Fish come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Keeping fish is fun, but how do you take care of them? Fish keeping involves monitoring water chemistry levels, live food, and rules for selecting fish that can be kept in one tank. Even though it looks scary, don't be discouraged! Read this article to learn all the information you need to care for your pet fish.

Step 1. Decide whether you want a tropical aquarium or cold water (Coldwater)
Types of cold sea fish include goldfish and minnow. There are many types of tropical fish, from Angelfish to Corydoras catfish. Cold sea fish are usually stronger and able to survive even if you make some initial mistakes. However, these fish need more space.
- Start with cheap fish, although you can buy expensive ones. The cheap price of fish is more or less because the fish are already in their natural environment or quickly adapt to being able to breed regularly. In essence, these fish do not die easily during the journey from the pet fish shop to the house.
- Don't start with sea fish. These fish require more complex techniques and understanding. In addition, water for marine fish can quickly become dirty, corrode metals, and can conduct electricity. If you want a saltwater aquarium, buy a medium-sized tank with some live plants to see if you can keep them in the first year.

Step 2. Determine the type and quantity of fish you want
- Do your research before raising fish. Some fish get along with other fish, and some don't. Fish certainly need to be active while in the aquarium. Fish that are kept do not have to be of the same species; for territorial fish, you should not keep more than one species. Armored Catfish can make good "friends" for territorial fish.
- Make sure you can provide special care according to the fish's needs. For example, different fish, different food, and some fish require more attention than other fish. Raising fish is a big responsibility.
- Some fish are satisfied with eating flakes and can be fed with an automatic feeder so the tank can be left out for 1-2 weeks (assuming the fish are small and the water doesn't need to be changed frequently).

Step 3. Prepare an appropriate size aquarium tank
Know the minimum tank size for each fish.
- If you are keeping goldfish, purchase a tank of 75 liters for the first goldfish, and 38 liters for each additional goldfish.
- For freshwater fish, do not use the above rules. It is impossible for you to put a 125 cm fish in a 190 liter tank.
- A large tank is always better. Despite their small size, fish will survive better in a large tank.

Step 4. Make sure you have all the equipment you need
You should already have a filter, heater (for tropical fish), water conditioner, test kit, etc., before raising fish.

Step 5. Prepare the tank and cycle

Step 6. Add the fish
You have to start with few fish and increase the population slowly. If there are too many fish in the tank, the aquarium filtration system will be overloaded.

Step 7. Perform weekly partial water changes
We recommend that the water is changed only as much as 20-30%. To change the aquarium water, use a gravel vacuum and siphon all waste substances in the water. The tank water is also sucked in at the same time. Replace the water with tap water, but process it first with water conditioner.

Step 8. Test the water regularly
Make sure the water contains ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate levels below 40.

Step 9. Feed the fish 2-3 times a day

Step 10. Keep an eye on pet fish
While the fish are eating, sit down and monitor how they are doing. Check for abnormalities: discoloration, fallen fins, damaged tail, etc. Also, make sure all your fish get along.

Step 11. Try not to stress the fish
This includes putting your hands into the tank when not needed, touching the fish, or jumping near the tank. Also try not to be noisy.
- Don't overfeed the fish so they don't die. Try asking pet store staff for advice to find out the right amount.
- It's a good idea to check the water temperature before adding fish to the tank.
- Try to clean the tank once a week to maintain the health of the fish and the appearance of the aquarium.
- Make sure the fish in the tank match each other so they don't fight or kill each other. It's best to keep only 1-2 fish when you're just starting out.
- Remove any algae floating in the aquarium water so it doesn't turn cloudy.
- Do not replace the filter cartridge. Lots of good bacteria live in the filter and changing the filter can produce ammonia deposits that can kill fish. The filter should only be replaced if it is damaged, while still using some of the old filter in the aquarium until the new filter cartridge is in for a month so that good bacteria can breed.
- Don't use salt water for freshwater fish, and vice versa.
- Purchase a liquid test kit instead of a test strip. The accuracy of the liquid tester is higher and it rarely gives false results.
- Place a hiding place in the aquarium for the fish to inhabit. You can buy it at a pet store.
- Don't put too many decorations so that the fish are not stressed. Try using live plants as they can improve water quality and give your aquarium a natural look.
- Air fresheners are also highly toxic to fish.
- If the volume of the aquarium is less than 95 liters, do not use a heater. If used, you can boil the fish slowly. Use a larger tank so that there is enough room for all your fish.
- Don't be lazy to change the aquarium water. If left unchecked, toxins can settle so that the aquarium becomes unhealthy and overgrown with nuisance algae.
- Never include clownfish or betta fish with other species.
- Do not clean all parts of the aquarium with soap, detergent or cleaning powder. This product will instantly kill the fish.