Mass is a religious ceremony carried out while singing and praying according to a certain rite. Usually, church administrators provide books and texts of songs and prayers even though many Catholics have memorized them. Everyone may attend mass, as long as they maintain good manners during the service. Follow mass as best you can by standing up when others are standing, singing a song or litany, and remaining seated while the host is being distributed. The church holds mass every day. So, find out the mass schedule and then come to church if you have time and you want to attend mass.
Part 1 of 3: Preparing Before Mass

Step 1. Wear formal attire
You must be appropriately dressed to attend mass. While not prohibited, wearing flip-flops and a jersey shirt is not an appropriate appearance for church. At the very least, wear a neat dress or shirt with trousers/skirts. Make sure you wear neat and unsexy clothes.

Step 2. Leave home early
Make sure you arrive at church at least 10 minutes before mass begins. You will feel calmer if you can choose a parking space and seat as you wish. In addition, you can chat with people who want to attend mass. Remember that people are encouraged not to chat in church, but it's okay if your voice doesn't disturb others.
- Once the mass begins, people are forbidden to speak. So come early if you want to have a discussion with someone before attending mass!
- Some churches have stricter rules about whether or not to speak in the church.

Step 3. Take off your hat before entering the church
Taking off your hat is a traditional way of showing respect. Show the same respect when you are at school, work, or other formal activities. Men must take off their hats before entering church. Women may wear hats if they are part of the attire, but not baseball caps.

Step 4. Do not bring food or drink into the church
You can bring water if you are sick or attend mass with toddlers. Take time to eat before going to church so you don't have to bring food with you. If you eat in church, you are not focused on praying according to the main purpose of attending mass.
Chewing gum belongs to the food group. Don't chew gum while attending mass

Step 5. Turn off the phone
It's a shame when your cell phone rings while people are fervently praying. If you are waiting for a very important phone call, set the phone vibrate mode. People may use their cell phones to read the Bible or pray, but it's usually not necessary.
If you must receive an important call, leave your seat immediately and have a conversation outside the church

Step 6. Bring toys for toddlers
If you are going to mass with young children, bring a toy or coloring book to help them focus on their activities. You don't need to bring toys if he can listen and attend mass quietly. Usually, children aged 4 years and over do not need to be brought toys. In addition, many churches hold children's faith development (BIA) classes so that children gain useful knowledge.
- Explain to the child how important it is to attend mass by preparing special clothes and toys for going to church.
- If the child is unable to calm down during mass, sit in the back so you can leave the church if necessary.
Part 2 of 3: Entering the Church

Step 1. Enter the church after quietly taking holy water
At the entrance, devotees will dip their fingers in a container of holy water as a warning when they receive the Sacrament of Baptism. Enter the church quietly while respecting the people who are praying. Everyone can take holy water for free. You can also bless yourself by making the Sign of the Cross.
If you want to bless yourself, make the Sign of the Cross by touching the fingertips of your right hand to your forehead, moving your right hand to your chest, then your left shoulder, then your right shoulder

Step 2. Wait for the other person to finish genuflexing (kneeling on one leg)
The tabernacle containing the Eucharist is in front. Before sitting down, people will genuflect or just bow to honor the Eucharist in the Tabernacle. Don't feel awkward if you don't. Enter the church and sit down.
To perform genuflexion, lower your right knee to the floor as low as possible. You can simply bend down if your knee hurts

Step 3. Sit in the pew
You are free to choose your seat, but if you want to see the service up close, sit in the second or third row. Choose a bench to the left or right so that others can pass freely when they want to or after receiving Communion. Look for a seat that is already filled in the middle so you don't have to ask someone to sit down.
If you're bringing a small child, sit in the back of the pew so you can leave church immediately if he or she cries

Step 4. Look for a board that displays song numbers
This board is located in front so that people can see the number of the song to be sung. The way of worship of each religion is different, but people who attend mass are expected to actively participate when praying and singing. So you can sing along with the people.
Pastors and lectors will lead prayers and read the Bible, but these prayers and readings have no text. Watch other people to find out what they are doing, such as singing along or saying a certain sentence

Step 5. Find the songbook and the Eucharistic Celebration (TPE) book on the kneeling or sitting area
The songbook and TPE are usually placed behind the backrest. Open a songbook and look for the number listed on the board so you can sing along. TPE contains readings and prayers that will be said during the mass. Use the book as a guide so you can attend mass as best you can.
- The text of the prayer is printed in full in the TPE along with the response that must be said aloud by the people.
- If you're confused, follow the words someone else is saying, instead of searching for text in a book.
Part 3 of 3: Participating in Mass

Step 1. Follow the other person's movements as they stand, sit, or kneel
Mass is an activity that involves body movements so that everyone moves a lot during the mass. People will stand when mass begins and then kneel or stand while praying. You may feel confused at first, but don't worry! Just follow what other people are doing.
Usually, the priest does not ask people to stand or kneel. So you need to pay attention and imitate the movements of other people around you

Step 2. Greet the other person during Greetings of Peace
This activity takes place after the Lord's Prayer. Usually, the pastor says, "Let's shake hands to share God's Peace with others". Today, everyone stands up and greets each other, for example by putting their palms together on their chests or shaking hands while saying, "Peace be with you."
- In certain countries or cultures, for example in Asia, bowing or nodding your head is polite enough to give a greeting.
- Do not shake hands if you are sick or there is an outbreak of an infectious disease. In conditions like this, you simply smile at others.

Step 3. Remain seated while communion is distributed
After the priest performs the consecration, the prodeacon or brother will take the cup containing the host and distribute the host to the people. You may not receive Holy Communion unless you have been baptized Catholic and received First Communion. Make way for people who want or have already received Communion. Stand for a while if necessary and then sit down again after they have walked past you.
In some countries, you may receive your blessing by marching with people wishing to receive Communion, but you must cross your arms over your chest and clench your fists over your shoulders when standing in front of the person distributing the hosts

Step 4. Do not go home until the minister of the mass has entered the sacristy
After communion, there are still some prayers before the priest gives the closing blessing. Then, people will stand up and go home. Before leaving the church, they would stand facing the Tabernacle and genuflect once more. At this point, you can walk out of the church in peace.

Step 5. Appreciate the artwork in the church
After mass, take the time to look at the artworks in the church, such as statues, paintings, and others. Statues are not church icons and Catholics do not pray to them. While it may seem a little mysterious when you first see it, the statues and paintings help Catholics understand their beliefs. Do not disturb people who are praying.
Usually, devotees put a lit candle in front of the statue. You can light a candle as a gesture of prayer

Step 6. Ask other people questions
After the mass, members of several Catholic churches took time to chat with other people. Feel free to greet them and ask questions if needed. Usually, the priest also gathers or comes to the rectory to discuss with the priest in private.
For example, ask the priest, "When and what is holy water used for?" or "What is the procedure for becoming a Catholic."
- You are free to come to church and attend mass at any time. Remember that no one has the right to force you to repent or be baptized Catholic.
- You are not required to provide a collection when the collection box is circulated.
- Attend mass in some churches. Each church has its own unique architecture, congregation, and way of worship.
- When making the Sign of the Cross, touch the fingers of your right hand to your forehead, chest, left shoulder, then right shoulder.