When you feel tired, try to give yourself a boost with a little hand reflexology. It's easy to take your hand and ignore it after a hard day's work. Many people use their hands more often than they realize, and as with the neck and shoulders, it's important to provide a massage that relieves tension in the muscles in your hands.
Method 1 of 3: Preparing Your Hands

Step 1. Remove all jewelry
Before you start massaging your hands and fingers, make sure you remove any rings or bracelets that could get in the way.

Step 2. Moisturize your hands
For a smooth massage, it's best to apply lotion or oil to your hands before, as well as during massage, to keep your skin smooth. This will allow your thumb and fingers to move more easily through the skin so there is no irritation from too much friction. However, some people suggest not applying lotion right away, as 'friction' is important to get the fascia out.

Step 3. Relax your hands
Shake your hands and wiggle your fingers. Extend your arms by stretching them as wide as you can, then clench them into fists. Bend your wrists with your hands pointing downwards, then bend your arms up and down a few times. Continue to use this technique for about a minute before starting to massage your hands.

Step 4. Squeeze each fingertip and thumb tip on both hands
The pressure applied to the fingers should be firm, but not painful. Squeezing each fingertip for a few seconds is enough. After squeezing the top and bottom of your fingertips and thumb tips, go back on each fingertip and squeeze again, but this time from left to right.
Method 2 of 3: Using Various Massage Techniques

Step 1. Remember to breathe
As you work on these techniques, breathe in through your nose while expanding your diaphragm (abdominal breathing), then exhale through your mouth. Breathing and massaging are equally important, and it may be a good idea to take ten deep breaths before and after the massage.

Step 2. Use your thumb to do most of the massage
Start by holding your hands, and keeping your fingers straight. Then, place the fingers of the other hand on the back of your hand with the fingers facing up. Your thumb should be on the palm of the other hand, and pointing toward you.

Step 3. Move your thumb along the edge of your palm
This technique is most effective at massaging the pads of your palms just under your fingers and thumbs, as well as all around the edges of your hands. Press the palm of your hand with your thumb, in short, caterpillar-like motions, moving up and down, and pointing from the inside to the outside of your palm.
- Apply a force of pressure that is comfortable for you. Start with light pressure, then work your way up to a deeper massage.
- This will help you find any tender, painful, or tense spots.

Step 4. Locate the bones in the hand
The bone will feel long, like the extension of the fingers through the palm of the hand. Press the base of the hand, between the bones, and point up. Continue to use short strokes as you rub.

Step 5. Include your fingers
When it reaches the finger area, continue squeezing the finger with firm pressure. Press your thumb up and down on each finger, starting with the balls of your fingers, then slowly working your way up to your fingertips.
Apply pressure along the sides of your fingers as well. Repeat this movement for each finger
Method 3 of 3: Focusing on Muscle Tissue

Step 1. Change hand placement
Switch to using your other hand to massage so that your top hand is covered with your fingers facing down. Your thumb should remain in the palm of your hand. Now, you can work on the pressure points on the palms, between the thumbs and forefingers, which are sensitive areas.

Step 2. Massage the part between your thumb and forefinger
There is a muscle in this area that holds most of the tension in the hand. At this point, you'll need to apply a little deep pressure, squeezing, or rubbing. You can do this by either squeezing with your thumb and index finger or your knuckles.

Step 3. Apply pressure on the webbed part of the hand
Use your thumb and forefinger to make small, circular motions that will allow for the loss of tension. Hold the pressure as long as it feels comfortable. This movement will cause diffuse pain and is not painful, but will take a little effort to get used to over time.
Hold the pressure firmly and gently pull the skin until the fleshy webbed part is released from the grip. Repeat this process on the skin between all your fingers

Step 4. Massage your forearm
If you find that most of your hand pain is coming from your thumb, you can continue this massage down your forearm, on the side where your thumb is. One of the thumb muscles is connected near the elbow, so considering this a potential cause of pain is important.

Step 5. Shake your hands
When you're done with a very relaxing hand massage, open and close your hands and wiggle your fingers. Now you can repeat the massage on the other hand.
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