Dichondra is a plant that can be used for various purposes in landscaping. This plant is native to Texas and Mexico, some varieties grow like grass, while others are used as ground cover plants. Zones 8 to 11-referring to the hardiness zone, which is a geographically defined vertical zone with a certain category in which plants can live-is an ideal area for these moisture-loving ornamental plants, and zones in water where the temperature is less than - 6 degrees Celsius is not recommended.
Part 1 of 3: Choosing a Dichondra Jenis

Step 1. Be aware that dichondra is a type of morning glory, and the plant is often considered a weed
Dichondra's invasive (invading) nature makes them suitable for filling beds or planting in the yard. However, you should be prepared to restrain the growth if needed.

Step 2. Choose an ornamental dichondra nicknamed Silver Falls or Silver Dichondra if you want a type of ground cover plant that resembles a waterfall
The plant will look attractive if it spreads on the surface of the retaining wall or rocks.
Silver Falls color between light green to gray, while another type of dichondra plant is Kelly which is green

Step 3. Ask a landscaping company or plant center what types of dichondra are good for your area
In some areas, flea beetles cling to dichondra plants, making them a poor choice. Like dichondra, it can be a difficult plant to care for, but it is a type of lawn grass that is drought tolerant.

Step 4. Decide whether you are going to start growing dichondra from seed or buying plants in beds
If the soil in your area freezes, buying plants in raised beds is the best option. Plant seeds should only be planted outside when temperatures are at least 24 degrees Celsius.
Part 2 of 3: Planting Dichondra as Grass

Step 1. Wait until late spring or early summer to start growing dichondra as grass
Planting the dichondra will require a stable temperature of more than 21 degrees Celsius.

Step 2. Consider applying a weed/weed repellent, such as Roundup (a type of herbicide), to your entire 'dichondra grass' lawn if you have a lot of competing plants or weeds
Wait a certain amount of time according to the instructions on the package, before you sow dichondra seedlings into the yard.

Step 3. Process your lawn using a rototiller -a type of cultivator (soil tilling machine) - to a depth of about 15 cm
Then fertilize using a multi-purpose lawn fertilizer.

Step 4. Use a rake to clean the surface of the soil from rocks and twigs
Make sure the entire area is level, so that the water can drain properly.

Step 5. Sow about 0.5 kg of dichondra seeds for every 46 to 93 square meters
The more you sow the seeds, the faster they are likely to start growing.

Step 6. Rake the soil
Cover the soil with a thin layer of peat moss to retain soil moisture and prevent weeds/weeds from growing.

Step 7. Water the nursery with water three to five times a day
The nursery area should be moist, but never flooded. Make sure you use the right watering settings.

Step 8. Wait about two weeks for the dichondra lawn to grow
After 10 days, allow the surface to dry more before watering. Gradually reduce the frequency of watering you do.
- Start watering a lot, but not too often, to build up the root system. Dichondra roots should receive at least 2.5 cm of water each time.
- Dichondra are sensitive to excessive watering which can also cause disease.
- Do not allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings.

Step 9. Fertilize the dichondra lawn with nitrogen-rich compost or artificial fertilizer every winter
Use seed/seed growth inhibitors to control weeds.
Do not use herbicides intended for broad-leaf weeds on your lawn, as they will kill dichondra. If heavy rains are causing disease or pest problems, you may need to use an insecticide

Step 10. Prune every two weeks
Set the trimmer to a height of 4 to 5 cm. You can prune the plant close to winter, but if the plant is growing relatively long you should avoid pruning too much at once.
Part 3 of 3: Planting Dichondra as Groundcover

Step 1. Choose an area that gets full sun or partial shade
If the area is covered with weeds (weeds), use weed killers. Wait a few weeks to plant dichondra.
You can also plant dichondra in hanging pots/baskets or use them in cut flower arrangements

Step 2. Plant the seeds when the temperature is around 21 degrees Celsius or start planting less than or before the set time
If you want dichondra to fill the yard faster, you can also buy plants in beds.

Step 3. Make sure the soil in your yard has good drainage
Scratch the area you want to use to loosen the soil.

Step 4. Plant the dichondra in raised beds at ground level
Then, cover the area with soil. Gently press the soil to make sure the dichondra seedlings are firmly planted.

Step 5. At the first watering, water the plant to a depth of 2.5 to 5 cm
Then, wait for the soil to become drier, but not completely dry, to water it again.

Step 6. Use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer
Try not to apply fertilizer to the leaves because it will burn.

Step 7. Do not water the plant too often
Dichondra should be watered in large quantities but not too often. Plants will grow from season to season and fill the beds. The plant can grow up to 1.8 meters.