How to Fight Xenophobia: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Fight Xenophobia: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Fight Xenophobia: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Xenophobia is the fear and stigma of strangers. People who look different, speak different languages, or have different habits can be perceived as a threat to those who are only used to living within a particular ethnic group, lifestyle, or customs. However, this phobia can still be overcome. You can take action to address them, either directly, through community agreements or politically.


Method 1 of 2: Showing Good Resistance (Personal Solutions for Everyday Cases of Xenophobia)

Get to Know Your Boyfriend Better Step 14
Get to Know Your Boyfriend Better Step 14

Step 1. Deal with people who have xenophobic views in everyday life

You may have relatives or friends who hold nationalist or racist views. Try to take the time to chat with them about their point of view. When talking to someone with racist, nationalist, or xenophobic views, don't attack them directly. Instead, emphasize that his views are wrong and remind him that he is, by nature, a good person who can and should get rid of his inner intolerance.

  • Use calm, reasoned arguments to illustrate that he shouldn't be afraid of a particular group, just because that group is different from him.
  • Surprise him with new information that might change his point of view. For example, if a Catholic is afraid of Muslims, you can explain to him that Muslims worship Siti Maryam (Mary) or consider Isa (Jesus) to be a good prophet and role model.
Ask About a Parent's Previous Marriage Step 3
Ask About a Parent's Previous Marriage Step 3

Step 2. Ask why he perceives one particular group as a threat

Often times, xenophobia is simply a kind of feeling of suspicion or distrust of “others”. The first step in getting a xeonophobic to question his fanatical views is to encourage him to think about the reasons why he perceives differences in culture, religion, and dress code as a threat. Does he feel these things are a threat because of the difference in skin color? Accent? Religious practice? Or stereotypes about certain behaviors? These are common causes of xenophobia.

Defend Yourself in an Athletic Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Step 13
Defend Yourself in an Athletic Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Step 13

Step 3. Show him that xenophobia is a problem

Xenophobia leads to discrimination, racism, and nationalism which leads to violence, hatred, and exploitation. Many of the world's most horrific atrocities-from the Holocaust to the Rwandan genocide-are started with xenophobic sentiments. By teaching people about these historical facts, you can prevent the development and emergence of xenophobia in the future. Other examples of xenophobia cases that are considered a disaster or embarrassing situation, among others, are:

  • Anti-Chinese movements in Indonesia, including the May 1998 incident in which houses and shops belonging to Chinese citizens were vandalized and looted
  • The tragedy of the Poso riots involving Muslim and Christian groups
  • The siege of the Papuan student dormitory in Yogyakarta
Write a Comedy Sketch Step 4
Write a Comedy Sketch Step 4

Step 4. Make xenophobia a joke

Jokes or humor can expose the rhetorical silliness behind xenophobia. Use jokes and satire to illustrate how ridiculous it is when people don't appreciate and ignore help for others just because they're different. For example, a parody group popular in Hungary criticized the government's plan to build a high wall along the border to keep out immigrants by expressing joy at the "return" of the Iron Curtain that once divided Europe into two separate regions.

  • You can also draw cartoons railing against xenophobic policies and popular leaders.
  • Although xenophobia is a serious problem, comedy is a great medium to show disapproval of xenophobic ideas and fight these views.
Overcome Language and Culture Differences in a Relationship Step 10
Overcome Language and Culture Differences in a Relationship Step 10

Step 5. Live your dream

Be a role model for others to form a unified society or world and be more accepting of differences. Build coalitions with marginalized groups to solve social and political problems. Also, try joining a sports team, club, or hobby group that has (ethnically) diverse members. Foreign language study groups can be a great option, as can cooking classes that promote global cuisine. Showing open solidarity with other ethnic or racial groups in everyday life is a simple but powerful way to fight xenophobia.

