To prevent fish from dying, you have to keep them healthy and happy. You may keep your fish in a round aquarium, or in a large aquarium with other fish. Although most fish are relatively low-maintenance pets, you must take certain steps to ensure that your fish live a healthy and happy life.
Part 1 of 3: Maintaining the Aquarium Environment

Step 1. Perform aquarium water filtration and circulation
To keep fish healthy in their habitat, aquarium water must be clean and free of toxins. Fish can produce more waste than plants or bacteria can process, and this waste can become toxic or accumulate harmful chemicals in the aquarium if not filtered or removed.
- If you keep fish in a round aquarium, it's a good idea to process the tap water you use first so it's safe for the fish. You can treat tap water with a water conditioner and a pinch of aquarium salt before pouring it into a round tank. The salt will help kill bacteria in the water and keep the water clean. Do not use iodized salt because it can harm fish.
- If you keep fish in a large aquarium, we recommend installing a filter system to keep the water clean. Before adding fish to the aquarium, you must dechlorinate the water and install a filter system. Let the filter system run for several cleaning cycles, and gradually introduce some fish into the water so that the filter system doesn't work too hard to process the debris. This step helps you avoid the “new aquarium syndrome” that can kill fish.

Step 2. Maintain the right water temperature for the fish
Aquarium water conditions that are too cold or too hot can cause high stress levels to fish and weaken their immune systems. This can make the fish susceptible to disease and infection. The exact water temperature will depend on the type of fish. For tropical fish, the water temperature should be around 24 °C. Tropical fish can tolerate fluctuations in water temperature to some extent. Goldfish, on the other hand, can tolerate water temperatures between 20 °C and 22 °C. The important thing is not to make dramatic changes to the water temperature and maintain a comfortable temperature for the pet fish.
- Different species of tropical fish will require different water temperatures. So make sure you check it to make sure the water temperature is right for the fish habitat.
- When buying fish, the seller should advise a good quality aquarium heater to maintain a constant temperature of the water. You can also use a thermometer to measure the exact temperature of the water in the aquarium. You should wait a few days after setting up the tank before adding fish. This step allows the water temperature to stabilize. Check with the seller to make sure the size of the aquarium you buy is large enough for the fish because too small a habitat can harm the fish.
- If the water is too hot for your fish, you may notice certain symptoms in your fish, such as darting to and fro uncontrollably or appearing hyperactive before feeding time. If the fish is swimming very slowly, looks cold, or has lost its appetite, the water may be too cold. In this case, you will need to adjust the temperature so that it is close to the correct temperature for the type of fish you are keeping.

Step 3. Create a pleasant aquarium environment for the fish
Adding decorations to your aquarium can help reduce fish stress levels and provide a fun place to swim.
Add plants (live or plastic) to the aquarium. Plants will provide a hiding place for the fish and your pets will appreciate it. If you choose live plants, pay attention to rotting leaves. You should remove or cut these leaves so they don't contaminate the water. You can also add rocks and broken clay pots to provide more hiding places and make the fish feel more secure

Step 4. Perform 10-15% water changes
This will help to get rid of accumulated waste and decaying organic matter from excessive food or plant or fish waste. Changing the water partially every week will help remove toxins from the water while keeping it clean.
- Do not remove plants or decorations from the aquarium unnecessarily. Removing or cleaning these components can kill the good bacteria that have been filtered through the filtration system and reduce its efficiency. Also, there is no need to remove the fish from the tank when performing a partial water change. This action can stress the fish and expose it to harmful bacteria.
- To perform a partial water change, remove about 10-15 water and replace it with fresh, dechlorinated tap water. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to suck up any sticky material on the surface of gravel and decorations. You can also use a special scraper to remove any algae on the surface of the aquarium or decorations before you remove some of the water.
- If the tank has a capacity of less than 40 liters, you should change the water about 50-100% at least twice a week, or every other day. If the round tank doesn't have a filter, you'll need to change the entire water at least once a day to get rid of any waste or toxins. Installing an aquarium cover or filter can reduce the frequency of water changes needed and strengthen the fish's immune system against infection and disease.
- Check the water condition at least once a day to make sure it is not cloudy, foamy, or emitting an unusual odor. These can all be signs of a bacterial infection and you should change the water completely.
Part 2 of 3: Feeding and Caring for Fish

