Polishing wood is fairly easy to do and can keep the wood moist and protected
Natural wood accents look quite attractive, but if you want to make the natural color of the wood more attractive, polish the wood with lacquer, varnish, or wood oil. If you want to make wood furniture more attractive, polish wood floors, or polish wood, applying polish to wood can make it more shiny and last longer. Polishing wood is a fairly easy process and you can do it yourself at home!
Method 1 of 3: Getting Ready

Step 1. Buy wood polish at the nearest store
If you want an easy solution, buy a furniture or floor polish at the nearest store. This polish is quite versatile and easy to use. Therefore, if you only want to polish the wood, this polish is a good option. Purchase a polish specially formulated for your needs.
- If you want to try a more complicated method, try using tung oil or linseed oil, shellac, or varnish. Remember, varnishes, lacquers, and wood oils can produce toxic gases that are noxious when inhaled, so you need to wear safety precautions.
- If you want to polish laminate wood floors, buy a product that is specially formulated for this type of floor. Some types of polish do not absorb well when used on laminated wood floors.
- Do not use cooking oil as a polish. The oil can damage the wood and produce a rancid odor.
- Use wax over wood polish instead of oil, such as shellac.

Step 2. Work in a well-ventilated room
When you are going to polish furniture with a polish that can produce toxic gases, do it outdoors. You may be able to work indoors when the weather is sunny and the products used are flammable. If you have to work indoors, open all the windows and turn on the fan.
Disposable protective masks can be purchased at your nearest hardware store. This mask can protect you from toxic gases

Step 3. Clean and tidy the work area from obstructions
When going to polish furniture, move other furniture, decorations, or plants to another place. If you are working on carpet, cover the carpet with a tarp to prevent stains. When going to polish the wooden floor, move all the furniture to another room, move tables, chairs, beds, and other furniture that touches the floor. You won't be able to polish the floor properly if there's furniture in the way.
Keep pets or small children away from your work area, especially if you use polishes or products that can produce toxic gases

Step 4. Clean the wood before applying the polish
If the wood surface is not clean, dirt, dust, or hair that sticks to the wood will also be polished. You can clean wooden furniture and floors with a wood cleaner or warm water and dish soap. To clean wooden furniture, wipe the surface with a damp microfiber cloth, then dry with a dry cloth. To clean hardwood floors, sweep the floor with a broom or vacuum cleaner, then mop. When polishing or cleaning wood, follow the grain of the wood as much as possible.
- Microfiber cloths are softer than regular washcloths. In addition, the microfiber cloth will also not damage the wood surface.
- Dry the wood as soon as possible as water can damage the wood.
- You can also spray the floor cleaning solution before mopping the floor.

Step 5. Try applying polish to an invisible part of the wood
The polish may change the color of the wood so you will need to test it first. Allow the polish to dry so you can see the final result before moving on to the next step. If the polish isn't what you want, you can try another method.
This is a good way to determine if the furniture or flooring is covered in a laminate which can prevent the polish from soaking into the wood
Method 2 of 3: Polishing Furniture

Step 1. Wipe the furniture with a wax remover solution
Wet a microfiber cloth with wax remover and then wipe it over the wood surface, following the grain of the wood. Wait for the wood to dry completely to ensure that the wood will not be damaged. After that, wipe the remaining dirt or wax with a dry microfiber cloth. Use 0000 steel wool to sand away any stains or dirt stuck to the wood surface.
- It is important to remove any excess wax that has accumulated before polishing the wood. Wax can degrade the quality of wood polish.
- Try applying a wax remover to an invisible part of the wood before coating the entire wood.
- You can buy wax remover at the nearest store. Alternatively, you can also mix 5 cups of water with 5 cups of white vinegar.

Step 2. Apply the polish while following the grain of the wood
Place a dry microfiber cloth over the mouth of the polishing bottle and pour. By doing this, the polish will soak into the fabric and won't pool on the wood surface. Rub the cloth while following the grain of the wood so that the polish is fully absorbed.
- You can continue to apply the polish depending on how dry the wood is and the gloss you want.
- Make sure all parts of the furniture are coated with polish. Open a cabinet or shelf to polish the inside.
- Don't forget to test the polish on an invisible part of the wood before coating the entire piece.

Step 3. Repeat this process if necessary
When you're done, your furniture will look shinier. You can re-polish the furniture if necessary. You can repeat the process of polishing the wood regularly to keep the furniture attractive and shiny. However, if the furniture is not waxed, you will not need to use a wax remover again.
Method 3 of 3: Polishing the Hardwood Floor

Step 1. Plan the path you will use when polishing the floor
If you don't do this, you may be trapped so far from the door that you have to step on the floor or wait for the polish to dry. Instead, start at the back corner opposite the door and then work your way back and apply the polish in rows.
Polishes can stain walls and house posts, so be careful when applying polish. Alternatively, you can protect the bottom of the wall or post with tape

Step 2. Apply polish with a flat-surfaced mop
Pour a little polish on the surface of the floor and then start scrubbing the wood surface back and forth while following the grain of the wood. Start with a small amount of polish and then add more gradually. Remember, too much polish will pool on the floor. Plus, a light coat of polish dries quickly so you can easily apply a second coat.
- This movement will remove any air bubbles on the wood surface.
- Apply polish to the corners and corners of the room with a paint brush.

Step 3. Wait 24 hours before moving furniture into the room
Heavy furniture can scratch wood polish, so wait for the polish to dry completely before moving the furniture indoors. If you want to make the wood floor smoother, you can sand it with 100 sandpaper before applying the next coat of polish. Clean the floor and then wipe with a clean cloth after sanding.
Do not sand the last coat of polish. This will cause the polish to lose its luster

Step 4. Take care of your hardwood floors
Place a rug at the entrance to keep the floor from getting dirty. Ask guests or relatives to take off their shoes before entering the house. Place the rug near the sink to prevent the floor from getting wet and damaged. Sweep the floor regularly to avoid scratching.