Celebrate diversity in society. If you live in a big city like Jakarta, Surabaya, or Bandung, try visiting areas where many other ethnic groups live, such as Chinatown or Kya Kya. Try chatting with the people who live there and become a customer of the business or shop they run

Method 2 of 2: Getting Help (Sociopolitical Solutions)

Get Involved in Local Politics Step 13
Get Involved in Local Politics Step 13

Step 1. Support progressive politicians

In politics, xenophobia is sometimes manifested in the form of jingoism, extreme nationalism with narrow boundaries coupled with a more military-based foreign policy. Meanwhile, progressive politicians are the opposite of jingoistic politicians; they strive for peaceful resolutions, respect multiculturalism, and embrace equality for all, regardless of country (or, in this case, ethnicity), religion or belief. Don't support politicians who support war or punishment of different ethnic or cultural groups, just because of differences.

Defend Yourself in an Athletic Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Step 11
Defend Yourself in an Athletic Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Step 11

Step 2. Support the issuance of laws against xenophobia

Laws that strictly control speech or speech, as well as hate crimes are powerful deterrents against xenophobia. People with xenophobic views tend to support strict immigration processes and refugee policies that limit the number of people seeking asylum.

  • Sue people who spread hate speech and commit crimes against different ethnic groups.
  • When a foreigner is threatened, attacked, or his business is destroyed, there must be a party responsible for the incident. Punishment for the perpetrator or trigger of the violence can be a clear message that xenophobia is unacceptable.
  • It is important that you get help and support in the implementation of the law. Sometimes, the police are not properly trained in dealing with criminal acts that are fueled by hatred against a particular group or, even worse, extortion of refugees, migrants and foreigners.
Call a Meeting to Order Step 1
Call a Meeting to Order Step 1

Step 3. Emphasize equality in the world of institutions

Develop educational curricula that accept differences and encourage tolerance for different cultures. In addition, establish rules for hiring, firing, giving gifts and compensating workers to ensure that all workers receive fair treatment. In schools, government offices, and industry, highlight positive images of minorities, foreigners, asylum seekers and marginalized people who are at risk of being targeted by xenophobic attacks.

Mentally Prepare for a Speech Step 11
Mentally Prepare for a Speech Step 11

Step 4. Create an organization to fight xenophobia

Form or join a non-profit organization that fights for equality and social inclusion. Hold rallies and movements against cases and laws that support xenophobia.

  • The existence of these movements can send a strong message to people who have a xenophobic view that their behavior is unacceptable.
  • Use social media to spread your message and actions.
  • Launch public education and awareness campaigns to emphasize that foreigners and refugees also deserve respect and empathy.
  • Include people from marginalized groups in the decision-making process.
  • Use relevant holidays such as International Refugee Day (20 June) and World Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March) to draw people's attention to xenophobic issues.
Recognize Bias in a Newspaper Article Step 4
Recognize Bias in a Newspaper Article Step 4

Step 5. Use the power of the press

Journalists can be an important source of information and education to fight xenophobia. Try writing a piece to submit to your city's newspaper, news website of choice, or news magazine asking for more stories about cases of xenophobia affecting people, both at home and abroad. Redistribute the stories or stories about xenophobia that you see on the internet through social media. Make xenophobia a real problem.

Create a blog to critique and document the xenophobic sentiments you hear from public figures, celebrities, or those around you

Find People to Make Friends Step 18
Find People to Make Friends Step 18

Step 6. Invite victims to join the fight against xenophobia

People experiencing cases of xenophobia should be included in the decision-making process to find out what their experiences with cases of xenophobia have been like and what they feel are appropriate ways to combat it. Invite migrants, foreign refugees, and victims of racism and discrimination to talk about their experiences and feelings when the xenophobic case happened.

  • Provide victims of xenophobic cases with a platform or media to report perpetrators of violence. In general, the quality and scope of documentation of cases of xenophobic violence is still very low.
  • Provide assistance to victims of xenophobic attacks. The assistance provided can be in the form of food, shelter, clothing, or non-material assistance such as counselling.
  • Show victims that they have rights and should not stand by in suffering.


  • If you have a xenophobic view, ask someone else to help change your point of view.
  • The fight against xenophobia is a noble thing. However, understand that it may take a very long time to achieve the goal of the struggle. Often, the causes of xenophobic views are historical or psychological in origin. Regardless of the root of the problem, don't give up and keep fighting.
