Being Study Diligent means that you are serious and committed to learning. Study hard people also know how to have fun, but they make studying their top priority and stick to a complete and detailed study plan. However, being studious doesn't mean just learning a lot - it's also about the mindset that allows you to be enthusiastic about learning.
Method 1 of 3: Get a Diligent Study Mindset

Step 1. Learn to focus
People today are more dependent on technology, it makes it difficult for us to focus on one thing for long periods of time. You may be used to checking your email or cell phone every 15 minutes, but if you are really committed to studying hard, you should concentrate on working for 30, 45 or even 60 minutes at a time. You can train to be more focused for longer periods of time if you commit to it.
- Learn to monitor yourself and be aware when your thoughts wander. If something else is bothering you, tell yourself that you will dedicate a full 15 minutes to concentrating instead of letting it distract you.
- Rest is as important as focus. You need to rest for 10 minutes per hour, so that your mind can refocus.

Step 2. Focus in class
An important part of being studious is focusing in class. Try to absorb everything your teacher says and try to understand the material. Avoid distractions as much as possible and don't be complacent to talk to the friend next to you. Read with your teacher and make sure you don't waste class time looking at the clock or studying for other classes. Make yourself mindful and don't let your mind wander; if wandering around, jot down something important and refocus.
- If you don't understand something, don't hesitate to ask; Study hard doesn't mean you know everything, but it means you are committed to the way you study.
- If you can choose your seat, sitting near the teacher can foster a good relationship with the teacher and can concentrate better because you will feel more responsible.

Step 3. Participate in class
People who study hard will actively participate in the classroom and be directly involved in the learning process. They will answer questions when the teacher asks them to, and they will raise their hands if there is something they want to ask, and they will volunteer in the activities they are asked to do. You don't have to answer all the questions that are asked, you have to provide opportunities for other students to answer them, but you must be an active and consistent part of the class discussion.
Participating in class can also make you more involved and excited about understanding the material. This can help you absorb the material better at school

Step 4. Make learning a priority
Being diligent in studying does not mean setting aside all your other interests. However, you need to prioritize learning as a top priority in life. When balancing your friends, family time, and extracurricular activities along with your studies, you must make sure not to neglect your studies, and ensure that your social time does not adversely affect your grades. Having a plan can help you ensure that you have time to study together and do your other responsibilities.
- Include study as your daily schedule. It's important to make time for study most days, so you don't end up getting distracted by clubs, hobbies, or other social activities.
- You must understand your best study time. Some people like to study after school, when what they learn is still warm in their minds, while others like to spend the few hours after school to relax.

Step 5. Don't expect perfection
Being studious doesn't mean you have to be the best in school. Being studious means making a serious commitment to your studies. If you expect to be the best student in school, you must have a real commitment to it. It can be your personal goal, the most important thing is when you try to be the best so that you will not feel dissatisfied or pressured.
- Being diligent in studying does not mean having to be the best student in school. Being studious means trying to be the best and keep trying to make improvements.
- If you try to never be wrong, it will make you feel more frustrated and feel less inclined to succeed. If you are interested in why you can't answer a question on a test, then that can shift your focus to other questions.

Step 6. Take notes in class
Taking notes in class will help you focus on understanding the material, jot down important points when your teacher is taking a break from speaking, and stay active and engaged even when you feel tired. You can even take notes with different pen colors, different markers or highlight especially the most important parts. Learn the note-taking style that works best for you and commit to taking as much detail as possible if you want to be studious.
- If you really want to have a studious nature, then you can write down the points conveyed by the teacher according to your version. Thus, you also try to understand the material presented, not just write what is conveyed.
- Try to review your notes daily so you can clarify anything you don't understand with your teacher in the future.

Step 7. Get organized
Study people are usually tidy so they don't waste time looking for notes, homework, or textbooks. If you're disorganized, then you should have a different notebook for each lesson, allocate a few minutes per day to clearing your desk, and make sure you've set aside places for different lessons so you can stay focused and not overwhelmed. You may think that people are naturally disorganized, but you can learn how to be organized if you want to be studious.
- If you set aside 15 minutes per day to keep everything in its place, be it your bedroom or your drawer or notebook, you will be able to practice a regular lifestyle.
- Neatness is a part of being organized. Don't throw your crumpled paper in your bag, and be sure to keep your personal belongings away from study items.

