Woke up in the morning with colorful powders scattered in the room and a big balloon in the middle of the pool? Your breath smells of alcohol and you have bruises on your body that turn out to be tattoos? If you want to forget what happened last weekend or even erase memories from years ago, visiting a dermatologist or plastic surgeon is the best option. They can help you determine the best way to remove the tattoo from your body.
Method 1 of 3: Consult a Dermatologist or Plastic Surgeon

Step 1. Find a dermatologist or plastic surgeon who specializes in tattoo removal
Most dermatologists and plastic surgeons will help you remove your tattoo. However, finding a doctor who specializes in tattoo removal may be more helpful. Try surfing the internet or contacting some clinics to find a dermatologist or plastic surgeon who specializes in this matter.
- Ask the clinic staff or doctor how many times they have performed tattoo removal when you contact them. Also, ask if they have their own laser equipment. Clinics that have this equipment tend to be more experienced.
- You can also ask for advice from family and friends. Or, visit a site with reviews of doctors who specialize in tattoo removal. This step will be helpful if you want to know the reviews from their previous patients.
- While some tattoo studios offer laser tattoo removal services, the safest option is to seek professional medical help. However, if you can't find a good dermatologist or plastic surgeon near you, look for a tattoo studio that offers this service.

Step 2. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss treatment options
A dermatologist or plastic surgeon should look at your tattoo before suggesting the best way to remove it. Make an appointment with your doctor and be prepared to show him the tattoo you want to get rid of.
- From this consultation, you can find out how many treatment sessions are required to remove the tattoo and the cost.
- Also be prepared to ask the doctor everything. For example, ask before and after photos of tattoos that have been done by doctors. These photos will help you determine the effectiveness of the action.

Step 3. Discuss suitable techniques for removing your tattoo specifically
The effectiveness of each technique is determined by the practitioner who performs it, your skin type, and the size and color of the tattoo. A dermatologist or plastic surgeon will help you consider your options.
- For example, some laser treatments are more suitable for certain color tattoos than others. Also, dark blue and black tattoos tend to be more difficult to remove.
- Similarly, you may be able to surgically remove a small tattoo. However, you can't do the same for large tattoos.
- Poor quality tattoos may be more difficult to remove as they tend to scar and/or uneven.
Method 2 of 3: Choosing a Tattoo Removal Technique

Step 1. Consider laser surgery as the first option
Generally, this technique is best for removing most tattoos. Before undergoing the procedure, the doctor will inject a local anesthetic to anesthetize your skin. After that, the laser beam will be directed directly at the tattoo surface so that the pigment will absorb the laser energy. As a result, the tattoo pigment will be destroyed and carried into the body.
- To remove a tattoo with a laser, you will have to undergo more than 1 procedure. In fact, it usually takes 6-10 treatment sessions with a recovery break in between. Your dermatologist or plastic surgeon should be able to give you an estimate of how many sessions you will need.
- This procedure is safe, but it may still result in scarring. Right after the procedure, your skin may swell, blister, or bleed. You can apply an antibiotic ointment to the area.
- This action is usually not covered by insurance because it is considered elective.

Step 2. Have surgery to remove small tattoos
In this procedure, your skin will also be anesthetized with a local anesthetic. After that, the doctor will use a scalpel to remove the tattoo and then sew your skin back together.
- This action will also leave a scar following the surgical suture.
- While this procedure can also be performed on large tattoos, you may need a skin graft. In a skin graft, the doctor will take a layer of skin from another part of the body and transfer it to the area that was previously tattooed.
- Skin grafts have risks, including infection and rejection reactions. In addition, this action can also make the surface of your skin look different.
- In the past, cryosurgery, the act of freezing the skin with liquid nitrogen, was sometimes performed to remove tattoos. However, nowadays this action is rarely done anymore.

Step 3. Choose dermabrasion which is less expensive though less effective
This action basically only removes the outermost layer of the skin. The doctor will cool the skin to reduce pain and then exfoliate the surface of the skin with a rotating tool. After that, the color of the tattoo will fade.
- This procedure is generally less effective than laser or surgery.
- Your skin will feel rough for at least a few days and may also bleed. The time it takes for the skin to fully heal is 2-3 weeks.
- Usually, you only need 1 action, but it can cost up to IDR 15,000,000.
Method 3 of 3: Using Home Treatments

Step 1. Apply a mixture of salt and lemon juice
Mix 100 grams (about 6 tablespoons) of salt with a little lemon juice to form a thick paste. Rub a cotton sheet soaked in this mixture on the tattoo for 30 minutes or more. After that, wash the area with warm water.
This technique may cause temporary scarring

Step 2. Try a mixture of aloe vera, salt, honey and yogurt
Mix 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of aloe vera gel, 2 tablespoons (about 30 grams) salt, 2 tablespoons (30 ml) honey, and 2 tablespoons (30 ml) yogurt in a bowl. Apply this mixture to the surface of the tattoo and let it soak for at least 30 minutes.

Step 3. Rub table salt onto the tattoo surface for 30-40 minutes
This technique is known as salabrasion, and is performed like exfoliating the skin with table salt. Take a damp gauze sponge that has been salted and then rub it over the surface of the tattoo until your skin turns a dark red color.
- In this technique, the salt will provide an anesthetic effect so that you still feel comfortable.
- After rubbing the salt into the skin, apply an antibiotic ointment and then cover the area with a bandage for 3 days.
- Your skin will shrivel. After about 1 week, the outer layer of skin will peel off so the tattoo will fade. However, this technique can cause scarring and infection.
- You can use this technique again in 6-8 weeks after the skin has fully healed.

Step 4. Make a homemade cream for tattoo removal
Mix 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of aloe vera gel, 2 capsules of vitamin E, and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of Paederia tomentosa leaf gel. Spread this mixture on the surface of the skin and let it soak for 10 minutes. After that, wash the tattoo with warm water.
Repeat 4 times a day for 1 week or more

Step 5. Avoid using commercial tattoo removal creams
Tattoo removal creams that are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration may or may not be effective. In addition, due to the acid base, this cream can sometimes cause a negative skin reaction or rash.

Step 6. Be careful using chemical peels yourself
Chemical peels made from trichloroacetic acid are sold on several websites. While chemical peels may be effective, using them alone can be dangerous. You also can't be sure of the product you're buying, especially from a website.
- You may have a deep burn and need a skin graft.
- If you want to try a chemical peel, it's best to visit a dermatologist.

Step 7. Use makeup to cover the tattoo if all else fails
Apply foundation or concealer according to your skin tone, ideally a shade of pink or pale yellow (peach) for light skin, or orange or yellow for dark skin. After that, apply transparent powder. Apply another layer of foundation and powder to complete it. Blend the foundation onto the surface of the skin around the edges of the tattoo.
- To help maintain makeup, start applying dry skin (without moisturizer), and apply hairspray or makeup setting spray as a final step. Try not to touch the area while you're still wearing makeup.
- While the results are not permanent, makeup can help hide the tattoo when you need it.