Learning to read Tarot cards requires a combination of knowledge and intuition that anyone can develop. Follow the steps below to hone your skills as a Tarot fortune teller so that you can provide insight and guidance to anyone looking for it or to support your personal development.
Method 1 of 5: Recognizing the Tarot

Step 1. Choose a deck of cards
Different tarot decks use different symbology. One of the most widely used and taught is the Rider-Waite Tarot or one of its clones – the Morgan Greer Tarot, for example. However, it's very important for a tarot deck to speak to you, so browse through the different ones and read reviews to learn what other people like and don't like about it.
- Classic and popular Tarot decks are always in circulation, but tarot decks are published every year so there will always be new changing cards to study.
- The five best tarot decks are: Deviant Moon Tarot, Rider-Waite Tarot, Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot, DruidCraft Tarot and Shadwoscapes.

Step 2. Define your mission
Defining what exactly you want to achieve in your relationship with Tarot can help you on your journey to becoming a reader. If you know what results you want to achieve, you are better able to see objectively where you are now and what steps you need to take to achieve your “goals”. Ask yourself what your intentions are for the Tarot deck or how you plan to use it to serve others. A mission statement may reflect goals such as wanting to develop greater intuition, increase creativity or connect with spiritual powers. This statement is different and personal to each individual who makes it.

Step 3. Transfer your energy to the deck
The best way to do this is to play cards. Shake again and again. Place them in order (from Fool to World, followed by all parts, Ace to Ten, then Page, Knight, Queen, and King). Playing cards will help him become an extension of yourself.

Step 4. Understand how the deck works
The Tarot deck is composed of 78 cards: 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana. You have to memorize and be able to identify each card and also give 2 predictions for each card.
- Major arcana. Tarot cards depicted in the major arcana are images that describe life and the levels and experiences that we all go through. It is meant to be a story of a person's journey through life starting with The Fool (young and pure energy in the form of a spirit) moving through events and cycles and finding completion in The World (the end of our life cycle).
Minor arcana. Minor cards describe people, events, feelings and circumstances that we encounter on our personal “Fool Journey.” These describe events that are within individual control and indicate how you do things. Minor arcana resemble traditional playing cards. It is made of 4 suits, and each of these suits is associated with one element: Wands (Fire), Cups (Water), Pentacles (Earth) and Swords (Air). There are also Queen, King and Knight (or Jack) each suit plus Pages or Princesses.
Memorizing 78 cards in total will take some time. Try practicing with someone who can test you using the deck as a kind of flash card set

Step 5. Buy a good book
A well-written book will help you understand the basics of Tarot which will greatly help you get started with tarot card reading. Some books will guide you through the process in a way that emphasizes memorization whereas others encourage participation. Choose a book that fits your learning style.
- Don't think about relying on your book alone. While books can be of great help in your learning, you will need to combine intuition with your book knowledge to fully develop as a Tarot card reader.
- Try this trick to incorporate intuition into your learning. Look at each card and determine what it means to you. Don't worry about whether it's true or not – just follow your feelings. Then look in the book and read what it means. This will take your focus away from just memorizing and eliminate your fear of mistakes, and will allow you to create forecasts that flow well because of the way you personally relate them to the cards.
Method 2 of 5: Playing with the Basics

Step 1. Choose one card for one day
You can choose cards just as a way to identify the deck or you can choose them to get predictions about tomorrow.
To recognize the deck.
Choose a card at random and pendang for a while. Write down your first sense impressions and thoughts. Write this down with a specific color of ink in a journal or notebook. With a different second color of ink, write down any information you find about the card from other sources (books, e-groups, friends). After a few days, review what you have written and add comments in a third ink color.
Get daily forecast.
Pick a card at random in the morning. Spend more time looking at it. Pay attention to the color and how you react to it. Take note of the general mood of the card and the emotions you feel because of it. Look at the picture on the card – what they do, do they sit or stand, do they remind you of someone and how you feel about them. Focus your attention on the symbol and if it reminds you of something. Write your thoughts in a journal – you can revisit them as a study tool and use them to track your progress.

