Are you having trouble choosing a lipstick color? Is your eyeshadow collection difficult to store in one cosmetic bag? Making your own makeup allows you to experiment with different colors to give your skin the perfect feel. In addition to saving money on beauty shopping, you will also be able to use natural ingredients that will not damage your skin over time. Read on to learn how to make your own lipstick, eye shadow and eyeliner.
Method 1 of 3: Making Lipstick

Step 1. Gather your gear
Homemade lipstick can be made from inexpensive ingredients that you can buy at craft and grocery stores or online. You need to prepare the following ingredients to make the perfect lipstick:
- New or used lipstick or lip balm containers
- Glass dropper
- Beeswax (beeswax)
- shea butter or cocoa butter
- Coconut oil
For color:
- Beetroot Powder
- Chocolate powder
- Turmeric mash
- Crushed Cinnamon

Step 2. Melt the base
The base of the lipstick is made of beeswax, which makes the lipstick stiff; shea or cocoa butter, which makes it separable; and coconut oil, which moisturizes your lips. Place extra wax, shea or cocoa butter, and equal amounts of coconut oil each in a small glass dish. Place the dish in a shallow saucepan with about 2.5 cm of water, making sure the water level is below the rim of the glass dish. Place the saucepan on the stove and turn the heat to medium-high, until the water heats the dough until it melts.
- Use a wooden stick or spoon to stir the mixture until the ingredients are combined and completely melted.
- If you want to make multiple tubes of lipstick, use two tablespoons for each ingredient. If you only want to make one tube of lipstick, use one tablespoon for each ingredient.

Step 3. Add color
Remove the dough from the stove. Add 1/8 teaspoon of the powder and seasoning to the mixture, stirring with a wooden stick or spoon until the color is evenly distributed with the base mixture. Continue until the dough reaches the shades of color you want.
- Add beetroot powder if you want a red lipstick, use less powder for a pink tint and more powder for a darker red. If you can't get beetroot powder, natural red food coloring can also be used.
- Add cocoa powder for a tan tones.
- Crushed turmeric and cinnamon give off a coppery hue.
- If you want a non-traditional color, such as purple, blue, green or yellow, add a few drops of natural food coloring.

Step 4. Use the dropper to fill the lipstick container
The easiest way to fill a small tube of lipstick or lip balm is to use a glass dropper, such as the dropper that comes in an essential oil bottle, to transfer the lipstick while it's still liquid. Use a dropper to fill the container to the brim with lipstick.
- If you don't have a drip kit, use a small funnel to transfer the liquid. Place the funnel over the opening of the lipstick tube and pour the liquid from the bowl into the funnel.
- If you don't have a lipstick tube or lip balm, you can just use a small glass or plastic lipstick container, and later you can apply the lipstick with a lipstick brush.
- Make sure you move the liquid quickly, as the liquid will harden as it cools.

Step 5. Let the lipstick harden
Let the lipstick cool completely and harden in the container. When it hardens, apply it directly to your lips or use a lipstick brush for more accurate results.
Method 2 of 3: Creating Eyeshadow (Eyeshadow)

Step 1. Gather your gear
Eye shadows are made with colored minerals called silicate minerals (mica) mixed with a small amount of oil and alcohol to moisturize and preserve them. You can make powdered or solid eyeshadow. Purchase the following equipment:
- Colored silicate minerals are available at online sources such as Buy several colors if you want to mix them you create a customized pigment to your liking, or choose one color to make eye shadow in your favorite color.
- Jojoba Oil, available at health food stores
- rubbing alcohol
- Eye shadow containers, new or recycled
- A piece of cloth
- Bottle caps or other small, flat objects

Step 2. Mix the pigments
Two ounces of silicate minerals will make eye shadow in two standard containers. You can weigh the silicate minerals on a small food scale or measure with a tablespoon and use two tablespoons. Place the pigment in a small glass bowl. If you're using more than one pigment, make sure it's well blended and doesn't clump.
- To make sure the pigments are thoroughly mixed, you can put them in a spice grinder and grind them for a few seconds. Use a grinder that you will no longer use to grind the spices you will eat.
Try the following pigment mixes for a unique blend of colors:
- Make violet eye shadow: Mix 1 ounce of purple silicate mineral with 1 ounce of blue silicate mineral.
- Make sea green eyeshadow: Mix 1 ounce of emerald silicate mineral with 1 ounce of yellow silicate mineral.
- Make mocha eyeshadow: Mix 1 ounce of brown mica with 1 ounce of the bronze silicate mineral.

Step 3. Add jojoba oil
The oil produces a medium that helps the powder adhere to your eyelids. Add 1/8 teaspoon jojoba oil for every 2 ounces of mineral silicate. Stir until the oil is thoroughly mixed with the silicate minerals.

Step 4. Add alcohol
The alcohol preserves and binds the powder. Fill a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and spray the powder until it is evenly damp, but not soggy. Stir the dough until well blended.

Step 5. Put the mixture into the eye shadow container
Use a measuring spoon or small spoon to transfer the powder from the bowl into the eye shadow container. If you have a lot of powder, just pile it up, as you can squeeze enough of it into the container.

Step 6. Press the eyeshadow
Place the cloth over the eye shadow container until the opening is completely closed. Use the flat side of the bottle cap or other small flat surface to press down on the fabric, spreading out the eyeshadow. Gently remove the cloth from the container.
- If the dough still looks wet, place the other side of the cloth on top of the bowl and press again.
- Don't press too hard, you may break up the powder as you lift the fabric.

Step 7. Close the eyeshadow
Use lids and containers to store eye shadow for later use. When you are ready to use it, use an eye shadow brush to apply it to your eyelids.
Method 3 of 3: Creating Eyeliner (Eyeliner)

Step 1. Gather your gear
You can make shadows from household items you may already have in your kitchen. Prepare the following equipment:
- Lighter
- Almonds (almonds)
- Olive oil
- Tweezers
- Spoon
- Chopsticks
- Small container

Step 2. Burn the almonds
Pinch the almonds with tweezers and use a lighter to set them on fire. Keep burning with the lighter until the almonds turn to black ash.
- Do not use almonds that have been flavored or smoked, as they may contain ingredients that can irritate your eyes.
- If you're afraid the lighter will get too hot to hold, just pinch the almond kernel over the candle flame.

Step 3. Crush the ashes
Scrape the ash into a small spoon or dish. Use the back of a spoon to crush the lumps in the ashes, grind to a fine powder.

Step 4. Add oil
Add a drop or two of oil to the powder and mix with chopsticks. If you want a dry coat, just add a drop of oil. If you prefer an easy-to-apply liner, add a few more drops of oil.
- Be careful not to add too much oil, or your eyeshadow may melt when you apply it.
- Jojoba oil and almond oil can be used instead of olive oil. Just make sure you use oil that is suitable for use in cosmetics.

Step 5. Place the tint in the container
An old lip balm container, eye shadow container, or any small container with a lid will work. When you're going to apply your eyeshadow, use a shadow brush and brush it like you would use liquid eyeliner.
- To make blushes, choose pink and bronze silicate mineral pigments. Use the same process as when creating your eyeshadow, then apply the blush to your cheeks using a blush brush. For a creamy blush, add more jojoba oil.
- To make a foundation, choose a mineral silicate pigment that matches your skin tone. Toss with jojoba or olive oil for a creamy consistency. Store in a used base powder bottle.