There are two kinds of people: those who love the haunted house rides and those who don't like it at all! If you're of the latter type, getting to those spooky rides seems impossible, but you don't want to be the only one who refuses at the last second or runs off along the way. You may come out of the haunted house ride a little scared, but with a few tips and tricks, you can definitely survive the ride and make it through to the end.
Method 1 of 3: Keeping Yourself Calm in the Haunted House

Step 1. Don't let yourself be frightened before entering
The anxiety that hangs in your mind before you enter the haunted house, as well as imagining the fear and shock you will feel inside the ride are not facts – they are just your imagination. Instead of getting scared before trying, remind yourself that the ride is just a game. Nothing bad will happen to you in the haunted house; you are safe.
- To ease your mind, do something fun or funny before entering the haunted house. Try eating out, spending time with friends, or watching a funny television show or movie.
- There are many people who are afraid to enter a haunted house, but feel that the rides are not as scary as they thought after trying them out for themselves – and they can have a lot of fun inside. Tell yourself that you too will have the same experience.

Step 2. Go out with at least one friend so you're not alone
It's an unwritten rule in haunted houses: never go alone! Going in a group or even with a single friend can help you feel a lot more comfortable. Go with someone you know so you don't feel embarrassed to hold her hand or scream.
- Ask your friend to accompany you along the ride and tell them that you may need to hold them when you feel scared.
- If there's no one else to talk to, try to make new friends in line and join a group that looks friendly. You may not feel very comfortable, but it is much better than going in alone.

Step 3. Take deep breaths to keep yourself calm in the haunted house
When you feel scared, your heart rate will increase, your skin will turn red, and your mind will feel erratic so that you will feel even more anxious! Try to break the cycle by catching your breath and staying calm while walking in the haunted house. When your heart rate picks up and your hands start to shake, take a few long, calm breaths through your nose and out through your mouth.
- Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 6 seconds, then exhale for a count of 8.
- Tell yourself that you are releasing tension and fear through your breath. Whatever lies ahead, you are ready for it!

Step 4. Remind yourself that it's not real and that your fear is just entertainment
As scary as the haunted house is, remember that everything in it is not real. The costumed people are actors and the house is just an ordinary house. Everything there is fake and made for entertainment.
Try repeating a mantra in your head to maintain calm, such as “I'm fine. It's all fake." Repeat these words in your head whenever you start to feel really scared

Step 5. Be proud of yourself for being willing to face your fears when you start to feel afraid
You dare to do something to be afraid of, cool! Motivate yourself before entering the haunted house and when you start to feel scared. Try saying "This is scary, but I'll get up the courage and try it anyway."
Reminding yourself to be brave can make you feel stronger and braver

Step 6. Ask to leave if the ride feels too scary
It's okay if you're not strong. Take a deep breath, calm down, and ask to be helped out of there. An actor or haunted house staff can walk you to the exit so you can cool off.
- You can do this when you have a panic attack or if you feel too scared.
- There's no shame in leaving the ride early. Remember that you've already taken the plunge and gone inside. So, it's okay if you are not strong enough to finish the ride at that time.

Step 7. Plan something fun after that so you have something to look forward to
If you go straight home after entering the haunted house, you may carry a sense of fear that makes you feel even more uncertain. So come up with a fun plan afterward to take the fear out of your mind and leave you with something to look forward to.
- For example, you could hang out with friends, enjoy dinner, or watch a funny show on television.
- When you feel scared in a haunted house, focus on the fun things to do next. You can say “It's okay, I'm almost done. I just need to go through this, then buy some ice cream!”
Method 2 of 3: Avoiding Being a Target

Step 1. Wear all black so you don't stand out to the actors
If you can, try to dress “in the same way” as the haunted house. Wear dark jeans, a black T-shirt or jacket, and comfortable shoes. This seems like an odd strategy, but wearing dark clothes can make you look like an “old player” and make actors less likely to target you.
Dressing in black will also make it difficult for the actors to see you in a dark room

Step 2. Don't scream or laugh so the actor doesn't want to scare you
Haunted house actors tend to target people who scream, laugh, run, or show that they are scared! To avoid being a target, try to stay calm and self-controlled as much as possible and stay out of your way.
- If you are afraid, suppress your reaction as much as possible. Instead of running away or screaming, try to step back a little and gasp.
- Take a deep breath and slowly walk through the haunted house to stay in control of your reactions.

Step 3. Be prepared for surprises around every corner so you don't let your guard down
You are in a haunted house. So you can assume that there will be surprises at every turn. Surprise can be scarier than anything. Prepare yourself as early as possible. Calmly tell yourself that something will jump around the next corner, but that since you're ready, you won't be afraid.
When something really comes up, ease the tension and lighten your mood by thinking something like “Wow, what a surprise!”

Step 4. Make eye contact with the actors and stand up straight to show that you are not afraid
Keeping yourself relaxed and pretending to be tough in a haunted house can be difficult, but it's a great way to show that you're not afraid. While some actors find this a challenge, most of them will target the people who are easiest to fear, not the ones who seem bold.
Brave body language: Do or don't:
Do not:
Close your eyes or look down.
Make eye contact with the actors to show that you are not afraid.
Do not:
Bend over or cross your arms.
Lift your head and puff out your chest.
Do not:
Be indifferent. This can offend the actors and make them target you.
Give silent reactions, such as backing away and gasping slightly, or saying "Oh my God!"
Do not:
Get into an argument or hit an actor. They're just doing their job!
Remember that you are not trapped in a haunted house and can get out if the experience is too scary.
Maintain peace of mind by remembering that the haunted house rides have surveillance cameras and emergency staff ready to respond to serious events. The place is well looked after.

Step 5. Walk in the lead to show that you are not the most timid in your group
Taking a position at the front gives the impression that you are not afraid of what comes up. The actors in the haunted house know that people who are easily frightened are usually in the middle or back of a group so they will target the person in that position and ignore the person in the front.
You may be able to get through the entire area of the haunted house before any of the actors come after you
Method 3 of 3: Choosing the Right Haunted House Rides

Step 1. Determine an acceptable level of fear and horror
Everyone has different fears and different tactics for dealing with them. Some people can't stand a haunted house themed as a mental hospital or prison, but they can endure fear in a monster or zombie themed haunted house. Some people are not afraid to see blood, but do not want to see human bodies being crushed. Some people can see monsters eat or kill humans, but can't stand watching humans eat other humans. If you have a fear of clowns, spiders, or bats, it's best not to go to a haunted house that uses these mediums. If you have a strong religious background or belief, don't go to rides that focus too much on spiritual things, chanting, worshiping demons, and the like.
Think about how you react to movies and games. Take note of the scenes and themes that make you nauseous and irritated the most. This method will let you know what you are afraid of and the level of horror that can be faced

Step 2. Try to find out the horror level of a haunted house
Look for ads for the haunted house online or through public publications such as haunted house directories. The biggest haunted house is not necessarily the most terrifying ride. Don't judge a vehicle by its name alone. The extreme haunted house is just like a PG rated movie in a movie. The more extreme the rides, the more complex the roles of actors and props that are used to frighten visitors through a horrific and bloody atmosphere. Disney's haunted house rides are considered not terrible.
- Remember, no one can force you to do something you don't want to do. If you decide you don't want to go into the haunted house, that's fine.
- Remember, they are all just actors. They are human like you.
- Don't worry if something happens. The rides are guarded by staff and surveillance cameras.