Step 2. Learn the card combinations
It's important for novice card readers to see Tarot not as 78 separate cards but as a system of patterns and interactions. Studying card combinations can help you understand the concept. Take 2 cards from the deck and place them face to face with each other. Now, look for pictures, locations and events in the combination of the two cards. You can practice with more cards or do one full card opening. The goal is to study the cards in combination to develop a deeper understanding and increase confidence when fortune-telling.

Step 3. Create a constellation
The Tarot constellation consists of all cards with the same prime number (one to 9). For example, the Tarot constellation for number 4 is card number 4 from each set of Emperor (which carries number 4) and Death (which carries number 13 but decreases to number 4 (1+3=4)).
- Line up the cards in the constellation in front of you and ask yourself a few questions about how you feel about each card, what attracts, annoys, annoys, or makes you nervous about the card, what makes it similar and different and what symbols it has in common. Repeat this exercise for each of the nine prime numbers and record your impressions in a journal.
- Understand that the energy in each of these cards will make it easier for a prediction to be more fluid when two or more of the same number come out. Don't just focus on the meaning of a card, you should be able to focus on the energy it brings in a group.

Step 4. Play a card resolution game
Go through your deck and pull out the cards that you find difficult. Spend some time with him trying to get to the root of your impression. Then go through the deck again and pull out one or more cards that you feel bring resolution to the difficult cards.
The game actually helps you develop abilities that you can use in divination. When a difficult card appears in one of your predictions and you want to help the Seeker solve the problem, you can suggest a card that will neutralize the difficult card
Method 3 of 5: Do a Simple Divination

Step 1. Create a story
Tarot divination is a narrative, a story you tell the Seeker. It is an attempt to highlight past influences, understand the present state and predict the most probable future. The future you speak of is not a fixed or definite outcome; It is very important to remember that there are no definite or absolute endings.

Step 2. Get to know the spreads. A “spread” is the arrangement of your cards. A Tarot spread is an arrangement or pattern of cards. This pattern provides the structure for tarot divination. Later, each Tarot card position in the spread has a certain meaning. Your forecast will use the location or position of the cards within the identified theme. For example, most spreads will have positions for the past, present, and future. These spreads can also have positions for inner feelings, certain challenges, outside factors and so on. There are hundreds of different spreads to try, and the more experienced astrologer can create his own. Try different spreads, try to choose a spread that supports your imagination and intuition. Determining what is best for you is very important; most readers depend on a particular spread that works best for them.

Step 3. Start with a Three Card Spread. Three-card spreads are excellent for predicting answers to uncomplicated questions, with a focus on simplicity for novice readers. Position yourself in advance, work out your spreads and use what you've learned about cards and combinations to create a story.
- Several positions allow for forecasts designed to understand a situation including: past/present/future, current situation/obstacles/suggestions, where you are now/your goals/how to achieve them and what will help you/what that will get in your way/what is your hidden potential.
- Some possible positions for forecasts designed to understand relationships include: you/the other person/relationship, luck/challenge/outcome, what brings you together/what will separate you/what you need to pay attention to and what you expect from the relationship where this relationship will lead.
- Several positions allow for divination designed to understand the relationship including: mind/body/spirit, material status/emotional status/spirit status, you/your current path/your potential and stop/start/go on.
Method 4 of 5: Making More Complex Spreads

Step 1. Separate your cards
To start this 21-card spread, separate the Major Arcana from the Minor Arcama.

Step 2. Create a spread. Shuffle each set of cards, cut and place them in rows of 3 crossed, 7 down with one card on the side. This will use up all Major Arcana but leave some Minor Arcana cards. Set aside in a pile.

Step 3. Write down your impressions
Make a list of the cards you have issued. Choose the word that best describes each card, and write it next to it.

Step 4. Look at the picture on the card
What are the suggestions for you? Identify narrative patterns, as if you were looking at an illustrated book and trying to figure out the story. The pattern can be across, down, diagonally or first to last. The card on the side signifies the most important element in the situation.

