Being over-the-top is a great way to steal the attention of the woman you like; indirectly, you are giving a signal that you are worth pursuing. Make no mistake; a man who always follows the woman he wants wherever she goes and sings romantic songs too often while playing the guitar just feels boring! In simple terms, being over-the-top means implicitly showing your interest. Want to get the woman of your dreams without too much effort? Read on for this article!
Part 1 of 2: Stealing His Attention

Step 1. Let him focus on himself, not you
If you're trying to be over-the-top, make sure you don't open up or express your feelings overtly to the woman you like. Instead, steal his attention by constantly teasing him and making fun of him; keep the situation relaxed, light and fun. As much as possible, don't give direct signals that you like him. Let him guess your true feelings; flirt with him, then pull away when the personal distance between the two of you is getting closer. Let him wonder while maintaining his interest.
You can make a joke of it by saying, “Oh my gosh, this pink lover! My eyes are blinding” or “I've never met someone so obsessed with cats”. Joke around with her and show her that you appreciate her without praising her too much. Trust me, you will steal his attention in no time

Step 2. Don't immediately respond to his SMS or calls
If you want to be over-the-top, don't show that your world just revolves around it. If he calls you, don't pick up on the first ring (or second ring, even third ring). Show that you also have other things to do. But don't keep pretending to be busy so you always ignore it. It's a good idea to give him a few hours to get back in touch with him.
- Also, don't keep calling the woman you like asking less important things like what she ate for breakfast or what she thinks about life.
- Who says you can only approach one woman? As long as you are not tied up, open yourself freely and explore all the options available in front of your eyes!
- If he texts you, don't reply right away. Do other things first (like making sandwiches, for example) and give yourself a 15-minute break before replying (even if you really want to!). If he calls you, let the message go to voicemail and wait a few hours before calling him back. If you really want to pick up the phone, at least wait until the third ring.

Step 3. After exchanging phone numbers with him, let him call you first
Of course, he won't (because he expects the same from you too). After a few days have passed, you will have to decide whether or not you need to continue with this “sell high” strategy. You can contact him first, then let him do the same at another time. Make it clear that you're not going to be the one trying all the time. Show him that he shouldn't just wait for you to call him, because that won't happen.

Step 4. Don't be too quick to open up about your feelings
In other words, wait until he starts the topic. If you're the first to start, he's likely to feel uncomfortable because he thinks you're being too aggressive. Show your concern and feelings through implicit words and actions. The longer you do it, the better chance you have of getting it when the time comes. But remember, your risk of accepting rejection also increases. If you open up to your feelings early, chances are your interest will not match his enthusiasm.
Show your interest in an implicit way, for example by complimenting him or showing that you feel comfortable with him. But make sure you don't go too extreme and say things like, "I've never met a woman like you" or "I think I really like you." Doing so will only make your efforts so far in vain

Step 5. Don't show that you will always be there for him
Doing the opposite (for example by spending time entirely on weekends only) may bore him and lose interest in you. Even though it's a big risk, don't show that you're willing to give up everything just to travel with him. If he takes you on a trip somewhere, tell him you're busy at the time and offer another chance to meet up. Or, if you really want to travel with him, accept the invitation but give the impression that you have a busy day ahead. Be available when needed, but don't make it seem like you don't have a social life.
A basic rule of thumb you can follow: if he asks you what you're doing on the weekend (and takes you on a trip) at least a day or two in advance, it's best to decline the invitation. Don't look like someone who's always out on the weekends. He might think you really don't have anything busy every weekend

Step 6. Don't do physical touch yet
Of course you have to show attention to him. But at the beginning of the introduction, don't immediately hug him while sitting in the cinema or hold his hand while walking. Wait until you've had the chance to travel with him a few times before entering the "physical touch" stage. If you act too aggressively before he's ready to accept it, his attraction to you will quickly decline. Find the right moment to surprise him with natural physical touches.
There's no need to rush. Let him guess how you feel about him, but don't keep him confused for too long. If you hug him right away on the first date, he'll instantly know what your goals are and your "high-sell" strategy will fail

Step 7. Don't be around him too much
When dropping her off on the first date, don't delay your return. If you don't come home right away and keep talking to him while looking him in the eye, he'll know right away that you like him. Instead, tell him the date was fun and come home right after. Hold on long enough for him to be happy with the moments you spent together, but not so long that he wonders, “When is this guy coming home?”.
You can apply this method when on a date or when you run into him somewhere. If you run into her, immediately tell her that you should leave when your conversation is over, not when you've run out of topics. Make him feel tempted to talk to you longer and don't let the awkwardness overwhelm you
Part 2 of 2: Keeping His Interests

