Your boyfriend knows how to stimulate you, but are you ready to stimulate him too? Whether you're in a new relationship or you want to add spice to your relationship routine, wikiHow can help you stimulate your partner. Make him "want" you by starting from Step 1 below!
Part 1 of 4: Amaze Her

Step 1. Start slowly
The key to stimulating women is patience. Although men generally get aroused quickly, women need more time. This means that you have to prepare a few things and seduce him well and slowly.
One of the biggest parts of getting started is making him feel comfortable and safe. You'll see lots of steps below that explain how to respect a woman, get a deal with her, or even do some things you didn't think would "stimulate" her. Don't overlook these things because they are important! Sex is a big thing on a woman's mind, and if you can make her worry less, you're halfway there

Step 2. Make her feel beautiful
Do you know the warm feeling that comes when someone says you're attractive? You have to create it for him. The fact that you think she's beautiful is quite stimulating. Here's how to convey it in moderation:
- Say "Hi, beautiful girl" or "Hello, beautiful" when you greet her. Both sayings are simple and short, but to the point.
- Give praise. Turn down the volume and lower the pitch of your voice, then say something like "You look amazing today" or "I love your eyes."

Step 3. Be the best version of yourself
Be a really good person, that is, one who appreciates it and thinks it is more beautiful than a beautiful sight when the sun goes down. Be the person who works hard and makes him feel like he can work hard more easily, by reducing his burden. These things make his feelings for you will not dim.

Step 4. Be confident, even when you don't feel confident
Some women like guys who are nervous or even awkward around them, but don't overdo it. If your lover is shy, show your confidence; If your lover is confident, don't hesitate to show shame. Straighten your shoulders and lift your chin, and make sure that you're not afraid to look into his eyes. You must state that you are strong, courageous, and worthy of his attention through body language.

Step 5. Clean yourself up
Take a shower, spray deodorant, shave your mustache and beard neatly, clean your teeth, and wear clean clothes. If you want, you can also style your hair and spray a little cologne. You will feel confident and powerful when you are physically at your best.

Step 6. Know how to treat women
Save dirty jokes and indecent discussions for your male friends. Make sure that you behave politely when you are with a woman you like. Practice good table manners, open the door for him, then say "please" and "thank you". Good behavior isn't exactly attractive, but bad behavior is definitely unattractive, so do it the safe way.
Part 2 of 4: Building a Romantic Atmosphere

Step 1. Start with a slow, gentle touch
You can do it briefly, whether at the end of a date, while you're watching a movie, or any time - in essence, touch doesn't need to be saved until you and your partner are getting intimate. Touch can show that you are interested in doing things further with your partner.

Step 2. Use prompts
The ear is a sensitive area for both men and women, and a little pressure from your breath may be comfortable. Saying the right things can also stimulate him. Try saying things like: "I can't stop thinking about you today."

Step 3. Try to pet it
Run the backs of your fingers on the sides of his face. It would be nice if you could lock eye contact with him at the same time.

Step 4. Touch the back of the neck
You can run your thumbs along the line at the base of her hair if you're already embracing her shoulders, or you can offer her a neck massage. Make sure that you do it slowly and gently.

Step 5. Touch her wrist
Make sure that you are always confident when starting out; hold both hands. If the two of you are already holding on, try rubbing the inside of his wrist or the palm of his hand. A kiss on the inside of the wrist may also be helpful.

Step 6. Play with her hair
The scalp is a sensitive area for most people, and the gentle tugging (remind: gentle, not hard) when you play with her hair may be comfortable. Use your fingers to comb, curl, or stroke the head.

Step 7. Touch the feet
If you're not sure if this is acceptable to him, try placing your hand on his thigh. This method is best to try when both of you are sitting down. Let your hands on your lover's thighs naturally and relaxed. If he doesn't seem to mind, you can start gently rubbing his feet, keeping your hands in a steady position.
Part 3 of 4: Getting a Deal for Further Relationships

Step 1. Give a great kiss
If done right, kissing is the most effective way to get a woman's attention. Keep your breath fresh with gum or mouthwash, and make sure that your lips are open. Tight, pursed lips are perfect for kissing grandma! You should also keep the tongue moving gently (at first). You should kiss it lightly, gently, and make sure that you change the tempo when you do it, from fast to slow, and vice versa.
Know the right position for your hand. The back of the neck, the sides of the face, or the waist of your lover is the right area for your hands when kissing

Step 2. Get the approval
If you touch certain body parts without getting their consent, you have been sexually harassed. Simple questions like "It's okay, right?" it's enough. If he says yes, you can do it; if he says no, make sure that you stop right away.

Step 3. Tell him what you want
Women can be more sexual than you think, and it doesn't hurt to say how much you want to (when you've got a little bit of his approval). It can really stimulate women! Think about it: You will also be aroused when you feel wanted by other people. Don't say it too flashy, but don't be afraid to tell her how sexy she is to you, and how impatient you are to make out with her in bed.

