Rainbow Dash is a Pegasus pony, the main character in the animated series My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. This tutorial will show you how to draw it.
Method 1 of 4: Face

Step 1. Draw the outline of the head
Draw an oval with a vertical line cutting it into two equal parts. Also draw a horizontal line, a little closer to the bottom of the oval.

Step 2. Sketch the rough outlines for the eyes, ears and neck
You can use two small oval shapes for the eyes and an egg-like shape for the ears.

Step 3. Sketch the hair

Step 4. Add details for the eyes
Draw two small ovals inside the previous one. Sketch three slanted lines as eyelashes. Do not add eyelashes on the opposite eye because it will be covered by hair.

Step 5. Draw the light reflection in the eye using two small oval shapes, one smaller than the other

Step 6. Draw the nose and mouth using simple curved lines

Step 7. Using the rough outline of the hair made earlier, add more detail to the hair using sharp curved corners

Step 8. Erase the unnecessary lines on the outline

Step 9. Color the image
Method 2 of 4: Complete Body

Step 1. Draw the outline of the head and body
Sketch a circle for the head, adding a curved vertical line near the left border of the circle. Cut the circle back using a curved horizontal line. For the body, use an oval shape that is slightly thicker on the back. Draw a circle on the thick part for the oval shape.

Step 2. Connect the head and body
For the neck, use two simple slashes. Add outlines for both legs.

Step 3. Sketch the rough outline for the ears, hair, tail and wings

Step 4. Add details to the face
Draw the eyes using small oval shapes. Emphasize the nose by making it look slightly pointed and draw the mouth.

Step 5. Draw the light reflection in the eye using two small oval shapes, one smaller than the other
Add a slash in the middle of the ear.

Step 6. Add details to the wings
Sketch small curved lines for the feathers.

Step 7. Thicken the outline details of the hair and tail using sharp corners

Step 8. Complete the sketch of the four limbs using the previously drawn lines

Step 9. Don't forget to add his trademark, a cloud and a rainbow lightning bolt on the back

Step 10. Thicken the lines while deleting the extra lines on the previously created outline

Step 11. Color the image
Method 3 of 4: Rainbow Dash Head

Step 1. Draw a vertical oval in the center of the page

Step 2. Draw two ovals inside the big oval for the eyes
Draw an oval shape in it on each one.

Step 3. Draw the details of the mouth, nose and neck

Step 4. Draw Rainbow Dash's hair pointing to the left - using simple curves and strokes
Also draw the visible right ear using curved lines.

Step 5. Draw details for the wings and additional details for the hair or mane

Step 6. Trace with the pen and erase the unnecessary lines
Add details to beautify the image.

Step 7. Color as you like
Method 4 of 4: Rainbow Dash's Complete Body

Step 1. Draw two circles and an oval
Ovals and circles overlap each other. The other circle is way above and bigger. This will be the outline of the drawing.

Step 2. Draw the four legs of the Rainbow Dash from the overlapping circles and ovals using curved lines

Step 3. Draw the details using curved lines for the mane, tail, or bangs

Step 4. Draw the details for the eyes, mouth and nose

Step 5. Draw the details for the wings and ears that look bangs
Use rounded curved lines.