3 Ways to Catch Flies

3 Ways to Catch Flies
3 Ways to Catch Flies

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Flies are annoying animals and like to contaminate your food or drink. However, some people like to research flies or even make them food. Whether you want to catch flies to keep them out of your home, or make them food for you, there are a number of effective methods worth trying.


Method 1 of 3: Using a Fly Trap

Catch Flies Step 1
Catch Flies Step 1

Step 1. Make a trap out of a plastic bottle

One of the most effective home fly traps is made of ordinary plastic water bottles.

  • Remove the bottle cap, then use a pair of scissors to cut across the top quarter of the bottle.
  • Fill the bottom of the bottle with a quarter cup (60 ml) of sugar, a quarter cup (60 ml) of water, and a few drops of blue food coloring. Blue will attract flies, even though all colors will attract flies, except yellow. Only yellow can ward off flies. Alternatively, mix a little water with dish soap and a few drops of apple cider vinegar and put it in a bottle.
  • Take the cut top quarter of the bottle, turn it over, and place it over the water bottle as a funnel. Flies will enter the bottle easily, but have a hard time trying to get out.
  • Place the fly trap in an area where there is a lot of sun and frequent flies, then wait for the flies to get trapped inside.
Catch Flies Step 2
Catch Flies Step 2

Step 2. Make a trap using glass jars and plastic wrap

If you don't have a water bottle to work with, you can make a trap using a simple glass jar (or even a drinking glass) and some plastic wrap.

  • Take a glass jar and fill it with sugar water or the sugar solution from apple cider vinegar until almost full, then mix it with dish soap.
  • Take a square sheet of plastic wrap and use it to cover the opening of the glass jar, then secure it with a rubber band.
  • Use a pen or scissors to poke a small hole in the center of the plastic wrap. This hole is a door for flies to enter the jar. However, flies will drown when they enter it.
  • Place the trap in a sunny location, outdoors, or where there are lots of flies.
Catch Flies Step 3
Catch Flies Step 3

Step 3. Use flypaper (flytrap paper)

Flypaper is a sticky paper that can be hung around the house to catch flies practically.

This paper is coated with a sweet and sticky (sometimes toxic) substance that will attract flies to traps. Flypaper may not look great at home, but it is effective at catching flies

Catch Flies Step 4
Catch Flies Step 4

Step 4. Make your own flypaper

Although flypaper is widely available in stores or supermarkets, you can make non-toxic flypaper using brown paper bags, maple syrup, and sugar.

  • Cut the brown paper bag into 2.5 cm wide strips.
  • Use a pencil to poke holes at the top of each strip and tie a thread through the holes.
  • Combine half cup (120 ml) maple syrup, 2 tablespoons (30 ml) white sugar, and 2 tablespoons (30 mL) brown sugar in a saucepan or bowl.
  • Place a strip of paper on top of the mixture (hang a string over the edge of the pan) and let it sit for a few hours or overnight.
  • Take the strip from the pan and hold it over the sink until the paper stops dripping. After that, hang your paper indoors or outdoors, or where there are lots of flies.

Method 2 of 3: Using Hands

Catch Flies Step 5
Catch Flies Step 5

Step 1. Cup your hands

In this method, you first need to cup your dominant hand so that it forms a cup.

  • Practice closing your fingers to the base of your palm quickly.
  • Make sure there is free space in your hand to trap the fly.
  • Be careful, if you close your hands too tightly or clench your fists, the flies inside can be crushed. However, this is not a problem if you really want to kill the fly.
Catch Flies Step 6
Catch Flies Step 6

Step 2. Wait for the fly to land

It's best to wait until the fly lands on a flat surface, such as a table or floor.

  • Move slowly towards the fly. The sudden movement will make the fly fly so you have to wait until the fly lands again.
  • Wait for the fly to land on a stable surface to make it easier to predict the fly's movements.
  • Make sure your surface is uncluttered so you don't accidentally bump into anything while trying to catch a fly.
Catch Flies Step 7
Catch Flies Step 7

Step 3. Wave your cupped hand over the fly

When the fly lands, wave your cupped hand a few inches above the fly while closing your hands, according to your previous exercise.

  • By feeling the movement of your hand, the fly will be frightened and fly straight up, directly towards your cupped hand.
  • As soon as the fly enters your hand, cover your hand to keep the fly inside. Now you can free the flies outside, put them in a jar for research, or give them to pets as food.

Method 3 of 3: Using a Cup

Catch Flies Step 8
Catch Flies Step 8

Step 1. Gather the required materials

You'll need a cup, preferably clear plastic so you can see through it and don't break it, and a large sheet of paper or index card.

The cup will enclose the tool and the paper will keep the cup closed and prevent the fly from escaping

Catch Flies Step 9
Catch Flies Step 9

Step 2. Wait for the fly to land

Flies are easier to catch when they land on a stable surface, such as a table or floor.

Move slowly towards the fly. The sudden movement will send the fly flying and you'll have to wait for the fly to land again

Catch Flies Step 10
Catch Flies Step 10

Step 3. Place the cup over the fly

When the fly lands, place the cup on it quickly and quietly. Thus, the fly is confined in the cup. If it misses, follow the fly until it lands again.

Catch Flies Step 11
Catch Flies Step 11

Step 4. Tuck the paper under the cup

If the fly is already in the cup, you will need a way to prevent the fly from escaping when the cup is lifted. Your large paper or index card will solve this problem.

Make sure the cup is still closed when you slip the paper or card under it. If the gap is too large, the fly may escape


  • Try pushing flies into a small, enclosed space, such as a bathroom.
  • Close all doors and windows. Flies can indeed get out if the door or window is left open. However, other flies can enter your home.
  • Move quickly and quietly.
  • Flies can live up to 30 days if they get food and drink. Flies can survive without eating and drinking for 15 days. You can let the fly die if catching it is too difficult.
