Is your mascara brush so full of clumps and dry mascara that you can't apply it to your lashes? The clumping brush causes the mascara to clump together and makes the lashes look weird. Or, maybe you feel sorry to throw away this mascara brush after the mascara is gone so you want to clean it and use it for other things. Whatever the reason, this article will teach you how to clean and remove clumps from a mascara brush.
Method 1 of 2: Cleaning the Brush for Applying Mascara

Step 1. Wipe the clumps off the mascara with a tissue
You don't have to bother cleaning this mascara brush if you do it regularly. Check the mascara brush once a week to see if there are any clumps of drying mascara.
Clamp the brush between the folds of the tissue and move it back and forth. This will loosen the clumps while keeping the bristles from sticking to each other

Step 2. Soak the mascara brush in hot water to dilute the drying product
Place very hot water (but not boiling water as it can melt the plastic) in a glass and soak the mascara brush for five minutes. The clumps of mascara should dry off the brush and the water should turn gray or black.
- Discard the dirty water and use the glass again to clean the brush further.
- If you're using waterproof mascara, use a small bowl of makeup remover instead of water.

Step 3. Soak the brush in a glass of isopropyl alcohol to disinfect and remove any mascara residue
Pour the isopropyl alcohol into the glass and soak the mascara brush. You will see some of the mascara coming off the brush. Soak for about a minute.
If the mascara brush still doesn't look clean, soak the brush for another minute and see if any product comes off the brush

Step 4. Use a cotton swab to clean the area that sticks to the mascara container
The small plastic part at the base of the mascara brush may be dirty with the mascara buildup. Clean this area with a cotton swab.
- Moisten the earplugs with a little water first to prevent the lint from sticking to the mascara container.
- Cleaning this section of the mascara buildup can help you seal the mascara better and prevent the mascara in the container from drying out so you can use it longer.

Step 5. Dry the mascara brush thoroughly before putting it back in the container
If the mascara brush is still wet with water or alcohol, the mascara in the container may become dry. So, make sure this brush is completely dry. Use paper towels to dry the mascara brush.
- Let the mascara brush dry on its own for 10 minutes after you pat it with a tissue. To prevent the mascara from drying out during this time, cover the container with plastic or aluminum foil.
- If your hands are clean, you can touch the mascara brush to see if it's dry or not. You can see water splashing off the brush if it's not completely dry, and you should continue to dry it with a paper towel until it's completely dry.
Method 2 of 2: Cleaning the Mascara Brush to Use for Other Uses

Step 1. Fill a glass with warm (don't boil) water and soak the mascara brush for 10-15 minutes
The water also changes color and you may see clumps of mascara coming off the brush.

Step 2. Spray a small amount of shampoo into the palm of the hand and rub the mascara brush
Don't do it too rough, try to rub it gently into the palm of your hand. Twist, twist and rub the mascara brush.
Rinse the mascara brush under warm water and continue scrubbing. Repeat until the water is no longer colored and no more mascara is released into the palm of the hand

Step 3. Dry the mascara brush with a clean tissue
Try to do it gently so you don't bend or break the bristles. You can also place a mascara brush on a tissue and let it dry naturally.
If some mascara comes off the brush when you dry it, it's a good idea to shampoo it again. You can use an old toothbrush to clean this mascara brush so that it is free from the remnants of mascara that sticks

Step 4. Store a clean, dry mascara brush in a resealable plastic bag
By storing it like this, even the mascara brush is free from bacteria if you want to use it on your eyelashes, hair or eyebrows.
Step 5. Make Use of the Mascara Brush
Use a clean brush to get rid of clumps in the eyelashes while the mascara brush you are using leaves these clumps of mascara. The bristles on your mascara brush not only remove clumps of mascara from your lashes, they separate your lashes and make them look even more attractive. Make sure the mascara on your lashes is still wet, otherwise the brush won't be able to pull these clumps of mascara off.
Clean a Mascara Brush Step 12 -
Use a mascara brush to smooth your eyebrows. Brush your eyebrows to make them look neat, clean and in the desired shape. A clean mascara brush is great for achieving a great brow appearance. Brushing your eyebrows can also help you when plucking them. Comb your eyebrows up so you can access the roots of the lashes you want to trim and know which ones you should pluck.
Clean a Mascara Brush Step 10 -
Apply eyebrow powder by brushing it with a mascara brush. Try applying this coloring powder by dipping a mascara brush in it and then dabbing it onto your brows. This mascara brush will help the powder adhere to your brows and between them so they can last all day.
Clean a Mascara Brush Step 11 -
Clean the clogged sink with a mascara brush. If the dirt clogging the sink isn't too far out of reach, try putting a mascara brush in it and twisting it and reaching the corners. These brushes can pick up objects clogging the sink and are very efficient at picking up clumps of hair that are causing the problem.
Clean a Mascara Brush Step 13