How to Apply Simple Makeup for School: 9 Steps

How to Apply Simple Makeup for School: 9 Steps
How to Apply Simple Makeup for School: 9 Steps

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Are you looking for the right makeup for school? You want to try something sweet and simple? Well, you've come to the right place! This article will show you how to wear makeup that will make you look fresh and friendly.


Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 1
Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 1

Step 1. Wash your face and apply moisturizer

You need a clean leather surface before starting to work. Make sure the moisturizer you choose contains sunscreen with an SPF of at least 10. If you want to wear makeup in the morning, try not to wash your face. Most dermatologists recommend not washing your face before applying cosmetics. However, if you absolutely have to, try taking a shower before going to bed at night and wiping your face with a wet towel the next morning. If done right, this trick will really make your makeup look fresh. Try to treat the skin gently.

Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 2
Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 2

Step 2. Consider foundation

If you don't need it, don't need to wear it. In general, teenage skin does not require the use of foundation. If you want to keep wearing it, try buying mineral products as they are more suitable for your skin. If you need a bit of coverage, there's nothing wrong with using a tinted moisturizer. The easiest way to apply this product is to use clean fingers, or use a foundation brush if you prefer.

Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 3
Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 3

Step 3. Use a smudge mask

This step can be used if you notice very dark dark circles under your eyes. Warm the stain-covering cream with your fingers, then apply a little at a time gently. If you have blemishes on other parts of your face, apply a stain mask to those areas. Blend well. If you go to school with cream freckles under your eyes and around your nose instead of looking pretty, you'll look really silly.

Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 4
Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 4

Step 4. Apply blush and bronzer

If you have a long face, apply blush only to your cheekbones. If you have a short, round face, apply the product in long upward brush strokes and blend well. Cream blushes give a very natural effect, but powdered products can also be used. Choose the one you like the most! If you feel your face is a little too round, define your cheekbones by applying bronzer. Look online for articles to learn how to do this. If done properly and naturally, the cheekbones will look more prominent, while making the face look thinner, or more elegant. Try practicing at home before leaving the house because not everyone is suitable for using this product. Ask your mother, sister or friend for advice if necessary.

Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 6
Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 6

Step 5. Apply eye shadow

Try using gold, bronze, and beige colors. Use only colors that make the appearance of the eyes look natural and beautiful. Don't worry about what other people are wearing, or whether they wear makeup or not. Cosmetics are personal and will only look beautiful if you use the right products. Are you tempted to imitate the most popular girls in school? DO NOT. You will look attractive if you use makeup that is only suitable for you! Don't be afraid to seek advice from people who have experience wearing makeup. They can teach you some very valuable tricks.

Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 7
Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 7

Step 6. Put on eyeliner

Choose black or brown! If you want, you can also choose dark blue or green. As mentioned above, choose what you like the most! Try different styles, but don't forget that your makeup should look natural and elegant. Do not choose a style that is usually worn for parties and other celebrations because it will look too vulgar. Keep in mind that school rules may prohibit overly flashy makeup.

Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 9
Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 9

Step 7. Curl the eyelashes

Curly lashes will make your eyes appear wider and bigger so you can highlight your beautiful eyes! However, if you are lucky to be born with curly eyelashes, skip this step. If you do it carelessly, you can injure yourself. So, be careful, even if you are in a hurry. Actually, there are not many events that require you to curl your eyelashes, unless you need it to look beautiful. You've probably heard confident people say it a thousand times that everyone is beautiful and no one can argue with that!

Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 10
Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 10

Step 8. Put on mascara

For a bolder look, apply two coats (dip the brush in the bottle after applying the first coat, then apply again). Bold looks are different from flashy looks. So, try to appear as natural as possible. Use black, dark brown or clear mascara, or another color that matches your skin tone. If in doubt, ask a family member or female friend for advice.

Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 11
Do a Simple Makeup Look for School Step 11

Step 9. Finish with lipstick

Choose a light, neutral lipstick color and finish with a clear or light-colored lip gloss. If you don't like lipstick, a properly applied lip gloss will make you look even better! For a special occasion, you can use a darker color or even a deep purple, but you have to have a lot of confidence in that. Dark purple isn't always the perfect color to wear to school, but it can look quite attractive for those with tanned skin.


  • Remove makeup.

    Do not forget to remove makeup before going to bed and wash your face gently and carefully. If you don't, your pores can become clogged and cause breakouts. Again, clean your face carefully and gently!

  • Have confidence.

    It may sound weird or even nonsensical, but most of the time, you have to have a lot of confidence to wear makeup. You have to be sure that as long as you apply it carefully and correctly and know well what you are doing, the results will not disappoint. Even if some people don't like you at first, they will quickly realize that apart from your physical beauty, you also have a beautiful personality.

  • Ask other people's opinions.

    If you don't know what you're doing, ask someone for help. First, make sure she's someone you can trust so she (must be a woman) won't teach you anything wrong or give bad results. You may need to ask several people before applying any of the suggested methods.

  • Use a good quality product.

    Especially if you have dry or sensitive skin. Choose high-quality mineral cosmetics and other products. Do not let you use products that are not suitable for your skin because it can be bad for your skin and body!

  • Always use powder after applying the concealer and foundation so that your face doesn't shine.


  • Respect authority.

    Ask your parents for permission politely and confidently before deciding to apply makeup. Even if it sounds trite, it never hurts to remind yourself that parents aren't stupid, and they'll find out. Whether you respect their authority or not, in the end they legally have rights over you. Ask for permission politely, and write a lengthy letter to persuade them if they refuse your request. You can disobey their orders only as a last resort.

  • Be careful.

    If you injure yourself with a make-up kit or experience something even worse, you may need to be hospitalized. Everything has a risk. So, use cosmetic products that are appropriate for your age and your parents allow it. Even if you are confident in what you are doing, be careful. Caution is very very important to avoid unwanted accidents.

  • Know your limits.

    Study school rules to make sure you are allowed to wear makeup. If that's allowed, and your parents allow it (or you managed to persuade them), ask what kind of makeup suits you. You can start with a smudge concealer, eyeliner and lip gloss and gradually add more makeup. Instead, you can start with a product that has parental approval. As long as your parents give you permission for basic makeup, you can do whatever you want. Remember, don't overdo it. Be careful with your makeup and make a wise choice!
