Unfortunately, the hairy body trend of the 1970s is long gone - and today, many people view back hair as ruining (or at least disturbing) their appearance. Fortunately, removing hair and getting a smooth and soft back is very easy to do. There are many options you can consider, from cheap and comfortable temporary treatments, to expensive, painful, and permanent treatments. Learn more about the currently available options to determine which is the most suitable for you.
Method 1 of 6: Shaving Yourself
This method is easy and quite convenient to do; and can solve your problem quickly. However, you may need the help of a friend or partner to reach your full back. If you are alone, try the other methods in this article.

Step 1. Trim long or thick fur
Long, dense bristles can clog the razor. So, trim this section first to make sure you get the best results.
There are several ways to do this. For example, you could ask a friend to help cut it with scissors and a comb, or with a powerful electronic shaver

Step 2. Exfoliate the skin
Ask someone to help scrub your back with warm water and a gentle exfoliant. You can use a bath brush, a gentle body scrub, or a pumice stone - whatever you prefer. These ingredients will exfoliate dead skin cells before you shave.
The main benefit of this step is that it reduces the chance of hair growing inside the skin. However, you don't actually have to do this step, so you can skip it if you're in a hurry

Step 3. If you have an electronic shaver, use it first
While an electronic shaver can't give you the smoothest and cleanest shave a manual razor does, it can remove a lot of hair in a short amount of time. If you have an electronic shaver, ask someone to use it to shave the hair all over your back.
You don't have to shave all the way down to the skin - just get rid of most of it. This way, when you continue shaving with a manual shaver, there will be much less hair that might clog the blades

Step 4. Ask someone to apply a layer of shaving cream or gel if you like using it
Use whatever product you normally use to shave your face.
Keep in mind that you may have to apply a lot more shaving cream on your back than on your face. Be sure to stock up on enough shaving cream so you don't have to buy it back at the store while shaving

Step 5. Shave
Ask someone to help you start shaving. You may need to stand near a water tap so the person helping you can clean the razor easily. Ask him to apply more shaving cream or gel if needed, until all the hair on your back is shaved off.
For a smooth, painless shave, shave your entire back in the direction of hair growth, then shave back in the opposite direction. Shaving directly against the direction of hair growth can cause pain and mild irritation

Step 6. If you want, take a shower
You don't have to take a shower, but a shower can help get rid of any annoying bits of hair in your clothes. Plus, taking a shower will leave you feeling refreshed - especially if you haven't had a smooth back for a long time.

Step 7. Dry your body
Gently pat your skin with a clean towel. Be sure to dry your back in a patting motion, not rubbing. Rubbing a newly exposed layer of soft skin can cause irritation.
To keep your skin smooth and soft, you may need to apply an unscented lotion all over your back. Avoid lotions that contain fragrance - the chemicals in them can irritate the skin after shaving (especially if the person helping you accidentally injures it)
Method 2 of 6: Using Hair Removal Cream
Depilatory products (such as Nair, etc.) can remove hair longer than shaving, but can be irritating to sensitive skin. This cream should be applied once a week. This method can be done without the help of others.

Step 1. Apply a small amount of product to your hands or a long-handled brush
Make sure you have a way to reach your entire back. If you only use your hands, you may need someone else's help.

Step 2. Spread the cream all over your back
Make sure all the fur on the back is covered with cream. Ask someone for help if you're worried about not being able to reach the center of your back - don't leave any areas uncoated with cream. You don't need to apply the cream vigorously to your skin. Just apply gently all over the hair on your back.
Wash your hands after applying the cream. This cream can irritate the skin if left to dry (not to mention it will also cause the hair on the back of your hand to fall out if it has an effect)

Step 3. Leave the cream on your back for the recommended time
This information should be listed on the packaging of the cream. Usually the time it takes is between 3 to 6 minutes.
After waiting, use a damp cloth or towel to wipe a small area of your back. If your back hair doesn't come off easily, wait a few more minutes

Step 4. Remove the fur
Once the hair comes off easily, use a damp cloth to gently wipe your back. Again, if you can't reach the center of your back, ask someone else for help.

