Looking trendy means that you are ready to keep up with the latest trends and fashions. You can follow fashion trends while keeping up with digital media trends. Try to keep up with the flow of fashion to look trendy all the time. There are lots of fun ways to keep up with the current style.
Method 1 of 4: Following Fashion Trends

Step 1. Talk to a friend who looks fashionable
If you want to look more trendy, you can reach out to a friend you admire. Looking trendy and cool takes effort. You can learn a lot from someone who knows how to dress fashionable.
- Ask a friend how to keep up with the latest fashion trends. Ask your friends for recommendations for good fashion blogs to stay trendy. You can also make a friend as a reference. Some websites about fashion require you to pay a certain amount of money to gain access. It's easier to rely on a friend with good fashion knowledge to reference the latest styles.
- Remember, you shouldn't copy someone's style completely. While you can ask a friend for advice, never copy the person's appearance. To look trendy you don't need to just copy someone's style. It just means that you need to understand the variety of styles and keep up with the appropriate fashion trends.

Step 2. Follow the trend accordingly
Not all trends will suit you. Many people feel sorry for over-following fashion trends because of poor dress choices.
- Choose a style that suits you and is comfortable for you. You won't look trendy when you wear clothes that don't fit your body shape and feel uncomfortable. For example, if there is a dress style that makes you look fuller, you might want to look for other fashion trends. There is no reason to wear certain clothes just because they are trending.
- Do not exaggerate. Leggings may be in vogue, but that doesn't mean they're appropriate for all outfits. Leggings paired with long warm clothes do look charming. However, leggings paired with formal clothes will look strange. Use common sense when following fashion trends and feel free to simplify or adapt them as needed.

Step 3. Subscribe to fashion magazines
Subscribing to fashion magazines, both print and online, can help you look more stylish. Accessing blogs that cover street fashion, such as Sartorialist, is an easy and inexpensive way to see the latest fashion trends. You can also subscribe to magazines like Vogue, Seventeen, or Marie Claire for fashion information for each season.

Step 4. Follow fashion bloggers on Instagram
Instagram is the right medium for fashion lovers. Look for lists of fashion bloggers to follow on Instagram, as well as hashtags like #ootd (outfit of the day) to see what fashions are trending. Follow people whose style is similar to your personality. For example, if you like minimalist clothes, look for Instagram users with that style of clothing.

Step 5. Add extra to the clothes you already have
If you're on a tight budget, or just want to buy clothes that fit your needs, try checking your current wardrobe. See what kind of clothes you can mix and match with the clothes and accessories you already have.
- Make a short list of the things you have, from the clothes you wear to work, to school, to hanging out with friends, etc. Then, take a look at the current fashion trends. Do long scarves match the short collared blouse you have? Do trendy cardigans match your favorite old t-shirt? By incorporating trendy items into your current wardrobe, you only have to buy a few fashion items each season.
- Pay attention to clothes that appear neutral. A pair of black jeans, for example, can be paired with a variety of colors, so you can wear them in fall or winter without needing to buy new pants. A white or black cardigan is also very useful, as it can be paired with a variety of trendy items.
- Wear accessories. If you don't want to drain your entire wardrobe, you can wear accessories to make it look trendy. What kind of sunglasses are popular today? What jewelry is trending? A necklace or sunglasses are cheaper than a new set of clothes.
Method 2 of 4: Following Trends Online

Step 1. Have a discussion about the current trend
More and more people are using social media to discuss news and trends. Popular news is usually very popular on social media. Take advantage of your personal Facebook and Twitter accounts to open a discussion. Post a link to an article that addresses an issue you care about, then discuss it with others who left comments. Have healthy and productive dialogue online.

Step 2. Pay attention to the app store
The application store on your smartphone displays a variety of applications that can be purchased or downloaded for free. Apps often have a key role to play in spreading the latest trends. Click on the “Popular Apps” and “Most Downloaded” or “Best Selling” sections. This will give you information about what is currently popular. Try to get used to downloading the most popular apps. You need to make sure you don't go out of style by using the latest phone accessories.

Step 3. Buy a smartphone
There are a variety of trendy apps that are only available on smartphones, such as SnapChat and Instagram. If you want to be a trendy citizen, you need to download these apps. If you don't have a smartphone yet, it's very important to buy one immediately to keep up with online trends. Having a variety of social media accounts that can only be accessed via mobile will keep you fresh and trendy.

Step 4. Follow new social media developments
While Facebook and Twitter are still the giants of social media, pay attention to the new social media that are emerging. Being trendy means that you have to be the first to play social media that is just coming out. Ello is a new social media that promises to never sell user data to advertisers.

Step 5. Delete the old account
If a social media is out of date, you don't need to keep playing it. Certain social media, such as Myspace and Google Plus, have fallen out of favor and have had to be abandoned. Use your energy to be active on social media that is currently popular.
Method 3 of 4: Following Other Trends

Step 1. Listen to the latest music
If you want to be trendy, you have to keep up with the world of music. Listen to popular songs.
- There are many online music services, such as Spotify, Pandora, and iTunes, that can help you keep up with music trends. Look for lists like “Most Downloaded” and “Most Played” to see what songs are currently popular.
- Watch music awards shows, such as the Grammys or Anugerah Musik Indonesia. You need to be ready to respond to songs that are popular with other people and know what music is popular.
- Listen to classical music too. Take the time to read blogs, articles, and magazines about music and its history. Read, then listen to the songs on Rolling Stone magazine's list of best albums. Subscribe to some popular music blogs and their history. Talk to your music-loving friends for advice.
- Attend a nearby concert if you can. This can let you know what local music is popular, as well as up-and-coming bands.

Step 2. Watch trending television shows and movies
In the field of entertainment media, movies and television shows are also important aspects to look trendy. Make time to watch the trendiest TV shows and movies.
- Purchase a Netflix subscription plan. You can see what shows and movies are currently being watched or popular on social media. Try watching some popular TV shows and movies to decide if you like them.
- Watch the Emmys and Oscars awards shows. Try to watch movies and TV shows that were nominated to win at the awards show.

Step 3. Make the most of social media
While watching the trendiest movies and TV shows, take advantage of social media. You can create a thread with responses to an award show or the last episode of a popular TV show. You can also share your response via Facebook and talk to fans of the event. Using social media allows you to give the impression that you are well-informed and follow pop culture well. It also allows you to interact actively with the media being used.
Method 4 of 4: Save the Budget

Step 1. Go to various shopping places
If you're shopping for clothes, electronics, or other trendy items, visit more than one store. Visit various shopping centers nearby when looking for new clothes. Look for discounts in online stores. Compare the prices of clothes sold online before coming to the store to find out which one is the cheapest.
Create a special email to get a coupon. When a cashier asks for your email address at the store, provide it. That way, you can come to a place just to get coupons, discounts, or check out special offers

Step 2. Look for simple trends
Decide what kind of fashion trend you want to follow. Choose a simple trend if your budget is small. Match the accessories and clothes you have with a trendy style. Does the latest scarf style match the top you have? Good. Follow the trend. Does the latest style of dress match your high heels? This trend might be good to follow.

Step 3. Choose cheap fashion trends
When buying clothes, it makes more sense to buy items that are a bit expensive so that they last. However, trends change very quickly. Therefore, it makes more sense to buy trendy items that are cheaper as you won't be using them often in the future.