Step 1. Open yourself up gradually
The point of this strategy is to keep the woman of your dreams interested and at the same time make her want something more from your relationship with her. If in the early stages you've opened up everything, it means he no longer needs to try to recognize you. Make your relationship more challenging; show him that trust is the most important foundation for sharing your fears, doubts, and the things that are important in your life. As time goes on, say more about yourself.
On the first date, you can talk about light things like hobbies or your pet dog. On the second date, talk about things that are more personal, such as about your friends or relatives. On the third date, you can start talking about more serious things like dreams, goals, and future plans that he didn't know about when he first met you. In this way, he will see you as attractive and worthy of further recognition

Step 2. Don't be rude or obnoxious
Remember, selling expensive is not the same as being annoying. Don't try to make him jealous by talking about other attractive women in front of him. She wanted a man who was mysterious and able to make a strong positive impression, not a cheeky john. It's especially pointless if you really just like it. There's no need to pretend you're chasing lots of women just to make him feel jealous. There is a very clear line between “restraint” and “behaving inappropriately”. Make sure any strategies you use don't end up hurting or compromising his feelings.
You can joke with him to the extent that he is able to accept – and even reciprocate – the joke. Make him think that you are joking to tease him, not to hurt him. If his heart is hurt, he will no longer be attracted to you

Step 3. Don't explain your plan too clearly
If you have to go somewhere, don't go into all the details about why and where you're going. If you must travel with another woman, don't lie to her but also don't have to keep her informed. If you have to celebrate your aunt's birthday this weekend, simply say that you have plans for the weekend. This way, you're being honest and making him curious about what you're going to do.
In fact, the more busy and mysterious you seem, the more the woman will want to be involved in your activities. If taking care of your younger sibling is the only thing you're busy with right now, don't tell him! Let him imagine you're on a special date with your favorite artist, not taking your sister to soccer practice

Step 4. Express your feelings little by little
After some time has passed, get back in touch with him and let him know that you are still interested in his offer. Free him from feeling confused and annoyed because you "ignore" all this time. Approach him a little further and be more sensitive than usual. At this point, the door to his heart is wide open for you and you've managed to make him want you more. But remember, don't make him wait too long if you don't want him to get frustrated and decide to forget about you. Always leave traces of hope and hold him in his love for you.
He'll appreciate it much more if you're willing to let him know little by little (rather than completely hiding it). Trust me, over time, you can be more honest with your own feelings. He will also realize that staying by your side is the right decision

Step 5. Make sure you don't go too far
The most important thing in the “sell high” strategy is knowing the boundaries. While implementing the strategy, make sure your actions don't make him hate you. Don't go too far; if you feel that his interest in you is starting to fade, encourage him to pay attention to you again (instead, pay more attention to him). Remember, this is a game; or if the term “game” sounds negative, let's say the two of you are in the middle of the dance floor. If you seem "too busy" and not very interested in him, he will soon turn his attention to another guy who is more open to him. Show that you are attracted to him in a less aggressive way.
- If you want to look super busy to the point of putting off going out with him for weeks, chances are he'll start looking for another guy who's more "reachable."
- If you never compliment him or give him a signal that you like him, chances are he will feel rejected by you. At least, give a little signal or gesture that makes him curious. Think about it: would you want to be with someone who doesn't seem to care about you at all?

Step 6. Realize that your pursuit never ends
Even if your strategy messes with his mind, don't stop chasing him. This doesn't mean you have to hide your feelings all the time or pretend you're busy when in fact you're free; most importantly, keep each other's attraction alive. Keep your relationship fresh and interesting, even after you've both confessed your feelings for each other.
The feeling of liking is something that should be reciprocal. If she's the only one trying to chase after you – while you're constantly being mysterious and unpredictable – she'll soon be tired and bored
- Be manly. Being overpriced is not the same as stopping appreciating it. Don't refuse to open the car door or pull out a seat for him. Be polite and respect it while maintaining a reasonable personal distance. I'm sure his attraction to you will gradually increase.
- Don't focus too much on your interests. If you've been selling hard and (in fact) still can't get his attention, it's a sign that he really doesn't like you. Remember, one's feelings cannot be forced. Even if you really like him, chasing after someone who isn't for you is just a waste of time and effort.
- Remember, the strategies above can actually turn against you if all you keep doing is making him believe that you don't like him. Even if you later admit that you REALLY like him, he'll think you're a manipulative guy.
- Being over-the-top doesn't mean ignoring him or stopping showing your interest in him. Don't squander an opportunity just because you're desperately trying to sell it. Be a little mysterious and don't forget to show your interest and love.
- Sometimes, the best method is the simplest method. Consider conveying your interest in him right away and let things develop from there.
- Flirting is not the same as being rude or annoying. Filter your jokes!