Step 8. Don't worry about other people
If you want to be studious, stop comparing other people to you. Don't try to get the same grades as the girl next to you in Algebra, and don't try to get the best degree like your sister or best friend, unless the goal is realistic. The most important thing is that you strive to be the best instead of comparing yourself to others. If you focus too much on the achievements of others, you will never be satisfied with your own achievements and will not learn with a positive mindset.
The best thing you can do if you know there is a student who is smarter than you is to invite them to study together so you can learn from them. Think of people with knowledge as an asset, not a threat
Method 2 of 3: Develop Persistent Study Habits

Step 1. Create an agenda
If you want to develop persistent study habits, the first thing you should do is make plans for your next study session. If you study without knowing exactly what to do next, then you will be overwhelmed, spend too much time on things that are not important, or get distracted. This can make your study time as productive and efficient as possible, you should mark that your study time is 15 to 30 minutes incrementally, make a plan for each block of your time so you know exactly what to do.
- Having an agenda can also make you feel more motivated. If you have a list of items to do and can go through them individually, then you will feel more successful than if you just study for three hours with no real purpose.
- Limiting each item to a certain amount of time can also help you stay focused. You don't want to digress by studying something less important for too long and ignoring more important concepts.
- You can also create an agenda for a week or a month. If you have an exam in the future, divide the material into specific study sessions so that the material can be organized in such a way.

Step 2. Create a study plan that fits your learning style
Understanding your learning style can help you understand how to learn best for yourself. Everyone has a different learning style, and each learning method, such as flashcards, may or may not be good for some students. Many people also fall into more than one category. Here are the different learning styles and some tips on how to study according to the best way to study:
- Visual. Visual learners learn best by using photos, pictures, and spatial understanding. If you are a visual learner, then graphs and diagrams will help you, as will color marking on each of the different topics. You can also use flow charts when taking notes to get a stronger visual picture of a particular concept.
- Auditory. Learners with this type will learn well through sound. You'll learn best with learning recordings and replays, talking to experts, or participating in class discussions.
- Physical/Kinesthetic. This type of learner will learn best through the use of the body, arms and skills. However, natural learning with this type can be challenging, you can train yourself by looking up words to reinforce learning, using computers to test knowledge and remembering facts as you walk.

Step 3. Rest
Rest is just as important as doing homework, especially when you are developing the habit of diligent study. No one can spend eight hours continuously in front of a computer, desk or textbook, and it's important to take breaks so you can gather and re-energize yourself for studying. Make sure you take a 10-minute break every hour and a half studying, or even more often if needed. Try to get food, sunlight or movement during your rest.
Don't think you are lazy when you rest. In fact, it can make you work harder after resting

Step 4. Avoid distractions while you study
To create the best learning environment, avoid distractions as much as possible. Make it a rule that you can only open YouTube, Facebook or your favorite celebrity gossip during your break. Don't sit next to people who are noisy and distracting or who try to chat with you while studying. Look around you and make sure nothing can distract you from the task.
If you're reliant on your cell phone or Facebook, tell yourself that you'll be studying for an hour before checking out the site. This will make you more motivated to study with the planned time, especially when you know there is a “reward.”

Step 5. Study in a good atmosphere
There is no one best environment for you to study in, and it is your job to determine what is best for yourself. Some people prefer to study in a completely quiet setting without any noise or people, such as their bedroom, while others prefer the atmosphere of a coffee shop. Others prefer to study outdoors while others can only study in the library. Without realizing it, you may be studying in the wrong environment; Try to find the best study situation for you and you will discover how easy it is to be a studious person.
If you usually study in your bedroom and think it's too quiet, try a coffee shop for an alternative option. If you feel bored with the hubbub of coffee shops, then try the library, where you can get from the people who study hard there

Step 6. Bring the things you need to study
To create a good learning atmosphere, you must prepare yourself well. Wear layered clothes or sweaters so you don't feel too hot or cold. Bring healthy snacks, such as nuts, celery, carrots, yogurt, almonds, or cashews so you have something to munch on that doesn't have high sugar content or make you sleepy. Have your notes, extra pens, pre-charged cell phone you might need and anything else you might need to stay focused and ready to start studying.
If you are ready to learn, you don't want your plans to be interrupted because you just feel uncomfortable. Having a good plan for things to bring in advance will help you to study well