Step 5. Rinse with warm water in the shower
This method is an easy and quick option for removing cream (and adhering hair) from your back. You can rinse your back with a wet towel, but there may still be some hair remaining, and the cream will stay on your skin too long if you use this method.
Method 3 of 6: Waxing
This technique is known to be painful, but tends to keep your back hair-free for longer (about 4 to 6 weeks). This option is best suited for fur that is at least 0.6 cm long. Ask your friends or partner for help - because you can't do it alone.

Step 1. Purchase waxing kits at the store
You can find them at most department stores and cosmetic supply stores.
- There may be a wide selection of waxing equipment. Hot waxing kits are usually the best choice for the back, as they can be used on a wide range of skin surfaces, while the other options are less effective.
Waxing will make your back red and sensitive, so you should do it at least 24 hours before showing off the results.

Step 2. Clean your back with soap and water
This step is easiest to do in the bathroom. This is an important step - the wax will be much easier on the oil and sweat-free fur.
After showering, make sure to dry your entire back

Step 3. Prepare the candle according to the product guide
In most hot waxes, you must first heat the wax (usually in the microwave). The temperature of the wax should be warm enough, but not hot. Different products may have slightly different usage guidelines as well.

Step 4. Apply wax to a small part of your back
Use the wand provided (or a clean spatula) to apply the wax in the direction of hair growth. Apply little by little, no more than a few cm at a time.

Step 5. Glue the paper to the wax coating
While the wax is still hot, press the sheet of paper or cloth against the wax layer. Leave it for a few moments until the paper adheres.

Step 6. Pull the sticking paper out quickly
Pull the sheet of paper against the direction of hair growth. Do this in the opposite direction of the wax. Pull in one quick motion without pause. Do not pull slowly - because it will hurt.
To reduce pain, do not pull directly up or at an angle. Quickly pull it as close to your body as possible until it is almost parallel to the skin

Step 7. Coat the wax and pull the paper repeatedly
Continue until all the hair on your back is lifted. You may need to repeat it several times. Feel free to rest for a while if the pain is unbearable. Advanced waxing usually won't hurt as much as the first one.
If the pain is unbearable, stop - hurting yourself is not worth the uneven back hair

Step 8. Clean your back with antibacterial soap when you're done
After you're done waxing, your back will be slightly red and irritated, making it more susceptible to infection than usual. To reduce the risk of infection, clean your back with soap. An easy way to do this is to take a shower.
Method 4 of 6: Using a Back Shaving
To get rid of back hair without the help of others, try using a back shaver. This shaver (available in both manual and electronic shaving options) is made to resemble a back rake equipped with a long handle so you can reach your entire back.

Step 1. Prepare your back
All you have to do for a back shave is the same as a regular, assisted shave:
- Exfoliate your back with water and a scrub or soft brush to prevent hair from growing inside the skin.
- Clean and dry your back if you use an electronic shaver.
- Wet your back and apply shaving cream if you use a manual shaver.

Step 2. Find a suitable place to shave
While a back shaver allows you to reach your entire back, you may still miss a point if you can't see your movement. Look for a bathroom equipped with a large mirror. Prepare a smaller mirror and stand with your back to the large mirror.

Step 3. Use a small mirror to see your movements
With one hand, hold the back shaver. With the other hand, hold a small mirror in front of you. Adjust the angle so that you can see your back in the large mirror behind you from its reflection in the small mirror you are holding.

Step 4. Shave your upper back
Extend the back shaving handle. Raise your hands above your head by bending your elbows, and place the shaver in the center of your back. Move it gently and slowly to shave the hair on your back in a row from the middle back to the shoulders.

Step 5. Shave your lower back
Bend the shaver at a certain angle (if your shaver is bendable). Point your arms so that the back shaver can reach your lower back from the sides. You may need to reposition the mirror so that it can see your movement.