Step 5. Ask questions
Ask yourself what situation in your life or the life of the person whose card you are reading is what the card seems to indicate.

Step 6. Consider alternatives
Look for narrative patterns that offer alternatives to the first perceived ending, which could make the situation better or worse.

Step 7. Review your words
Consider the word you have assigned to each card. How can it be applied to the stories you have identified?

Step 8. Combine everything
Combine your perceptions from the steps above into one forecast. You may be surprised at how accurate the forecast is when using a deck guide.
Remember that if there comes a time when it feels like a card has a different meaning to you than what the book says, go with that understanding. Trusting your intuition is the correct way to read tarot cards and something you'll start to naturally do as you become more experienced. Let the cards speak to you
Method 5 of 5: Protect Your Deck

Step 1. Store your deck well
Tarot cards can pick up negative energies that can interfere with your divination. It is highly recommended that you store your cards in a black bag or wooden Tarot card box. You can include gemstones or herbs that increase his psychic abilities.

Step 2. Decide who can touch your card
It is a personal choice whether or not you allow the Seeker to touch your card. Some fortune tellers recommend it – they will ask the Seeker to shuffle the deck as a way of transferring energy to the cards. Another fortune teller prefers not to have anyone else's energy but himself on the deck.

Step 3. Clear your deck
There will be times when you need to clear or clean your deck to get rid of negative energy. There are many ways to do this, but one simple way involves one of the 4 elements. When using this method, start by fanning the deck; if extreme clearing is required, cards can be cleared one by one.
- Earth. Bury the protected deck in sand, salt or soil for 24 hours. Alternatively, fan your deck on a table cloth and sprinkle with salt and/or sand for a minute or two or any combination of basil, lavender, rosemary, sage, or thyme.
- Water. Sprinkle your card lightly with water, herbal tea or plant infusion and then wipe quickly or expose your deck to the moonlight in a protected area for half the night.
- Fire. Being careful not to burn yourself, traverse your deck quickly through the candle flames. You can also expose your deck to the sun in a protected area for half a day.
- Air. Cross your deck 5 to 7 times past burning incense. Or try taking deep breaths and breathing deeply and slowly into your deck 3 times.
- Use the time of shuffling your cards as time to clear your head. Choose a card with a back that appeals to you so you can use it as a focal point for meditation.
- Use crystals to add energy and atmosphere.
- Think of the Major Arcana spread as illustrating the deeper and spiritual aspects of life situations and the Minor as reflecting everyday issues.
- Make all cards face up if you want to avoid a reversal. This method can add meaning but is not necessary and can make learning more complicated for beginners.
- When you feel ready to handle a reversal, there are several ways to approach it. Some fortune tellers read reversal as the opposite of what the card means, but this can reduce your forecast to a very basic and not very valuable level. It can be more thought-provoking to ask if the card being turned over becomes less clear in some way. For example, in 10 cards that are turned over, the happy energy is blocked, reduced, real but not true, true but not real, hidden, promised, or in some other way doesn't actually exist? Context will usually explain it, which is the real case.
- Sometimes the meaning of tarot predictions can feel unclear or have two meanings. To clarify your predictions, practice “reverse divination”: think of understanding first (e.g., “quick resolution”), then try to think of a card that might represent it (e.g. 8 Wand). When you ask a tarot divination, imagine some of the answers you might get and what cards would represent them – “before” you start drawing.
- Light incense and candles to create a relaxing atmosphere for your divination. A glass of wine and smooth music can elevate it too.
- Use the “extra” Minor Arcana stack to decipher difficult card interpretations. Choose one or more cards from the pile and place them on top of the hard cards. Read as a narrative set.
- If you truly believe in the freedom of destiny, this doesn't mean you can't benefit from the descriptive power of tarot. Instead of just using it as a prediction, think of tarot divination as a path map that helps you choose your direction, not to point you in a specific direction.
- Remember to take this not too seriously.
- Some decks can get you hurt. Careful!