How to Make Fake Firecrackers for Christmas Eve: 8 Steps

How to Make Fake Firecrackers for Christmas Eve: 8 Steps
How to Make Fake Firecrackers for Christmas Eve: 8 Steps

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Christmas firecrackers like this don't make a sound when they ring them, but they are good for wrapping small Christmas gifts so they can be put in socks or on the dining table and larger gifts as decoration. You can also use them instead of placemarks by naming each 'firecracker' and placing it on the table for dinner.


Make Christmas Crackers Step 1
Make Christmas Crackers Step 1

Step 1. Collect the required items

You can find the list under "Things You'll Need" in this article. Anything can be put in a firecracker, as long as it fits: whether it's a simple gift like candy for children, or a piece of jewelry that will surely surprise your loved ones.

Step 2. Make a special firecracker

Write a 'Merry Christmas' and add a homemade message on a small piece of paper with a Christmas motif or ornament. Below are some ideas that might help you with your message:

  • Stories or special messages
  • world figure quotes
  • fortune forecast
  • Blessings
  • Spiritual messages or aphorisms
  • Recipe for food or drink
  • A funny story.

    Make Christmas Crackers Step 2
    Make Christmas Crackers Step 2

Step 3. Add small gifts to it

These objects can be put into firecrackers along with the message you created earlier. Just put the prize inside the used tissue roll that acts as the 'body' of the firecracker. The following are examples of items that can be included:

  • Toy dolls or plastic animals
  • Small toys such as tops, dice, plastic frogs, etc.
  • Miniature games like Boggle (a game of making words out of an array of dice with letters on them)
  • Sewing tool or special cross stitch
  • Candy or chocolate (wrapped in plastic, paper, or box)
  • Chewing gum
  • Little compass
  • Sticky paper/ Post-It, stationery, pens, erasers, etc.
  • Custom jewelry or fake jewelry
  • Earphones/earphones (or iPod to fill firecrackers with expensive and nice gifts)
  • CD coupons, shopping coupons, etc.

    Make Christmas Crackers Step 3
    Make Christmas Crackers Step 3
Make Christmas Crackers Step 4
Make Christmas Crackers Step 4

Step 4. Measure the wrapping paper to be used

The paper should be wide enough for the roller to wrap completely. Also include 4-5 inches (about 10-13 cm) between the ends of the rollers and the ends of the paper.

Gift paper can be replaced with tissue paper, but it must be in large quantities so that it can withstand the weight of the rollers and the items in it. While working, handle the paper carefully so it doesn't tear quickly

Make Christmas Crackers Step 5
Make Christmas Crackers Step 5

Step 5. Wrap the roller with the cut paper

After that, glue the two ends with glue so they don't come off.

Make Christmas Crackers Step 6
Make Christmas Crackers Step 6

Step 6. Cut a few strands of ribbon or tinsel-or both are fine

Wrap it around the paper at both ends of the roller. From both ends, make a knot, then tie the rest to form a ribbon.

Make Christmas Crackers Step 7
Make Christmas Crackers Step 7

Step 7. Beautify your firecrackers

Brush with glitter glue, or cover the surface with scraps from old Christmas cards you've collected.

Make Christmas Crackers Step 8
Make Christmas Crackers Step 8

Step 8. Place the firecracker ready to be opened on the dining table

You may have to warn your guests in advance that these firecrackers won't "go off" like in the commercials because they're not factory-made - but be careful with the screams and shrieks of joy from your guests!


You can find small jewelry at grocery stores, toy stores, stationery stores, and even at the mini vending machines that you can find in front of certain stores
