Daily activities can cause calluses on your fingers and palms. Rough skin can be caused by dryness, cracking, and the skin's response to common chemicals. If you want to achieve baby soft skin, there are simple home remedies you can try. There are also other strategies to help soften your hands.
Method 1 of 2: Using Home Remedies

Step 1. Take advantage of olive oil and sugar
Olive oil is great for moisturizing the skin. Pour about teaspoon of olive oil into the palm of your hand. Add a tablespoon of sugar. With one finger, mix the two together until they resemble sand. Then, rub your palms together, and spread the oil and sugar mixture all over your skin.
- Cheap olive oil will suffice for this recipe.
- Rub your hands together for a few minutes and make sure all the peels are coated in the olive oil and sugar mixture. After that, rinse with water.

Step 2. Mix glycerin, rosewater, and lime
Start by mixing one tablespoon of glycerin and one tablespoon of rosewater in a small glass jar. Add a squeeze of fresh lime juice, or a few drops of bottled lime juice. Stir until evenly distributed.
- Lift your hand and pour a teaspoon of the mixture into your hands.
- Rub your hands together. make sure the mixture covers the entire skin of your palms, including the backs of your hands. Do not forget to smear between your fingers.
- Dry your hands with a soft cloth or towel.
- Give twice a day. This mixture should not be stored for more than 2 days

Step 3. Wet hands with egg yolk
Separate the eggs into yolks and egg whites. Place the egg yolks in a small bowl, and set the egg whites aside. Add 1 teaspoon of honey, teaspoon of almond powder, and a few drops of rosewater to the egg yolk. Stir until evenly distributed.
- Rub it into both hands for about 10 minutes. Make sure your entire skin is well covered.
- Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes or so.
- Gently rinse the mixture off your hands, then pat dry.

Step 4. Make cream from butter and almond oil
Put a teaspoon of butter, and a teaspoon of almond oil in a small bowl. Stir well until smooth using a fork. Continue by applying the cream to your hands.
- Allow the mixture to be absorbed by the skin for at least 20 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water.
- The vitamin E in almonds will help heal chapped skin and remove wrinkles.

Step 5. Add limes and sugar
Take slice of lime. Sprinkle a little sugar on the wet limes. Squeeze the sugared lime slices into your hands until it appears that all the sugar is gone. Repeat on the other hand.
- This simple recipe can be found easily if you are in a restaurant and want to soften your hands quickly.
- Slices of lemon will help remove unpleasant odors, for example from onions or fish.

Step 6. Make a hand scrub using coconut oil
Put 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in a small bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of honey and mix until smooth. Place cup of sea salt and cup of sugar in a second bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of lime juice to the dry mixture until it has the consistency of damp sand. Combine the salt mixture with the oil and honey mixture, and stir until combined.
- Take a small amount of the mixture with your fingers into your hand.
- Rub your hands together evenly, and spread the scrub all over your palms and between your fingers.
- Rinse with warm water, then dry with a towel
- Store excess scrub in a glass jar with an airtight lid.
- Give 1-2 times per week.
Method 2 of 2: Prevent Dry Skin

Step 1. Wear gloves in cold weather
Cold weather can damage the skin so much that it becomes dry and cracked. Wear gloves in cold weather to protect skin
- Purchase several pairs of gloves to match different outfits.
- If you work outdoors, remember to always keep a change of gloves in your vehicle.

Step 2. Protect your hands from homework
Wear rubber or latex gloves when washing dishes to keep hands soft. Chemical cleaning products also damage the skin. Have several pairs of rubber or latex gloves to protect your hands.
- Disposable latex gloves can be worn for gardening so the skin is protected while your grip is still strong.
- Use gloves when handling hot peppers, zucchini, eggplant, or other foods that can dry out the skin.

Step 3. Drink plenty of water
Most experts recommend drinking 8 glasses of water per day to keep the body hydrated. Don't forget, your skin is an organ and needs water like any other organ to function. Without water, your skin will be dry and cracked.
- Avoid alcohol which will dry out the skin.
- Keep bottled water or glasses of water near your workplace to help you remember to drink throughout the day.

Step 4. Limit your lotions
Moisturizers can help, but the dose should be small. If you use lotion more than twice a day, you may be preventing your hands from using their own natural moisturizer.
- If you need to use extra lotion every now and then, that's okay.
- The best lotions include lanolin, a natural moisturizer derived from sheep.
- Petrolatum jelly is another great moisturizer for dry hands.

Step 5. Avoid hot water on your hands
hot water strips the natural oils from the skin and dries your hands and fingers. use warm tap water, which is about the same temperature as the air.
- Hot water can cause your hands to turn red and overheat. The red color comes from dilated blood vessels, just below the skin's surface. The pores open, and more blood flow in the hands so that they lose a lot of fluids.
- Also stay away from hot hand dryers

Step 6. Use a good soap
Look for hand soaps that contain aloe, avocado, or coconut butter. Soaps containing vitamin E and jojoba oil can protect dry skin.
- If you don't need to wash your hands for hygienic reasons, use a mild liquid soap without water. Rub the soap into your palms, and lather gently. This method is effective for eczema sufferers.
- Choose soap based on your experience because people's skin conditions are different.

Step 7. Use sunscreen
The sun can dry and damage the skin. If you don't like the feel of sunscreen on your palms, wipe it off with a damp tissue after using it on the back of your hand.
- A good sunscreen also protects the skin from dust and sunlight.
- Sunscreen often includes moisturizers that help soften the skin.