There are many ways to serve God every day, whether you are a religious person who has regularly worshiped since childhood or is just starting to develop a spiritual life. You can serve God in various aspects of your daily life, for example by being active in the community or being a good person and loving others.
Method 1 of 3: Worship

Step 1. Establish a good relationship with God
Before serving God, first determine who God is to you. Do you communicate with God every day or only when you are having problems?
- Your relationship with God influences your thoughts and actions when you pray.
- Be grateful for your life and all that God has given you.

Step 2. Pray to God
You simply communicate with God if you want to pray, not necessarily in the synagogue or on your knees. In addition to reading prayer texts with various meanings to go about your daily life, you can make requests to God when you are facing problems, needing His guidance, for world peace, or whatever comes to your mind.
- Praying means relying on God to guide your steps while you focus on the things that are happening and work on solving problems. Therefore, praying is a very useful way of serving God for you.
- Praying doesn't mean you can neglect everyday life or ask God for everything you need. Don't imagine God will grant every wish like the Genie in Aladdin.
- Praying is the first step to serving God with your whole life and having faith in Him.

Step 3. Study the Scriptures
Reading the Bible or texts that are considered sacred according to your beliefs is another way to pray and worship God. By reading the Bible, you can find guidance when you are lost, find inspiration, and learn how to serve God.
- Take a Bible course to find out how to interpret the text of the Bible with other people. You can help others do the same if you understand the Scriptures.
- When reading the Bible, meditate on its meaning so that you can apply it to your daily life.
- Choose a book or passage that makes you feel God's presence, instead of reading the Bible from start to finish.

Step 4. Give thanks to God
Set aside time to be grateful for all God's gifts or His blessings so that you are able to work to meet daily needs.
- For Christians, you can give thanks while praying in church, before eating, at bedtime, or at any time. Take time to thank God for all that He has given you, such as ready-to-eat food or the clothes you wear.
- If you are of another religion, such as Hinduism, take time to thank God 3 times a day: when you wake up in the morning, before lunch, and at bedtime.
- Every chance you get, thank God for His blessings so that you can live your daily life well.

Step 5. Rely on strength from God
Ever heard of a story about a pair of footprints in the sand and a person in a slump? This story carries a message: when you feel alone when you are down, God is carrying you. Serving God can mean believing that God will give you strength when you feel powerless by having faith in Him.
- Getting strength from God is not an easy concept to understand. Will God make your body stronger? That's not what it means. You have the power to live your daily life with faith in Him.
- If you get angry quickly when your emotions run high, pray to God to calm you down again. Ask God to give you the ability to calm down and think clearly. Pray while breathing deeply so that you can control yourself.
- If you are facing something that is weighing on your mind, pray for strength from God to give you the ability to handle the problem well.
- Relying on the strength of God gives you confidence that you will never walk alone because God is always ready to lift you up if you fall.

Step 6. Pray with others
If a good friend or colleague in the community is having problems or difficulties, pray for him or ask him to pray together if he is willing.
- Don't force others to pray together or accuse them of being disobedient to God.
- If you meet someone who doesn't like to pray or doesn't believe in God, pray for him/her to always feel at peace, healthy, and have faith in God.

Step 7. Pray with family members
Families who pray together will remain harmonious and intact. Serving God does not have to be alone. Do it with others by inviting family members to be grateful and worship together.
Method 2 of 3: Activity in the Community

Step 1. Be a mentor
You can serve God by becoming a mentor or person worthy of being followed by people younger or your age.
- If you have a younger sibling, give him guidance by inviting him to worship. In addition, you can become a mentor in the church community.
- Helping others to develop themselves by sharing knowledge is the right way to serve God.

Step 2. Volunteer in the community
This step also gives you the opportunity to serve God in various ways.
- Join a community to help the homeless or disaster victims.
- In addition, you can volunteer by cleaning gardens and waterways in your home complex or become a member of the security guard to keep residents safe.
- You don't have to do anything great to serve God. For example, if you see a neighbor about to move house, offer to help pack things up.