Step 4. Focus on sensitive areas that are more intimate
If you've tried some of the suggestions above and he's allowed you to do so, here are some intimate areas you can try, with light touches, and gentle, slow kisses.
- Neck, throat, collarbone, and shoulders.
- Feet and ankles.
- Lower back (towards the bottom of the spine)
- Back of the knee
- The inside of the thigh
- Ear
- The inside of the upper arm.

Step 5. Do it with some variations
If you find an area that makes him happy to be touched, don't touch it too much. Instead, stop touching the area for a while, then do it again slowly, by touching several other parts until you get back to that part. The thing you're looking forward to will feel more intense when you actually touch it.

Step 6. Let him want more
Quitting before your partner gets bored is fine in most social interactions, but it really matters here. If you stop while he's still interested in it, he'll keep thinking about you.
Part 4 of 4: Making Lovers Wild

Step 1. Prepare oil or lubricant to smooth everything out
Again, women take longer to get aroused, and on the other hand, friction can make the skin sensitive or even painful. Get a good massage oil or lubricant to keep all parts smooth, and also to ensure that sexy feeling persists if you plan on having fun for a long time.

Step 2. Kiss the area around her lips
Use your fingers to lightly rub the edges of your lips. Do you feel it? The skin on the edges of the lips is very sensitive. Kiss your lover on the lips, and don't want to give a full kiss for a few minutes (no matter how many times he tries). He will go crazy.

Step 3. Master the belly, side, and pelvic kisses
The neck and the inside of the thighs are usually common sensitive points. In fact, humans forget other sensitive parts of the body because they know these parts are clearly sensitive. If you want to make him squirm, kiss along the ribs (the easy ticklish point), the curvature behind the belly, and the protruding part of the pelvic bone (usually located just above or below the waist.

Step 4. Remove the clothes slowly
Don't undress too quickly, and make it a part of the experience, not just an obstacle. Women spend a long time to make themselves look beautiful. When you take off all his clothes without appreciating him at all, it's like someone giving you a very neatly wrapped gift, but you don't care at all.

Step 5. Add a little something unique
You don't have to go wild, but you can make him focus on what he's really feeling by closing his eyes or tying his hands together. Make sure that he agrees!

Step 6. Learn about female anatomy
If you really want to take it seriously, a better way to physically stimulate it is to take advantage of its anatomy. Get a good source of female anatomy knowledge, then start your experiment. The clitoris is your friend. Discover and master about the clitoris. However, don't overlook the other sensitive parts around it! Good luck.
- Try kissing his neck. Women love it.
- Hug him from behind. Let your hands around her waist, it stimulates women.
- Hold him from behind, then kiss his neck ❤️.
- Never press it; it will only make him angry or scared, not aroused. When he asks you to stop, stop. When you overdo it, his trust in you will be lost.
- Make him feel wanted.
- Make him feel happy with himself.
- Don't be rude or do anything to make her feel uncomfortable.
- Some women like to joke around. Try to tickle him. Carrying her on her back may seem basic, but there are plenty of opportunities to touch each other while doing it. Give him a tight, warm, and comfortable hug. Give her back a massage, and try to play with her hair!
- When kissing, try to tilt your head back a little so that he leans towards you, and do it in a way that seems seductive. (This method works best if one of you holds your partner tightly).
- Be a good person, and know that hugs and holding hands are great and can help you. You can learn about a woman just by spending time with her. Many different women.
- Show your joy.
- Don't touch her "private" too much - she may feel uncomfortable. Instead, try to hold her hand - women like men who hold her hand. You can also try to hold his waist while kissing (best when you and your partner are standing).
- Run your fingers along the back of his neck, then pinch gently with your thumb and forefinger. After that, start stroking your fingers from the top of your back to the bottom of your back, but don't touch the bottom!
- When kissing her, grab the back of her arm with one hand, then use the other to hold her cheek or side of her body, between her pelvis and ribs.
- Women like to rub the soles of the feet.
- Don't intimidate him too much because he will feel that you are being rude to him.
- Hug him from behind, then rest your head on his shoulder.
- Kiss her ears, neck, collarbone and lower back.
- Start by kissing her once on the neck, then give small kisses gently until it reaches her mouth, it's a simple sexy way to stimulate a woman.
- Get him close by touching his face with your hand when kissing, and as close as possible to your body with your partner. If he doesn't mind, use your hand to stroke his chest one last time.
- If he says no, then stop.
- If he doesn't respond, stop and ask what's wrong. If he doesn't express consent, assume he doesn't want to.
- If drunk, he cannot give consent with a clear mind and mind, and taking advantage of such a situation would be considered sexual harassment.