Step 6. Double-check to make sure no parts have been missed
Since it's difficult to see your entire back at once with the help of two mirrors like this, give yourself a few minutes to examine each part of your back individually. If you see any hair remaining, shave as usual.
When you're done, take a quick shower to get rid of any bits of hair. Pat your back with a towel dry, and if desired, apply an unscented lotion to keep your skin soft and smooth
Method 5 of 6: Using an Epilator
An epilator is a small, hair-pulling device - similar to a series of electronic hair clips. This method will give results similar to waxing (leaving your back hair free for 4 to 6 weeks). This tool tends to give better results on longer coats (2.5 cm or more). To use it, you may need someone else's help.

Step 1. Clean your skin with warm water
A quick shower or bath will soften your back hair, as well as soothe your skin. As a result, it will be easier for you to get rid of your hair, so even if you don't have to, taking a shower is a great preparatory step.
- You don't need to shower with soap first - you can do this later.
As with waxing, it's best to do this the day before you have to show your back, so that reddened and irritated skin has time to subside.

Step 2. Dry the skin with a clean towel when you shower
Most epilators will work better on dry skin. However, some epilators are designed for use on still wet skin - so check the instructions on the package if in doubt.
Alternatively, sprinkle talcum powder or baby powder after drying the skin with a towel. The powder will make the hair drier and stand up, making the removal process easier

Step 3. Pluck your back hair
Turn on the epilator. Ask someone to help you move the device slowly down the hairy back. Epilator teeth will pull back hair (similar to waxing). Usually the process will be painful, although people often compare the pain caused by epilators and waxing which is more severe. Just like waxing, feel free to stop if necessary.
If the pain is too severe, move the epilator more quickly across the skin, thereby shortening the time you have to hold it in. However, you may have to go back to the same section a few times, if there is still some hair left in there

Step 4. Clean your back with soap
When you're done, your back will be red and irritated. To help prevent infection, gently clean your back with soap and warm water. Pat your back with a clean towel when you're done.
Method 6 of 6: Using Professional Salon Services
This option guarantees that the hair on your back will be handled by a professional. The results are generally also able to last quite a long time (even some of them are semi-permanent). Even so, the costs you have to spend are usually much higher than if you do it yourself. The pain you will feel will also differ from one way to another.

Step 1. Get a professional waxing treatment
Professional waxing is pretty much the same as doing it yourself or with the help of your friends. The pain you feel is probably the same. However, professional salon staff may be able to work faster than your friends and, depending on the treatment you choose, the atmosphere may be more comfortable.
Back waxing costs vary from place to place. Around IDR 500,000, 00-IDR 800,000, 00 for the back only - this cost will be greater if other parts are also given the same treatment

Step 2. Consider laser treatment
In this option, a precisely controlled medical laser is used to burn each hair root. Several treatments are needed to get permanent results. Even if it's short, some of the hair may still grow back, but repeated grooming will minimize this possibility.
- This action requires quite a large amount of money, which is around Rp. 5,000,000, 00-Rp 7,000,000, 00 for each treatment.
- One of the advantages of laser treatment is that it is possible to "thin" the hair, rather than getting rid of it all.

Step 3. Consider electrolysis
This option is performed using a small electric probe that will sting each hair follicle. Electrolysis provides permanent results - once a hair follicle is electrocuted, it is rare for the hair to grow back. However, since each hair follicle has to be electrocuted one by one, the time required for this treatment is quite long.
This procedure costs around IDR 500,000.00 for each treatment, and wide skin surfaces such as the back may require repeated treatments
- Use a new razor for the best shave.
- Try applying a product like Tend Skin Liquid to prevent skin rashes and hair growth in the layers of the skin.
- Take a pain reliever two hours before waxing or epilating if you are sensitive to pain. You can also ask your friend to apply a pain relief cream to your back. If you use a cream like this, allow it to dry completely before continuing.
- Do not use an electronic shaver in the bathroom.
- Do not store hair removal cream for longer than the instructions on the package.
- For women, thick hair may be a symptom of a health problem. Consult a doctor before undertaking any treatment.
- Before using a chemical product to remove hair, try it on a small area of your back or shoulder, to make sure you're not allergic.