Step 7. Use available resources
If you want to study hard, you must understand how to harness the resources at your disposal. This includes talking to a teacher, friend or librarian for additional help, using the school library, or reading recommended online resources and supplementary materials for your lesson. The more resources you use, the greater your chances of becoming a studious person.
People who study hard know a lot. When they don't find what they need from a textbook, they will ask other people, other books or other online resources
Method 3 of 3: Stay Motivated

Step 1. Make small increments
To stay motivated during your efforts to become a studious student, don't feel like a failure if your grades in calculus C don't get you an A-average. Better, you should be proud if your initial C grade can change to B-, and so on. When you become studious and motivated to succeed, you must experience improvement in your work, or you will feel disappointed and hopeless.
Record your progress. When you see how far you have improved since your initial commitment to study hard, you will be truly proud of yourself

Step 2. Find a way to enjoy the material
While you won't like all subjects, you should look for what you want to know in each subject. Maybe English is not your favorite subject, but novels A Separate Peace or Catcher in the Rye is your favorite new novel; You don't have to conform to everything at school, but you should still look for something that really interests you and motivates you to keep learning.
If you find some interesting things in each subject, you will feel more motivated to study hard. Remember that you are not only studying to pass an exam, but to actually gain knowledge, and understanding what you are studying will help you to understand it

Step 3. Form a study group
While not everyone chooses to work with friends or groups, you need to mix it up and try to study hard with others. You can learn a lot from groups, and they can help you stay on track. You may also be able to learn more from a close friend than a teacher, and that allows you to gain an understanding of a lesson after you have taught it to others. Consider this kind of learning technique when you start studying.
- Some students are social and they learn better than others. If you are one of them, then you should try to work with one friend first, and form a study group.
- Make sure that your study group actually spends time studying with reasonable breaks; You don't want to get caught up in something that keeps you from learning.

Step 4. Appreciate yourself for the hard work that has been done
Study hard doesn't mean just about work, work and work. If you really want to make a long-term goal to be studious, then you have to remember to take a break, and to reward yourself for working hard. Every time you get a good score on a test, celebrate by treating yourself to ice cream or watching a movie at the cinema with friends. Every time you study for three hours, reward yourself by watching your favorite TV show. Look for ways to motivate yourself to keep working and to reward yourself for the hard work you have put in.
Appreciate everything that has been done. Don't feel that you don't deserve appreciation just because you didn't get the grades you wanted

Step 5. Remember to keep having fun
While you may think that being studious means you'll never have fun, it's really important that you take a break. If you focus solely on your studies, you will feel incredibly tired and under pressure to keep going. Instead, reward yourself by playing with your friends, doing your hobbies or maybe something less natural like watching The Bachelor every now and then. Taking breaks for fun will allow you to enjoy the learning experience more than usual, and will help you to be diligent in your studies.
- Don't think that a studious person is one who sits in a dark room without taking a break to eat or drink or walk out. People who study hard can have fun, and in fact they will get better results because they can relax and rest.
- Having fun with friends can help you stay balanced and can reduce the stress you have from your studies. If you feel that every single thing of you is dedicated entirely to learning, you will be disappointed.

Step 6. Think broadly
Another way to stay motivated is to remind yourself why you are studying. You may not think of a reason why you should study the French Revolution or read “The Raven,” but every little thing you learn will make you a knowledgeable and interesting person. Earning a star title can help you achieve your main educational goals, whether you want to earn a Masters degree or a PhD. Remind yourself that even though not everything you learn is fun, it will still lead you to success in the future.
If you think you're overthinking something like a test, you're going to take it too seriously. All of this is a commitment to studying over the long term, not just about working hard for personal exams. If you see it as a marathon, not a sprint, then you will not have too much pressure on yourself and you will still be able to study well
- Don't try too hard. Take one step at a time.
- Don't be someone else - if it's not in your nature to be studious, don't try and force yourself.
- Avoid feeling depressed all the time. Have confidence but avoid being overly confident in yourself.