Step 1. Feed the fish in small and frequent amounts
By nature, fish have the habit of eating small amounts, but often. Follow this habit by feeding him small amounts throughout the day, instead of feeding him large batches all at once. The small amount of food also eases the task of the filtration system.
Most commercial fish feeds are designed to meet all the nutritional needs of fish. Ask the pet store employee which fish food they recommend for your fish, based on the species

Step 2. Bathe the fish in the salt solution
Salt solution can improve the overall health of fish. However, if your fish is undergoing any other medical treatment, you should bathe it in a saline solution before administering any other treatment.
- It is recommended to use sea salt, aquarium salt, and pure Morton salt. If possible, use natural sea salt without additives as it is rich in minerals.
- Use clean containers that are free of contamination. Add water from the aquarium to a container (make sure it is safe to use) or fresh water that has been dechlorinated. Make sure the temperature of the water in the container is the same as the temperature of the water in the aquarium or only a three-degree difference.
- Add a teaspoon of salt for every 4 liters of water. Mix the salt into the water and make sure the salt is completely dissolved. Then put the fish in a container of salt solution.
- Leave the fish in the saline solution for 1-3 minutes, and observe the fish during this period. If your fish shows signs of stress, such as swimming rapidly or making jerky movements, return the fish to the initial tank.

Step 3. Add chlorophyll to the aquarium
Chlorophyll is considered a medicine for goldfish and can help boost their immune system and health. Look for pure liquid chlorophyll at your local pet store. Usually available in the form of drops.
Bathe goldfish in a chlorophyll solution. Add a few drops in the aquarium, following the directions on the bottle. You can also give goldfish chlorophyll by adding it directly to their food in a gel form
Part 3 of 3: Recognizing Signs of Disease or Infection

Step 1. Notice the presence of greenish-white threads on the fish's skin
This shows symptoms of anchor worms, which are tiny crustaceans that dig holes in the fish's skin and enter its muscles. These parasites then lay eggs before dying, leaving damage that can lead to infection.
- It's possible the fish rubs against objects around it to get rid of the worms, and the skin where the worms attach may be swollen.
- To treat anchor worms, you'll need to remove the parasite from the fish and clean the wound with an antiseptic such as an antiseptic. Bathing fish in seawater for five minutes a day can also help remove worms from the skin.

Step 2. Look for a layer of mucus covering the gills and body, or gills or fins that are thin
These signs may indicate the presence of trematodes, or flatworms 1 mm long. Trematodes develop due to poor environmental conditions, such as poor water quality, overcrowding, or stress. These flatworms are often found in aquariums, but are harmless to the point of causing stress and triggering disease outbreaks.
- Fish may rub against objects around them to get rid of worms, have reddish skin, or drooping fins. The gills can also move very quickly and the stomach looks sunken.
- To treat trematodes, you can use antiparasitic drugs. Always follow the instructions on the product packaging. You can also treat secondary infections caused by these parasites with antibiotics or antifungal solutions.

Step 3. Check if the fish has scales sticking out or looks bloated
This is a symptom of dropsy (loose), or a bacterial infection of the fish's kidneys. This condition can lead to kidney failure and fluid accumulation, or bloating. This disease often occurs in fish with weak immune systems due to poor water conditions.
To treat dropsy, you can use antibiotics or medicated feeds prescribed by a veterinarian. You can also take precautions by changing the water regularly, maintaining the ideal water temperature, and adding aquarium salt to the water

Step 4. Watch for white spots that look like salt or sand
It shows symptoms of fish ick or ich. These spots may appear slightly raised and the fish will rub against objects in the tank due to irritation or itching. Fish may also experience breathing problems and appear out of breath on the surface of the water. Ick attacks fish that are under stress due to changing water temperatures and fluctuations in pH in the water.
To treat goldfish ich, you can use a special remedy for this disease, which is available at your local veterinary store. You can also prevent ick disease from developing by maintaining a constant water temperature, cleaning the tank weekly, and adding aquarium salt to the water

Step 5. Notice if the fish's tail and fins are thin or faded in color
These are signs of a bacterial infection that can lead to rotting of the fins, tail and mouth. Spoilage usually occurs in fish that have been attacked by other fish or injured by having their fins eaten away by other fish. An unhealthy aquarium environment can also be the root cause of decay problems.