3 Ways to Make Natural Outdoor Flies Repellent with Essential Oils

3 Ways to Make Natural Outdoor Flies Repellent with Essential Oils
3 Ways to Make Natural Outdoor Flies Repellent with Essential Oils

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Tired of commercial fly sprays and their harmful chemicals? Are you constantly being bullied or bitten by bugs in your backyard? You can use essential oils to make a natural insect repellent that will keep insects away from your body and yard.


Method 1 of 3: Making Flies Repellents for Outdoors

Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 1
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 1

Step 1. Gather the materials you will need

This outdoor fly repellent can be placed in the center of your yard table to keep flies away all day and evening. This fly repellent is a mixture of essential oils and carrier oils that will help spread the scent into the air, naturally keeping flies away from your yard. Here's what you'll need:

  • Small tin with lid. You can use a small coffee can, or a can of cough medicine.
  • A clean dish cloth or sponge.
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.
  • 2 tablespoons witch hazel (or vodka, if you don't have witch hazel).
  • 100 drops of essential oil.
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 2
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 2

Step 2. Make an essential oil mixture

Some essential oils have the ability to keep flies away. This oil can also repel mosquitoes and other pests. Essential oils can be found at health food stores or by ordering them in bulk online. You can use 100 drops of the same oil or a mixture of the following essential oils:

  • Lavender oil - lavender is considered very effective against flies. This oil also has many other benefits.
  • Citronella oil - this ingredient is commonly used in candles meant to repel flies and other insects.
  • Eucalyptus oil - another essential oil that you can use around the house for a variety of uses.
  • Peppermint oil - this may be a more effective mosquito-repellent oil, but it is also considered successful in repelling horse flies.
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 3
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 3

Step 3. Mix essential oils with vegetable oil and witch hazel (or vodka)

Pour all ingredients into a bowl, and mix until smooth. Diluting the essential oil will prevent it from evaporating immediately so that it can be dispersed in the air.

  • All essential oils must be diluted before use; especially if you want to apply it directly to your skin.
  • Add another 1/2 teaspoon of vodka to the mixture so you can use it a second time.
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 4
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 4

Step 4. Saturate a cloth or sponge with this mixture

Place the cloth in the can and pour the solution in so that the cloth and sponge are completely saturated. Place the cloth in the can and close it tightly. Leave it for 24 hours.

Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 5
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 5

Step 5. Open the can to use the fly repellent

Whenever you need to use the can, open the lid and place it on the counter. Make as many as you need to put in different parts of the house to keep flies away.

Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 6
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 6

Step 6. Refill the oil after a few uses

Once the can is opened and the oil evaporates into the air, its strength will decrease and will need to be refilled. Drop the essential oil into it again or make a new mixture.

Method 2 of 3: Making Fly Repellent Spray

Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 7
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 7

Step 1. Gather the materials you will need

This fly repellent spray has been used for centuries to repel insects and it does work. The smell is very strong the first time you spray it on your body, but this scent will fade as the oil mixture starts to dry. Here are the materials you will need:

  • 1/2 cup witch hazel
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 30-50 drops of essential oil. Choose any combination of oils from citronella, clove, lemongrass, rosemary, tea tree, eucalyptus, eucalyptus, spruce, catnip, lavender, or mint.
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 8
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 8

Step 2. Pour the ingredients into an empty spray bottle

You can use an old spray bottle that has been cleaned with soapy water or buy a new one at a specialty pharmacy to make this fly repellent.

Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 9
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 9

Step 3. Spray this oil concoction on your skin

Shake the bottle and spray onto your hands, arms, legs and unprotected body parts. Allow it to dry completely and re-spray if necessary. Avoid putting this fly repellent in your mouth.

  • You can also use this concoction for most of your clothes. Test it on a small, hidden area first to make sure it doesn't change the color of your fabric.
  • Do not spray it on your children or pets without checking the safety of the oil you are using first. For example, tea tree oil is highly toxic to cats.
  • Remember, never use essential oils without diluting them on your skin first. Make sure you mix it with a carrier oil to thin it out first.

Method 3 of 3: Making Flies Repellent Oil

Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 10
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 10

Step 1. Try using tea tree, lavender and eucalyptus oils

These three oils are the most effective oils to repel flies. To make rubbing oil from this powerful oil, first dilute it with a carrier oil. Make a 2% solution by adding 12 drops of the essential oil of your choice to 30 ml of a carrier oil such as olive oil. Apply to wrists, neck and other pulse points to repel flies.

  • Store spare oil in a small vial so you can reapply it if necessary.
  • Applying undiluted essential oils directly to the skin (even lavender or tea tree) can cause sensitization, which means you become sensitive to the oil so touching it can irritate your skin.
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 11
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 11

Step 2. Try mint oil

Mint is another natural fly repellent. Mint oil has a classic sweet mint scent. Peppermint, spearmint, catnip are very useful for repelling flies and scenting your body. Make a 2% solution by adding 12 drops of peppermint oil to every 30 ml of a carrier oil, such as olive oil. Apply directly to your skin.

Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 12
Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils Step 12

Step 3. Use basil oil

Basil is a spice that also has a strong aroma that flies usually don't like, basil is also very useful for repelling moths. Make a 2% solution by adding 12 drops of basil oil to every 30 ml of a carrier oil, such as olive oil. Apply directly to your skin.


  • Remove standing water sources from your yard to control flies and other insects. Change your pet's drinking water twice a week.
  • Wear gloves when handling cloths that have been saturated with essential oils, especially if you are cooking and/or have sensitive skin.
  • Try growing marigolds in your garden. Marigolds are very useful for repelling insects, because they give off an odor that flying insects don't like.
  • Pennyroyal is not as safe as other mints. Never use it directly to spray your body.
  • Planting mint and other easy-to-grow herbs will provide a soothing scent and repel insects.
  • You can amplify the effect of essential oils by using candles. Add a few drops of the essential oil of your choice (or use a different oil for different candles) to the melted wax that is currently burning. The aroma will spread as long as the candle burns.


  • Just like any other herbal treatment, you are the one who decides whether this herbal solution provides the benefits you expect. If not, try other types until your needs are met. Sometimes the effectiveness of the oil depends on the surrounding conditions.
  • Always keep essential oils out of reach of children. Many essential oils are harmful if ingested, especially pennyroyal. The container should be kept out of reach of children.
  • Always read the warnings listed on the bottle of essential oils and do not use if you are pregnant, have a weakened immune system or are allergic, unless you know the oil is safe.
  • Exposure to lavender and tea tree oils may cause gynecomastia in prepubertal boys.