Step 3. Give others what you don't use
If you've ever read the Bible, there are countless verses that talk about taking what is needed and giving to others what is not being used.
- Set aside time to sort things in the house. Collect everyday supplies that you don't use so you can give them to someone else.
- For example, instead of throwing away unused clothes or furniture, it is better to give them to a homeless shelter.
- Another example, donate excess canned food to an orphanage.

Step 4. Help people in need
You can be a good Samaritan to serve God. Try to help if you see someone who needs help.
You don't have to do something awesome to help other people. Provide assistance during daily life, for example holding the door for passersby or picking up other people's belongings that have fallen

Step 5. Give kindness to others
If you've ever received kindness from others, now it's your turn to do good. Do the same for people who need help.
- Maybe someone let you overtake him on the highway or in line at the checkout. This time, do the same for the other person.
- Doing good selflessly is the right way to serve God. Plus, doing good makes you feel good. This move is good for both parties.
Method 3 of 3: Becoming a Person Worth Emulating

Step 1. Set aside time for worship at church
This is the best moment to serve God. If you can't go to church, take time to pray, read the Bible, and meditate on God's Word several times a week.
- In general, Christians serve God by attending church services. Even if you are very busy or don't want to go to church, take this opportunity to strengthen your relationship with God and forget about your thoughts for about 1 hour.
- While worshiping in church, you can have very pleasant spiritual experiences, such as meditating to calm your mind or exercising to strengthen your body, but this time, you are strengthening your faith.

Step 2. Spread the word about God
Tell other people about God or invite him to worship at church. Do not be ashamed to tell about God because He is the Creator of everything.
Don't overwhelm others by telling as much about God as you can. Forcing others to accept your beliefs is not a way of serving God

Step 3. Be humble
One way to serve God is to give thanks for the blessings He has given you and to remain humble, not by boasting about your wealth and success.
- Reflect on gratitude because faith in God has blessed your life and remind yourself that you should use it to help others.
- If you've just been promoted to work, don't brag to your coworkers. Instead, take this opportunity to improve company performance or become a mentor to colleagues who need guidance.
- If you become a champion or get an award for your achievements, remember that God gave you the abilities you needed and you are likely to achieve them thanks to the support of others. Show an exemplary humility as a way of serving God.

Step 4. Introduce God to your child
As a parent, you know that your children rely on and imitate you when they learn new things. Therefore, teaching by example should be a top priority when educating children. Introducing God to children while living their daily lives is one way of serving God that is worthy of imitation.
- When gathering with family, read a book or invite your child to read a book that discusses religious life.
- Use stories in the Bible or real events to explain God's presence in his daily life and teach him how to have faith in God.

Step 5. Let God direct your actions
Maybe you don't have time to worship when you have a problem, are in a hurry, or are pressed for a deadline. In this condition, do some reflection to find out what you have to do according to God's will.
- Take this opportunity to pray while calming your mind and asking yourself, "What does God want me to do?"
- Apart from giving you a sense of peace, you are able to show the wisest and most exemplary attitude if you rely on God and have faith in Him when making decisions.

Step 6. Forgive the person who wronged you
God always forgives our mistakes. He forgives our sins and transgressions. Forgiving others is often very difficult, but this is the best way to forgive yourself while serving God.
- If you can't forgive someone, try various ways of serving God so you can forgive them, such as praying, communicating with God, attending church, or being kind to others.
- Write down the lessons you have learned when something bad happened and ask God for strength so you can forgive and focus on the positive side of this experience.
- If you put God first in your daily life, you will serve God every day by itself.
- When you pray, you can talk to God as if you were talking to a friend. You are free to choose whether you want to pray formally or informally.
- Don't force your beliefs on people who can't accept them. This method is not useful. If you want to serve God, give help to others without involving religion.
- Serving God is not easy. In fact, it is often very difficult to do. If needed, discuss this with a supportive believer, such as a spouse, friend, or church leader. You don't have to fight alone.
- Serving God is not only in matters of religion. You are already serving God if you apply the "Golden Rule": treat others as you would want others to treat you.
- Get involved in the church community, for example being a choir member, youth faith coach, church activity committee, or prayer group minister. In addition, be a good person as God wants.