pencil on the lower end of one cheek. Next, draw a curved line that curves outward and down to the bottom corner of the rectangle. Then, repeat on the other side to outline the body across from it. After that, draw a horizontal curve line from one bottom end of the body outline to the bottom end of the other body outline, which curves up and is symmetrical on the vertical line.

Step 5. Draw Pikachu's long, pointed ears, sticking out from the top of the head
Start by placing the tip of the pencil near the top of Pikachu's head, slightly down to one side, and then draw a long vertical curve that is about head height. Then, from the end of the line, draw a vertical curve that goes back down to the head. When you're done, the ears should look like long, tall ovals with a pointed tip. Repeat on the other side to make the second ear.
Pikachu can move its ears freely so feel free to tilt it at various angles. If you want to make one ear point to the side and the other straight up, just make sure that the curved line that sticks out of the Pikachu's head is horizontal instead of vertical

Step 6. Add Pikachu's arms and legs
To draw the arms, start by drawing a large, angled “U” at a 65-degree angle near the top of one side of Pikachu's body. Make sure the top of the open “U” is facing outward from the center of the body. Then, repeat on the other side to create a second arm. For the Pikachu's legs, start by placing the tip of the pencil in the bottom corner of the rectangle. Then, draw a short curved line that sticks out from the bottom corner at a 45 degree angle. Then, draw a straight line back toward the body that curves slightly upwards at the end. Repeat on the other side.
- After drawing the arms, put 5 small triangles on the tips of Pikachu's claws.
- For the Pikachu toes, draw a short line on the inside of each foot that runs parallel to the top edge.

Step 7. Draw Pikachu's eyes, nose and mouth
To draw the eyes, draw 2 circles on the top horizontal line that goes through the center of the face. Then, draw a small circle at the top of the eye as the pupil. After that, create the nose by drawing an inverted triangle on a vertical line, at the midpoint between the top and bottom horizontal lines. Then, make a blunt and slightly flat "W" shape under the nose and symmetrical to the center vertical line. Try to keep each end of the "W" under the inner side of each Pikachu's eye.
When you're done, darken Pikachu's nose and eyes, except for the pupils

Step 8. Add cheek and ear marks
Below the horizontal line that runs through the center of the face, draw a large circle on the side of Pikachu's face that almost touches the edges of his cheek. Then, repeat on the other side to make the second cheek mark. For the mark on the ear, place the tip of the pencil in the middle of one side of the ear, then draw a straight line at a 45-degree angle to the opposite side. Repeat on the other ear.
Pikachu's ear marks look like the tip of a short triangle that slants underneath

Step 9. Create 3 stacked rectangles as guides for drawing Pikachu's tail
Start by placing the tip of the pencil under Pikachu's left waist, then draw a vertical rectangle whose top side is parallel to the top of the arm. Then, create a second rectangle that is at the top left of the first rectangle and the corners overlap each other. Finally, draw a large horizontal rectangle on top of the second vertical rectangle, with the top side of the horizontal rectangle parallel to the horizontal line in the center of Pikachu's face. Make the width of the last rectangle equal to half the height of Pikachu's head.
This rectangle doesn't have to be perfect as it's just a guide for drawing Pikachu's tail

Step 10. Create a Pikachu zigzag tail based on the previous guide boxes
These guide boxes should still reflect the basic shape of the tail, you can simply thicken the outer edges of the guide boxes to get a zigzag shape. Once that's done, draw a horizontal zigzag line along the middle of the bottom rectangle you created.
Make sure that each line in Pikachu's tail is slightly angled so that the tail has the typical zigzag shape of Pikachu

Step 11. Erase unnecessary lines to complete the drawing
Start by removing any excess guide lines created for the tail. Then, delete the obtuse rectangles drawn for the outline of the body and head, as well as the vertical and horizontal lines in the image. When all the guide lines have been removed, you're done!