Every budgie owner wants his pet, better known as a parakeet, to have the best life possible. A healthy diet is the best way to keep your budgie healthy and alive. A nutritionally balanced diet will ensure he gets all the nutrients he needs every day. Inappropriate feeding can lead to nutritional imbalances and eventually disease, even in some extreme cases this can lead to death. However, if you learn how to feed him properly, your pet will be happy and healthy.
Part 1 of 2: Choosing the Right Type of Food

Step 1. Try whole grains
One good choice for feeding budgies is seeds. However, you shouldn't fill your budgie with whole grains, as this can shorten the life of the budgie. This is because most grain mixes do not provide enough of the nutrients the bird needs and can lead to cancer, obesity, and other health problems.
Grains should only make up 1/6 of a budgie's diet

Step 2. Buy pellets
One of the foundations of a budgie's diet is pellets. You can buy pellets suitable for budgies at your local pet store. Pellets are a great way to provide your budgie with a nutritionally balanced diet because they contain a lot of nutrients.
When purchasing, make sure the pellets do not have preservatives, added sugar, artificial coloring, or artificial flavours

Step 3. Provide fruit and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables form an important part of a budgie's diet. Dark green and yellow vegetables should be given daily. Try fruits and vegetables like apples, pumpkin, grapes, carrots, parsley, broccoli, mango, sweet potatoes, and spinach. Feed fruits and vegetables raw because the cooking process removes important nutrients.
- Fruits and vegetables can be served in a variety of ways that budgies prefer, chopped, crushed, diced, sliced, mashed, or whole. Try different ways until you find one that your budgie likes.
- Throw away any uneaten food after two hours because raw, chopped vegetables can go stale quickly.
- There are some fruits and vegetables that should not You give it to your pet bird because it can be poisonous. These fruits and vegetables include avocados, fruit seeds, chocolate, mushrooms, uncooked chickpeas, rhubarb, and tomato leaves and stems.

Step 4. Feed it with wheat
Most budgie owners and breeders opt for a soaked grain mix and referred to as soft food as an extra snack to a budgie's meal. You can add a variety of whole grains, including quinoa, brown rice, cracked wheat, or barley. You can also add natural and organic honey, fruits, or vegetables to the whole grain mixture to make it more appealing.
Pour the oats into a container and soak them in water. Once it's risen, mix in whatever you want

Step 5. Prepare the hard-boiled eggs and grated cheese
While this may sound unusual for a budgie, it is a great source of protein. Apart from that, add a little variety to the menu and that's a good thing. These foods are not a necessity or a necessity for a budgie to live a healthy life, but they are good for him.
Make sure you limit specialty snacks. You shouldn't give your budgie more than half a teaspoon at a time
Part 2 of 2: Feeding the Budgie Properly

Step 1. Keep food fresh and varied
Budgies should have a variety of food choices each day. As a general rule, feed them grains and pellets daily. Fruits, vegetables, and soft foods should be given every two days. Eggs or cheese should be given once a week or two.
In addition to keeping food fresh, you also have to replace it every day and always provide fresh food in the food container. Always remove leftovers before adding new food

Step 2. Use an appropriate dining area
Budgies should be able to access their food whenever they want. Budgies can get sick if they don't eat for 24 hours, so they should be able to access their food at all times. The feeding tray should not be too deep so the budgie doesn't have to dig too deep to eat. Feeders should also be placed near the water so that the budgie can eat and drink at the same time.

Step 3. Prepare the cuttlefish bones and mineral blocks
Cuttlefish bones and mineral blocks are much needed by budgies. Both of these foods contain minerals and nutrients that cannot be found in other foods. Cuttlefish bones should be placed in the cage with the soft side facing the bird so he can scrape them off.
- If both of these foods are soiled with dirt or wetness, throw them away and provide a new one.
- These two minerals also provide enrichment activity for the bird. Budgies like to perch on them and sometimes crush them. Let him do whatever he wants as long as it's clean and dry. Budgie knows when to put it on, so don't worry if he doesn't touch it for a while. The food he eats probably provides enough nutrition for now.

Step 4. Avoid obesity
Budgies need a cage with sufficient space or a room in your home to exercise. You should also pay attention to your budgie's daily diet to prevent him from overeating as this can lead to obesity. Obese birds will lose their slender appearance and may look limp and suffer from health problems.
An experienced bird veterinarian can help determine if your budgie is overweight and can help determine how to help him if he is

Step 5. Balance your budgie's diet
Budgies have very fragile body systems. Any changes to his diet should be gradual over a long period of time. If you want to change his grain mix, add a little new mix each day and reduce the old grain mix until he has completely transferred to his new diet.
Your budgie's diet should be balanced gradually, not immediately over an hour's meal. Don't give all different types of food at the same time. Follow general feeding guidelines for budgies and gradually vary the type of food they eat. Feeding him all at once can cause your budgie to overeat and make him unhappy or sick

Step 6. Get your budgie to eat
Your budgie may not want to eat because of the appearance of the food you are serving or the type of food. If he doesn't want to eat fresh food, chop up vegetables and fruit and put them in an empty feeder. Hang it in its cage with some leafy greens or another treat your budgie likes.
Do this every day until you finally win over the budgie and he eats all kinds of different foods

Step 7. Watch for disease
You should pay attention to the density of the budgie's droppings. This can be an indication of whether your budgie is eating too much fresh food. If the stool looks mushy and runny, reduce the amount of fresh food for a day or two. It may be getting too much water from there causing these kinds of problems.
If the diarrhea doesn't go away, see your vet to identify the cause

Step 8. Change the water every day
All birds need water throughout the day in a clean drinking container. To keep it clean and fresh, change the water every day. Clean the drinking bowl with vinegar and water only. Never use soap or chemicals to clean it. The vinegar will help prevent the buildup of bacteria in the container.